Home Buy, Sell, & Trade - U.S. Coins

FS 1988-1996 canadian Maple Leafs

9 coins all BU 1oz silver each 90.00 free Shipping.


  • XXXXXX Posts: 1,633 ✭✭✭
    BTW- I just email to the address and it was returned.

    This report relates to a message you sent with the following header fields:

    Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2005 08:57:33 -0700
    From: "Walt "
    To: <amercoin@bellsouth.net>
    Subject: 88-96 SML's

    Your message cannot be delivered to the following recipients:

    Recipient address: amercoin@bellsouth.net
    Reason: Remote SMTP server has rejected address
    Diagnostic code: smtp;550 Invalid recipient: <amercoin@bellsouth.net>

    Richard, Just got back the coins purchased from you. The results are as follows:

    1 21970522 1988 $5 Maple Leaf/Ag CANADA Cleaning
    2 21970523 1989 $5 Maple Leaf/Ag CANADA Cleaning
    3 21970524 1990 $5 Maple Leaf/Ag CANADA Cleaning
    4 21970525 1991 $5 Maple Leaf/Ag CANADA Cleaning
    5 21970526 1992 $5 Maple Leaf/Ag CANADA Cleaning
    6 21970527 1993 $5 Maple Leaf/Ag CANADA Cleaning
    7 21970528 1994 $5 Maple Leaf/Ag CANADA Cleaning
    8 21970529 1995 $5 Maple Leaf/Ag CANADA Cleaning
    9 21970530 1996 $5 Maple Leaf/Ag CANADA Cleaning

    Besides paying you for 11 and only receiving 9, and then paying grading fees of another 126.00, they all turn out to be cleaned. How do you want to handle this? I would expect at least my cost of the coins back from you. I have already spent double on a coin that is altered. In your PM, I asked you how they would grade, you said MS67-69, MS69 would have been a fetch, but you never indicated the coins had been cleaned. Please refund my money. Thanks, Walt (XXX at the PCGS boards)


    Here was our deals and conversations:

    Date Posted: Feb/28/2005 6:08 PM

    Rec'd the SML's today but only (9) were sent: 88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96.

    Were you going to send me the other 2: 97,98 under seperate wrapper? I was just expecting you were sending all 11 as we had discussed. Thanks, Walt

    PS these do look pretty nice, thanks again.

    Reply Delete Top Bottom

    Date Posted: Feb/23/2005 8:30 AM
    I will try to get your coins mailed today. if not tomorrow. Thanks Richard

    Reply Delete Top Bottom

    Date Posted: Feb/23/2005 4:59 AM
    @, CA XXXXX


    Paypal pymt sent this morning. Thanks, Walt

    Reply Delete Top Bottom

    Date Posted: Feb/22/2005 7:02 AM

    Thanks and I'll get you paid tonight when I get home to my computer. Thanks, again.

    Reply Delete Top Bottom

    Date Posted: Feb/22/2005 3:05 AM
    there in a hard plastic case. will be shipped the right way. I sold over 300 rolls of quarters and not one broke open. IF YOU SEND ME YOUR MAILLING ADDRESS i WILL HAVE THEM READY TO MAIL. tHANKS RICHARD

    Reply Delete Top Bottom

    Date Posted: Feb/21/2005 8:17 PM
    I do want them, I will make the payment arrangements and let you know how and when I send payment. When you mail, can you PLEASE protect so that the devices don't get scratched PLEASE. Thanks, Walt

    Reply Delete Top Bottom

    Date Posted: Feb/21/2005 7:24 PM
    No i can't scan them even if i could don't know how to get the pictures here. The dates are 88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97, and 1998 it this price it's not much over spot. if you want them you can paypal or send check or money order to
    Richard Hickman
    P.O. box 5356
    Fort Oglethorpe Ga
    email address
    If you want to check me out >>>>>>>>My ebay Id is amercoin <<<<<<<<

    Reply Delete Top Bottom

    Date Posted: Feb/21/2005 7:12 PM
    If you can scan them that would be nice...I am very interested. Is the run complete by date or what dates do you have?

