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Bummed out, but not as much as the caught thief!! Update: Some of the stolen coins returned



  • RYKRYK Posts: 35,796 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Great news! I have followed the story with interest and am glad that it has taken this positive turn. Keep us posted.
  • awesome!
    glad to hear you got your things back
  • "In some countries, one of the perpetrator's hands would be removed as punishment for the burglary"

    We need to to that here in this country. Then let them get caught again and the other hand comes off.

    Come potty time, the handless thief will need some really close friendsimage

    Glad to hear all is turning out better then expected, please keep us posted.

    Remember it's not how you pick your nose that matters, it's where you put the boogers.
  • ERER Posts: 7,345
  • What an unbelievable story! It's quite rare that the coins are recovered! Great news.
  • Thats another advantage of having slabbed coins.....serial numbers. Kinda hard to find raw coins after a theft.

    This is the second good story that I've seen on this board regarding theft and slabs(or coins in general).....The first one was the guy with the Standing Liberty Quarter that was MS67FH, stolen from auction house, sent in for regrade and a TPG service caught it and returned it to the owner.

  • Hey you guys want to give some credit where its due here? Take a moment to send Michelle a note. She made this happen as far as I'm concerned. Drop her a line. email address: webmaster@wscoin.com Attn: Michelle She's quite a gal. Went way out of her way for me. And this isn't the first time. She helped recover about 30K in proof sets for somebody else!!! Was telling me about yesterday.

  • Wow! image

    Good for you - too bad for her and her kid. It's a shame that the Mom, is evidently, bringing her child up like that. She needs to go down, not only for what she did to you, but for whatever the term is for aiding in the delinqency of a minor. Is that lady on crack?? How very stupid she is - altho lucky for you. Congrats!!! Yes, be sure to follow all the steps - there may still be prints there. Jot down all your info, dates, etc. She really needs to go down for what she did to you and, is doing, to her child. Tsk tsk tsk!

  • Outstanding result. I sent an email to her.

  • bearcavebearcave Posts: 3,996 ✭✭✭✭✭
    This is a super ending to a bad beginning! They should be able to charge her with "Receiving Stolen Property" if nothing else. She had them in her possession and sold them.

  • ShamikaShamika Posts: 18,778 ✭✭✭✭

    Buyer and seller of vintage coin boards!
  • Neptune: Your so right about what she's doing to her kids. And she's a speed freak.

    I did wrestle in a Ziebold safe last night. Its huge, and god is it heavy. Pry bars, pipes, plywood, and a lot of sweat! It was fun. Now its got most of my coins in it. Still working on that tho..... It doesn't look quite right with so much room in it. Hafta see what I can do about that image Gotta run, work can't be put off if I want to get some new safe filler!!!

    Thanks Frank!!!
  • Now that you had to pay to get your coins back I would sue the theif for damages. image
  • mtnmanmtnman Posts: 570 ✭✭✭
    rb you need to buy a lottery ticket, because this has to be your lucky day. I'm happy for you.
    Coins don't usually get found.
  • xbobxbob Posts: 1,979
    What a great thread! It started as a bummer but ended very happily. image I'm really glad for you! I hope justice is served completely before your case is over. Scumbags like that "bee-atch" need to be removed (or at least taught a hard lesson). image

    I've bought some stuff from W.S. online before. It's good to hear that they're good people. I'll give them more of my business.

    Also, thanks for inspiring me to get a box at the bank. I don't have anything all that valuable or that I couldn't replace but I would also be really bummed if anything got stolen.
    collections: Maryland related coins & exonumia, 7070 Type set, and Video Arcade Tokens.
    The Low Budget Y2K Registry Set
  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,361 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I agree.
    It must have been hard for you to come on here and relate your story at the onset.

    To keep with it, and work with a local store and get the person.....well, that is awesome!!!! Better than a night of CSI!

    Glad to hear things took the turn upwards for ya!


    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • rb7557,

    I am very happy for you.

