**Weekend BST**
Postage only .50 no matter how many you get.
.................1938 m 1/2d.......(old rev).....VF........$ .50
.................1939 m 1/2d.......(old rev).....XF........$2.5
.................1942 p 1/2d........roo.......XF.........$1.5
.................1942 i 1/2d.........roo........XF..........$1.5
.................1943 m 1/2d.......roo.......AU............$3.5
.................1943 i 1/2d.........roo.......XF............$2
……………1960 1/2d……………..UNC………$1
……………1963 1/2d……………..UNC………$.75
..................1949 1d.............AU............$5
.................1859 1c ........VF-XF........$6
.................1882H 1c.......XF...........$8
.................1895 1c........XF............$8
.................1907 1c........AU...........$12
.................1918 1c.......VF..............$1 (have two)
.................1919 1c.......VF..............$1
India..............1936 1/12 anna............UNC RB..........$1
…………………..1964 1/2d……...UNC………$.75
……….................1952 1d...........BU...............$5
............................1967 1d.........BU.................$1
………………………1934 1/4d………..XF…..….$6
…………………..1888 1/24S……………VF……………$4
…………………….1894 1/12 S………..XF/AU………….$20
……………………..1909 1/12S…………AU-UNC bn…………$40
……………………1957 1/12 S…………UNC bn………$1.5
……………………..1964 1/12 S…………..BU (blue toning) $2
………………………1966 1/12 S…………BU…………$1
……………………….1966 1/4S……………BU………….$1
................1965 20 centavos...............BU..........$1
New Brunswick
..............................1864 1c................XF...........$10
New Zealand.............1940 1/2d.............XF.........$1.5
..................................1950 1/2d..............XF........$1.5
Nova Scotia
...........................1864 1c.....................XF............$13
South Africa
.............................1939 1/4d..........blackend AU...........$4
................................1955 1/2d............XF..............$ .60
...............................1957 1/2d..............BU.................$2
...............................1959 1/2d..............BU................$1.5 (have 5)
...............................1960 1/2d............BU.................$1.5
................................1943 1d.............VF...................$ .60
................................1959 1d..............BU......................$1.5
................................1960 1d..............AU.................$1
1735 1/4d.............F...................$14
1749 1/4d............F...................$16
1799 1/4d.............VF................$16
1806 1/4d..............VF...............$8
1825 1/4d.............F..................$3
1837 1/4d..........XF..................$35
1873 1/4d.............VF/F..............$2
1878 1/4d.............VF..................$2
1885 1/4d.............F..................$1
1886 1/4d............VF...............$1.5
1886 1/4d............XF/VF............$2
1891 1/4d..............VG......... $ .50
1897 1/4d............VF.............$1.50
1899 1/4d...........VF................$2
1903 1/4d............VF...............$1.5
1903 1/4d..............F..............$ .75
1908 1/4d..........F............... $ .50
1908 1/4d...............VF............$1
1909 1/4d ......blackend UNC(Blue)......$20
1917 1/4d................VG......... $ .25
1917 1/4d................VF...........$ .50
1917 1/4d................XF............$1.5
1918 1/4d............BN UNC.........$20
1928 1/4d................AU..............$2
1928 1/4d.............VF................$ .75
1930 1/4d...........XF-AU............$1
1936 1/4d...........XF-AU...................$1
1944 1/4d.............BU..................$2
1723 GB 1/2d..............VG-F.............$20
1735 GB 1/2d...............VG-F.............$12
1754 GB 1/2d...............F...............$10
1774 GB 1/2d..............Good..........$3
1799 GB 1/2d...............VF..............$12
1807 GB 1/2d..............XF............$22
1826 Gb 1/2d..............VF............$18
1826 GB 1/2d…………XF………$60
1831 Gb 1/2d..............F..............$10
1853 GB 1/2d………..XF…………$30
1862 GB 1/2d………...F…………$1
1915 GB 1/2d.............XF.............$3
1916 GB 1/2d..............VF.............$1
1936 GB 1/2d.............XF...............$1
1943 GB 1/2d, unc rb...........$3.00
1948 GB 1/2d, unc rb..........$3.00
1953 GB 1/2d, BU...............$7.00
1955 GB 1/2d, unc rb..........$2.00
1957 GB 1/2d, unc rb, normal rev. ..........$2.00 (have 2)
1960 GB 1/2d, UNC RB.............$1.00
1967 GB 1/2d, BU...........$.50
1967 GB 1/2d unc rb.........$.25
1967 "wide rim" 1/2d............BU.............$1 (have 90)
1797 GB 1d cartwheel........F...........$15
1806 GB 1d..........Good........$4
1826 GB 1d...........VG...........$6
1831 GB 1d..............VF..........$40
1940 GB 1d............XF............$1
1945 GB 1d............XF............$1
1797 GB 2d cartwheel........F........$20**SOLD**
.................1938 m 1/2d.......(old rev).....VF........$ .50
.................1939 m 1/2d.......(old rev).....XF........$2.5