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    Date Posted: Feb/21/2005 5:34 PM
    There all bright white. I would say ms 67-69

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    Date Posted: Feb/21/2005 4:50 PM
    I would be interested if they are all clean coins and hitting a good MS Grade....Let me know, Thanks, Walt
  • wildjagwildjag Posts: 1,335 ✭✭✭
  • image
  • UdoUdo Posts: 984 ✭✭
  • GRANDDADDY- it would seem a response is in order, to explain(maybe better on another forum), if you wish to sell anything. I was interested until I saw the dissatisfied customer Post. Regards, John Curlis
  • Spiffy469Spiffy469 Posts: 661 ✭✭

    I collect bits and pieces of everything
    or should I say I ACCUMULATE!
    I also dabble with the darkside image

    Ive recently gotten more into currency, especially modern star notes
  • RNCHSNRNCHSN Posts: 2,609 ✭✭✭
    Same here. I was interested until I saw the difficulties another member had in dealing with you.
  • It appears that "grandaddy" is long gone. He hasn't logged on since Feb.
  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,478 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Admirable thoughts on TTTing this to try to get some help on it, and I feel for Walt, but did anybody happen to look at the last time that "Granddaddy" signed in? Feb 23th, 2005

    I'm thinking he may not see this......
    Who knows? He may not have the same email or still be around.....

    Edited to add: Craton did and I didn't refresh and see that before my post.

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • LucyBopLucyBop Posts: 14,001 ✭✭✭
    xxx darling, you were not able to determine these coins had been cleaned prior to submitting them?
    imageBe Bop A Lula!!
    "Senorita HepKitty"
    "I want a real cool Kitty from Hepcat City, to stay in step with me" - Bill Carter
  • amercoinamercoin Posts: 350 ✭✭
    This is richard the coins were in a case i looked at then they looked good I WILL REFUND YOU YOUR MONEY But way in the world you anybody have a maple leaf slabed. AND AFTER THE COINS WERE TAKED OUT OF THE CASE YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO SEE IF THEY WERE CLEANED AND NEVER SENT THEM IN. My Email adderss is Amercoin@comcast.net

    PS I changed ISP and tryed to get back as GRANDDADDY but was unable to. I signed back up as AMERCOIN.

    and you only paid for the 9 coins you send me 90.00 by way of paypal i solded them with me paying shipping very close to spot silver price.
  • amercoinamercoin Posts: 350 ✭✭
    Walt you were able to block out your name and address and not my address here it is for the viewing.
    Walter Hutton
    P.O. box 263
  • XXXXXX Posts: 1,633 ✭✭✭

    Maybe this is why I slabbed a set of Maple Leafs, and for that matter I have (10) slabbed sets of SAE's in MS and Proofs. Some of us slab the things we want, because that is what we can afford to collect. The point is........if you are the seller and you tell me they are and I quote "MS67-69" then thats what I am to beleive. I paid your asking and did my part as the buyer. Thanks for sharing my address. Check your PM response, I will save you the trouble and post it for you:

    This is why I slab SML's:

    Silver One Ounce Maple Leafs (1988 to date)
    Number of Required Coins: 18
    Finest Possible Set Rating: 67.42

    All-Time Finest
    Collection Weighted GPA % Complete Set Rating
    1 Walter D Hutton Estate Collection 66.29 100 % 66.29
    2 Tony Harmers Maple Leaf 1oz 66.71 50 % 30.13
    3 Mjoen collection 67.25 22 % 8.68
    4 Bertone Collection 67.00 6 % 2.16

    PM Responses: After 5 days of no contact:

    Date Posted: Jun/28/2005 5:28 PM
    Not really a chance sending them back as I received them. As I took them out of the 9 coin holder, Placed them in Flips and sent them to PCGS. I just rec'd them from PCGS ALL Body Bagged. I could send them back to you in the body bags, but at this rate, I'm not sure I would even trust a refund. It took you 5 days to respond. Your email that I have doe not work, Shall I go on? I would just hope this doesn't happened to someone else. Walt Hutton

    Richard, Just got back the coins purchased from you. The results are as follows:

    1 21970522 1988 $5 Maple Leaf/Ag CANADA Cleaning
    2 21970523 1989 $5 Maple Leaf/Ag CANADA Cleaning
    3 21970524 1990 $5 Maple Leaf/Ag CANADA Cleaning
    4 21970525 1991 $5 Maple Leaf/Ag CANADA Cleaning
    5 21970526 1992 $5 Maple Leaf/Ag CANADA Cleaning
    6 21970527 1993 $5 Maple Leaf/Ag CANADA Cleaning
    7 21970528 1994 $5 Maple Leaf/Ag CANADA Cleaning
    8 21970529 1995 $5 Maple Leaf/Ag CANADA Cleaning
    9 21970530 1996 $5 Maple Leaf/Ag CANADA Cleaning

    Reply Delete Top Bottom

    Date Posted: Jun/28/2005 12:29 PM
    Send the coins back just as you recivied them from me and you get your money back.