    I have also sent Michelle an email congratulating her on her actions. I have bought from ws coins in the past and will continue to do so in the future.image
  • great resolution to the story, good for you, good for the local dealer, and bad for the thief.

    i have to wonder though, this means you've have TWO people trespassing in *and* stealing from your house in the passed while, the kid with the booze and whatever thief nabbed the coins. maybe more than a safe is needed.

    what if the tweaker had nabbed the T.V., the computer, and/or other electronics. items like that disappear into a community, don't really show up in the pawn shops often, can still be expensive to replace, and don't fit in a safe.

    you lucked out that the thief was an idiot, and you were a couple steps ahead of them this time.
  • i sent michelle an email too

    words of thought

    1) i have a quarterly family security meeting about subjects ranging from soup to nuts....unfortunately i dont share my coins with my neighbors...as its not them or the kids i am concerned with..its thier kids friends...every dope head use to be a cute little kids..at some point but they grow into what they do in time

    2) i have a gun..actually several and i know how to use it

    3) i live in a state that will show no mercy if you use a gun or a deadly weapon in a crime...and if you kill someone..we will kill you...and it wont take 15 years..in fact we have a "fast lane" and do it in 6 now

    as per # 3 ...many of the criminals migrate to states where they put up with crime

    thus the slogan....>>>dont mess with texas>>> is in print all over the place

    my goal is to find the monsters and i go where they are but i sometimes miss some.... so if you have any and want to sell IM THE BUYER FOR THEM!!!

    out of rockets ...out of bullets...switching to harsh language
  • nwcsnwcs Posts: 13,386 ✭✭✭
    Glad there is at least somewhat of a happy ending here!
  • Been following this too. Great ending... or after she's prosecuted it will be.
    Excellent info throughout this thread.
    I keep my stuff in a safe, but I don't have much stuff. Anything valuable, now and in the future, goes to a safety deposit box.
    I have guns and it's time to do some target practice. I need to make sure my wife is still accurate and remembers what I look like in the dark.
    Used to print the eBay receipts, but have been slacking. Time to catch up and get more organized.

    Glad it worked out for you rb7557!

  • i have to wonder though, this means you've have TWO people trespassing in *and* stealing from your house in the passed while, the kid with the booze and whatever thief nabbed the coins. maybe more than a safe is needed.

    what if the tweaker had nabbed the T.V., the computer, and/or other electronics. items like that disappear into a community, don't really show up in the pawn shops often, can still be expensive to replace, and don't fit in a safe.

    I have to agree with these statements, and there is more involved here, after todays turn of events. Seems we have been blinded by love. I can't talk about it here. Seems my little girl isn't as little as we want to think. Hell she's 16, and we still like to think of her as the little cutie she was when she was 6!

    But I did want to take the time to thank you all for your emails to Michelle. She type'd me and let me know she's been gettin them all day. She deserved the recognition. Thanks for giving it.

    Can you shoot a tweak in the state of Texas for hurting a 16 year old minor? You sure as hell can't in the liberal state of CA
  • fishcookerfishcooker Posts: 3,446 ✭✭

    Yes, just make sure it's a drive-by shooting and say that you're in a gang. Then you'll get probation or "deferred adjudication," but you won't be able to shoot anyone again for 10 years.

    If it's not pre-meditated, you don't get prison in Texas. image

  • great story. great thread. great ending!
    i'm sending an email to Michelle now.

    congrats and thanks for sharing.
    Blue skies,
    Modern bashing is sooooooo old.

    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
  • >>>>Can you shoot a tweak in the state of Texas for hurting a 16 year old minor? You sure as hell can't in the liberal state of CA

    actually it depends on the time of day...if its night time...you are allowed to shoot first and ask questions later... however in the day time you need to be in fear of your life to shoot someone....and the acid test of "in fear of your life" is all common sense

    im 6`2'' and 260 lbs....if the perp has a baseball bat and twenty feet away...im not in fear of my life...if he is five feet and closes ....he is toast.....

    the fact is we arent rednecks here....we dont put up with as much liberal pooh-haha as other states

    for example...as foundation in houston buys houses for halfway houses for parolees....and the houses we buy are the ones right next door to a parole board member......you see if they let out a rapist...we want him right next door to the parole board memeber`s wife....sorta makes him think about the rest of us....and dispells the out of sight out of mind theory....and puts him up close and personal


    my goal is to find the monsters and i go where they are but i sometimes miss some.... so if you have any and want to sell IM THE BUYER FOR THEM!!!

    out of rockets ...out of bullets...switching to harsh language
  • Hire a Michigan gunner. We are the militia, you know. We all hunt, and if you don't in MI, something is wrong with you. Ted Nugent our spokes person. My best friend's dad was head of NRA before Chalrton Heston. No lie, many death threats and house was protected. NRA loves Michigan!!!!

    I'll take care of your "problems", Roger. image

    Great ending. I'll tell you, very few people outside our little coin world have any idea what some of these coins are worth. Thank God, or more of us would be robbed. Protect yourself, and trust only yourself. You might be just holding a slab in your hand, but many, many of them if in CASH for what they were worth, would need a briefcase.

