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Plan B

OK, I will haunt shops/shows until I come up with a couple of nice raw coins. Simple, right? Here's where you guys come in. I can't get smart in the next couple of days, so please help.

I need to find two specific coins. Doesn't matter one whit what they are. Price for the pair can be up to, say, $700. That can be divided $350/$350, or $650/$50. Doesn't matter.

The coins will be shipped to PCGS for the requisite reaming.

I will do my best to not get ripped off by looking for coins that aren't overgraded. That's more than enough for my part.

My question: Can you give me a favorite issue that is reasonably foolproof? (I don't live near you, so don't worry I'll buy something out from under you. Wherever you live, I'm somewhere else.) More specifically, I know I can't go find a raw 1885-CC Morgan at MS64 and expect it to come back graded MS65 and I've made a tidy profit. Only the PCGS janitor would do such a thing while everybody else was at lunch. More likely it will come back MS63 after the master rookie gets taken by his friendly dealer or stupidity. Possibly after I sell them, the next owner will send them in for a regrade so that PCGS can make another fee.

It seems what I'm asking is for coins that have smooth transitions in price from one grade to the next, so we can minimize the cornholing. But maybe not--my inner gambler tells me not to be a Liberace-wristed lightweight. Perhaps I'm missing something obvious. If it turns out I blow it, I can accept the failure. There will be many failures.

I need help. I await your words of wisdom. Misinformation welcome, as are insults.


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