    Reply Delete Top Bottom

    Burned once, shame on you, burned twice, shame on me........................image
  • XXXXXX Posts: 1,633 ✭✭✭
    Oh, and Richard,

    In good faith, why don't you just send me my money back (90.00). I have more in the grading fees (126.00) then I had in your coins. That might make you a respondsible & respectable seller. Oh I 'm sorry, I am sure you wouldn't want that title.

    Make sure you let everyone know what "your Ebay Seller Name" is, So they can dash right over to your auctions and start buying in confidece, and spent lots of money with you.
  • amercoinamercoin Posts: 350 ✭✭
    I posted on the board for the world to see i would refund you your money. Now was the coins nice when i sent them to you yes. Did you take them out and clean them maybe, maybe not. In your post you said the coins look nice. In all my Ebay sells i state now 100% refund if not happy. BUT I DON'T REFUND AFTER 4 MONTHS. BUT IN YOUR CASE I WILL JUST SEND THEM BACK.

    PS what is youe ebay ID i will block you.
  • amercoinamercoin Posts: 350 ✭✭
    One thing more Walt learn how to grade and tell if a coin has been cleaned before you send them in. Than will save you alot of money.

    MY Ebay ID is AMERCOIN for all the world to see. and when a coin i have on Ebay has been cleaned i state in my auctions
  • amercoinamercoin Posts: 350 ✭✭
    After this i will not respond to this any more. IF you don't send the coins back that leads me to belive you did clean the coins and don't want me to see them.
  • XXXXXX Posts: 1,633 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I posted on the board for the world to see i would refund you your money. Now was the coins nice when i sent them to you yes. Did you take them out and clean them maybe, maybe not. In your post you said the coins look nice. In all my Ebay sells i state now 100% refund if not happy. BUT I DON'T REFUND AFTER 4 MONTHS. BUT IN YOUR CASE I WILL JUST SEND THEM BACK.

    PS what is youe ebay ID i will block you. >>

    Richard, Let Clarify a few things,

    #1 and FOREMOST, I did not buy these from you at Flea Bay, I bought them here on the boards from YOUR posting.
    #2 You stated MS67-69
    #3 I did tell you I thought they were "very clean", not very "cleaned"
    #4 I TRUST the people I have done deals with HERE, you are the exception to any deal I have ever done HERE.
    #5 Look at the submission date 4-21-05, I just good these coins back, that means it took PCGS 2 months out of your alledged 4 months.
    #6 Don't ever accuse me of doing something I did not do, I don't take kindly to it


    Date Received: 04/22/2005
    Date Shipped: No Date Specified (Grades 6-17-05 via inernet)

  • XXXXXX Posts: 1,633 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I posted on the board for the world to see i would refund you your money. Now was the coins nice when i sent them to you yes. Did you take them out and clean them maybe, maybe not. In your post you said the coins look nice. In all my Ebay sells i state now 100% refund if not happy. BUT I DON'T REFUND AFTER 4 MONTHS. BUT IN YOUR CASE I WILL JUST SEND THEM BACK.

    PS what is youe ebay ID i will block you. >>

    I don't buy RAW on Flea Bay.................
  • XXXXXX Posts: 1,633 ✭✭✭
    Better yet.....How about a scan, seeings how you are calling me a lair Jacka$$...................image

    Take your hits like a man and learn from it. But, Don't , I repeat Don't ever call me a liar. Go back to Flea Bay, and I would suggest in the future if you are going to try and sell coins HERE, you had beter be a Stand-Up guy.

    You have managed to waste far too much of my evening. Good luck and hopefully you will stay gone. Actually, this may have been good for you, as your "post total" has been raised to "22" now. Buyers beware, Good Night Richard, and to the board, thanks for bringing another to justice.