    The Accumulator - Dark Lloyd of the Sith


  • << <i>im 6`2'' and 260 lbs....if the perp has a baseball bat and twenty feet away...im not in fear of my life. >>

    My argument to that is if he is crazy enough break into my house, especially if I am there, then he is crazy/desperate enough to be a potential threat to my life. He may be 20 feet away with a baseball bat now, but he could be HERE beating me with that bat in a matter of less than two seconds. And I don't know what other weapons he may have. He's in my house, I'm in fear of my life. PERIOD.
  • Protect yourself, and trust only yourself.

    My theory exactly! Except I call it: Trusting the mirror. Just make sure nobody is standing behind you.

  • I am very happy to read that this theft is on its way to a solution. What good news!

    This whole interesting thread reminds me of a complex story in which I was involved in 2002, and which I posted on this board. I still think of it from time to time. You can read about it in two threads: first is a description of a stolen coin, which turned out not to be stolen at all -- or more accurately, it was stolen, but the victim provided me a picture of it from another source -- a major auction house website! image As I was the one who started that thread, I felt obligated to stick with the problem -- to my chagrin. My mea culpa is in the second thread. I thank everybody for their support.

    I just previewd this post, and the two threads are coming up with tripled entries -- sorry about that -- these are archived threads.

    Life got you down? Listen to John Coltrane.
  • carlcarl Posts: 2,054
    Sure was an interesting story with a somewhat happy ending. Would have been better, naturally, if it never happened. Glad to hear the outcome. Around here when things like that happen the coins go into change usually and are never recovered. People find valuable coins in change and know right away that they probably were in a collection somewhere at one time but no possible way to track down the origial owner. One of the great problems living in a great big city. Most crooks around here don't know the difference between a collector coin and something for the laundromat machines so coins of any kind just go anywhere. Again, glad to hear the results.
  • Just wanted to let everybody know I received some of the stolen coins today! I got back the slabbs, and some of the raw proof sets that were missing. Its not the perfect ending to a sad story, but it coulda been a total loss. I want to thank everyone for their thoughts, sympathy, security solutions. I have since bought a new safe, its big and heavy. Took a lot work getting the thing in the house. Now I even have my albums in it, along with everything and anything else that might be tempting to invited and uninvited guests.

    I also want to meantion the fact that BJ was ready and willing to do her thing with the slabs. The cert #s proved invaluable. I never thought of these as identifiers when I started my registry set. Its just one of the added benefits to a registry set image We were sending emails back and forth when I received the call that some items had been located.

    And I owe the return of these to Michelle at Washington Square Coins (www.wscoin.com) in Marysville, Ca.
    Without her help, these coins would probably have disappeared for good. She's a very nice person, and was the key player in this affair. If you can, visit the website and throw a little business her way. I know I will be buying my supplies there, who cares about the tax, etc......
  • ms70ms70 Posts: 13,953 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.

  • CameonutCameonut Posts: 7,287 ✭✭✭✭✭
    That's great news!

    “In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock." - Thomas Jefferson

    My digital cameo album 1950-64 Cameos - take a look!

  • cosmicdebriscosmicdebris Posts: 12,332 ✭✭✭
    Good to hear you got them back. Any update on what happened to the thief?


  • There is a warrant out for her arrest. I'm not sure if she has actually been arrested yet. I was excited and forgot to askimage but its only a matter of time anyway, she is local, hell, she lives only a few blocks away.
    There are 1st degree burglary, receiving and selling stolen property, 2 counts of contributing to del. of minor charges against her, and a couple of others to boot.
  • Yeeeeha! Glad it's working out for you and yours.

  • fcloudfcloud Posts: 12,133 ✭✭✭✭
    Congrats on getting the stuff back. I am impressed with Michelle at Washington Square. I sure is nice to see someone so willing to help.

    President, Racine Numismatic Society 2013-2014; Variety Resource Dimes; See 6/8/12 CDN for my article on Winged Liberty Dimes; Ebay

  • Yep, Michelle is one of the good guys (gals)! Like I mentioned earlier, this isn't the first time she's helped recover stolen coins. She really is an asset to the coin industry and collectors alike.

    Neptune, your buff-o-spear is doing well. I have to ask, are you Irish? My wife is, and what a woman! It gives meaning to the term "Hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn." image Mix that Irish with a little Indian and you get your hands full fast!
  • mrearlygoldmrearlygold Posts: 17,858 ✭✭✭
  • clw54clw54 Posts: 3,815 ✭✭✭
    I hope she does some serious time. image
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,512 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Wow. I'm glad to hear the thief got busted. Hope she gets nailed. Show no mercy.

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.

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