    (PS if someone could link the pic, I would appreciate it, as I still don't know how to it, thanks)
  • amercoinamercoin Posts: 350 ✭✭
    First off i never called you a lier. And saying m'i not to be trusted is slander be carefull of what you say it can come back to bite you in the end. WILL THE POWERS THAT BE PLEASE REMOVE ALL OF THIS FROM THE START.
  • amercoinamercoin Posts: 350 ✭✭
    Keep this up and you and CU will be getting a letter from my Attorney.
  • dthigpendthigpen Posts: 3,932 ✭✭

    << <i>Keep this up and you and CU will be getting a letter from my Attorney. >>

    Sigh, this is a good way to insure NOBODY buys from you in the future.
  • amercoinamercoin Posts: 350 ✭✭
  • mirabelamirabela Posts: 5,049 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pin this baby to the top, and don't let it go away.

    Richard, your antics remind me too much of one I tangled with last year.

    Keep up the threats and accusations, do whatever you want -- but good luck selling to anybody who comes here, ever. We've seen this kind come and go before. Those who come across like you have done eventually disappear back where they came from, but not before cutting themselves off from a larger customer base than they'll ever know.

  • XXXXXX Posts: 1,633 ✭✭✭


    Now Richard, why in the world would I, (even if some one taught me how to) clean 9 coins and send them with 126.00 to PCGS so they could be body bagged?

    I can prove this, I bought them from you, I sent them to PCGS, they sent them back to me, all 9 as cleaned.

    So, Now that I trusted you, why don't you TRUST ME: Send me a money order for 90.00 + 126.00 (216.00) and I will return your cleaned coins in the PCGS labeled flips and we will have conducted our business.

    I will wait for your confirmed acceptance to this proposal and your Money Order. Once received, I will once again post having accepted and received your above stated offer.

    You see Richard, this doesn't just hinge on money alone. Foremost it is principal. I TRUST these boards and the people whom make up these boards and conduct business here. I feel for the most part it is a safe haven for all of us interested in learning and collecting coins.

    I too believe the accusation of me having done something to these coins was both fictitious and uncalled for. Many people here can stand behind my integrity. How many can stand behind yours?

    The offer stands as stated above. I will wait for your decision to do the "Right Thing".
  • amercoinamercoin Posts: 350 ✭✭
    To the ones that wont buy from me because of this thread. THANKS i don't care. But i emailed CU to remove this thread with no word from them and when someone starts calling me names something will hit the fan big time. I offerd his money back When he got the coins in his words " they look nice" what more can i do. Keep bring this up and everthing will come down.
  • mirabelamirabela Posts: 5,049 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Do your worst.
  • dthigpendthigpen Posts: 3,932 ✭✭

    << <i>To the ones that wont buy from me because of this thread. THANKS i don't care. But i emailed CU to remove this thread with no word from them and when someone starts calling me names something will hit the fan big time. I offerd his money back When he got the coins in his words " they look nice" what more can i do. Keep bring this up and everthing will come down. >>

    It is my opinion that you present yourself as a very unethical dealer who is hard to work with, in general. I would suggest you resolve this issue with XXX if you hope to ever have future business with anyone who frequents these boards.
  • mirabelamirabela Posts: 5,049 ✭✭✭✭✭
    One thing I truly love about these boards is how some people marinate and cook in their own juice here.

  • amercoinamercoin Posts: 350 ✭✭
    Just for fun. I have an 1934-s pcgs ms 64 peace dollar for sale. any offers
  • XXXXXX Posts: 1,633 ✭✭✭

    << <i>One thing I truly love about these boards is how some people marinate and cook in their own juice here.

    TTT >>

    Possibly in a "Self-Cleaning" oven?
  • mirabelamirabela Posts: 5,049 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>saying m'i not to be trusted is slander be carefull of what you say it can come back to bite you in the end >>

    If you want to get picky about it, slander refers to the spoken word. That which is written, which is also a) demonstrably untrue and b) demonstrably damaging to you is libel.

    << <i>To the ones that wont buy from me because of this thread. THANKS i don't care. >>

    Whoops, there goes your libel case.

    Sleep well.
  • amercoinamercoin Posts: 350 ✭✭
    To all the ones that has PM me and said i was in the right THANKS. Thay won't post on this thread because of the remarks of some people. that Don't know there you know what from a hole in the graund.
  • mirabelamirabela Posts: 5,049 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>To all the ones that has PM me and said i was in the right THANKS. Thay won't post on this thread because of the remarks of some people. that Don't know there you know what from a hole in the graund. >>

    One of the most transparent claims of all. Seems like every two-bit wackadoo who tries to pull something around here claims a legion of allies PM'ing encouragement behind the scenes. Sure. Whatever.
  • amercoinamercoin Posts: 350 ✭✭
    . >>

    One of the most transparent claims of all. Seems like every two-bit wackadoo who tries to pull something around here claims a legion of allies PM'ing encouragement behind the scenes. Sure. Whatever. >>

    This is between xxx and me heres a thought keep your nose out of it.
  • mirabelamirabela Posts: 5,049 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The nice thing about a community, pal, is that its members band together when faced with a common threat. When you mess with one of us, you're messing with all of us.
  • Sorry, I ran out of popcorn ......

    <<<< Just for fun. I have an 1934-s pcgs ms 64 peace dollar for sale. any offers>>>>

    From all that I've read, I think you probably have a 1934-S Peace dollar......and it MAY be MS-64.......BUT........it is slabbed by ACG. Right?

    I don't know either party but I have no reason to doubt Triple X...why would he clean his own coins? He obviously knows PCGS would never accept them if he did....I have difficulty in believing the accusation that he cleaned his coins before shipping them to PCGS. Should Triple X have known they were cleaned before shipping to PCGS? Ummm, I don't know...I would tend to think yes but we haven't seen the coins.

    Triple X gave the seller a chance to make good on a bad deal but the offer wasn't accepted. Triple X probably would have accepted a check for the original purchase price if you had counter offered and just sent a check.

    Results: Triple X has some nice big silver ball markers (golf) and Amercoin will never sell a coin here again.

    Edited to add: Will anyone admit to PM'ing Amercoin in his defense?
    1. 7-17-81 Warrenton GC Driver 310 yards 7th Hole (Par 4)
    2. 5-22-99 Warrenton GC 6 iron 189 yards 10th Hole
    3. 7-23-99 Oak Meadow CC 5 iron 180 yards 17th Hole
    4. 9-19-99 Country Lake GC 6 iron 164 yards 15th Hole
    5. 8-30-09 Country Lake GC Driver 258 yards 17th Hole (Par 4)

    Collector of Barber Halves, Commems, MS64FBL Frankies, Full Step Jeffersons & Mint state Washington Quarters
  • RYKRYK Posts: 35,798 ✭✭✭✭✭
  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭

    << <i>One thing more Walt learn how to grade and tell if a coin has been cleaned before you send them in. >>

    I might suggest that you learn to grade and tell if a coin is cleaned before you sell it.

    << <i>Keep this up and you and CU will be getting a letter from my Attorney. >>

    You're an idiot. Sue me.

    Russ, NCNE
  • FWIW, in the name of good customer service, why not just send him the refund first and then let him send you the coins second?

    That way, you save some face and show that customer satisfaction is important.
  • amercoinamercoin Posts: 350 ✭✭

    You're an idiot. Sue me.

    Russ, NCNE >>

    Some day come to Georgia i would like to talk to you.
  • amercoinamercoin Posts: 350 ✭✭

    << <i>Sorry, I ran out of popcorn ......

    <<<< Just for fun. I have an 1934-s pcgs ms 64 peace dollar for sale. any offers>>>>

    From all that I've read, I think you probably have a 1934-S Peace dollar......and it MAY be MS-64.......BUT........it is slabbed by ACG. Right?

    Yes i have a complete set pcgs ms 64-65 some under graded some over graded.

  • amercoinamercoin Posts: 350 ✭✭
    This is to Walt when i solded you the coin i didn''t take them out of the Capital case and look at them. I will state that's was wrong of me. I went by the grades of my Silver eagles to compare.
    Will you take some of the heat because you have a highist reg set of maple leafs to compare the coins after you removed then from the holder. By sending the coins to PCGS you thought they were ok and higher grade.
    Now my offer still stands return for a full refund.
  • RYKRYK Posts: 35,798 ✭✭✭✭✭
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