.................1942 p 1/2d........roo.......XF.........$1.5
.................1942 i 1/2d.........roo........XF..........$1.5
.................1943 m 1/2d.......roo.......AU............$3.5
.................1943 i 1/2d.........roo.......XF............$2
……………1960 1/2d……………..UNC………$1
……………1963 1/2d……………..UNC………$.75
..................1949 1d.............AU............$5
.................1859 1c ........VF-XF........$6
.................1882H 1c.......XF...........$8
.................1895 1c........XF............$8
.................1907 1c........AU...........$12
.................1918 1c.......VF..............$1 (have two)
.................1919 1c.......VF..............$1
India..............1936 1/12 anna............UNC RB..........$1
…………………..1964 1/2d……...UNC………$.75
……….................1952 1d...........BU...............$5
............................1967 1d.........BU.................$1
………………………1934 1/4d………..XF…..….$6
…………………..1888 1/24S……………VF……………$4
…………………….1894 1/12 S………..XF/AU………….$20
……………………..1909 1/12S…………AU-UNC bn…………$40
……………………1957 1/12 S…………UNC bn………$1.5
……………………..1964 1/12 S…………..BU (blue toning) $2
………………………1966 1/12 S…………BU…………$1
……………………….1966 1/4S……………BU………….$1
................1965 20 centavos...............BU..........$1
New Brunswick
..............................1864 1c................XF...........$10
New Zealand.............1940 1/2d.............XF.........$1.5
..................................1950 1/2d..............XF........$1.5
Nova Scotia
...........................1864 1c.....................XF............$13
South Africa
.............................1939 1/4d..........blackend AU...........$4
................................1955 1/2d............XF..............$ .60
...............................1957 1/2d..............BU.................$2
...............................1959 1/2d..............BU................$1.5 (have 5)
...............................1960 1/2d............BU.................$1.5
................................1943 1d.............VF...................$ .60
................................1959 1d..............BU......................$1.5
................................1960 1d..............AU.................$1
1735 1/4d.............F...................$14
1749 1/4d............F...................$16
1799 1/4d.............VF................$16
1806 1/4d..............VF...............$8
1825 1/4d.............F..................$3
1837 1/4d..........XF..................$35
1873 1/4d.............VF/F..............$2
1878 1/4d.............VF..................$2
1885 1/4d.............F..................$1
1886 1/4d............VF...............$1.5
1886 1/4d............XF/VF............$2
1891 1/4d..............VG......... $ .50
1897 1/4d............VF.............$1.50
1899 1/4d...........VF................$2
1903 1/4d............VF...............$1.5
1903 1/4d..............F..............$ .75
1908 1/4d..........F............... $ .50
1908 1/4d...............VF............$1
1909 1/4d ......blackend UNC(Blue)......$20
1917 1/4d................VG......... $ .25
1917 1/4d................VF...........$ .50
1917 1/4d................XF............$1.5
1918 1/4d............BN UNC.........$20
1928 1/4d................AU..............$2
1928 1/4d.............VF................$ .75
1930 1/4d...........XF-AU............$1
1936 1/4d...........XF-AU...................$1
1944 1/4d.............BU..................$2
1723 GB 1/2d..............VG-F.............$20
1735 GB 1/2d...............VG-F.............$12
1754 GB 1/2d...............F...............$10
1774 GB 1/2d..............Good..........$3
1799 GB 1/2d...............VF..............$12
1807 GB 1/2d..............XF............$22
1826 Gb 1/2d..............VF............$18
1826 GB 1/2d…………XF………$60
1831 Gb 1/2d..............F..............$10
1853 GB 1/2d………..XF…………$30
1862 GB 1/2d………...F…………$1
1915 GB 1/2d.............XF.............$3
1916 GB 1/2d..............VF.............$1
1936 GB 1/2d.............XF...............$1
1943 GB 1/2d, unc rb...........$3.00
1948 GB 1/2d, unc rb..........$3.00
1953 GB 1/2d, BU...............$7.00
1955 GB 1/2d, unc rb..........$2.00
1957 GB 1/2d, unc rb, normal rev. ..........$2.00 (have 2)
1960 GB 1/2d, UNC RB.............$1.00
1967 GB 1/2d, BU...........$.50
1967 GB 1/2d unc rb.........$.25
1967 "wide rim" 1/2d............BU.............$1 (have 90)
1797 GB 1d cartwheel........F...........$15
1806 GB 1d..........Good........$4
1826 GB 1d...........VG...........$6
1831 GB 1d..............VF..........$40
1940 GB 1d............XF............$1
1945 GB 1d............XF............$1
1797 GB 2d cartwheel........F........$20**SOLD**
I've upgraded this one in my type set so I'm selling off the old one. Slightly better date, fully struck, superior cartwheel luster. Very strong for the grade. Not an easy type to find in higher grades, I looked for almost a year before buying this one and then had another show up jsut a few month later.
Catalog value in generic UNC is $140 and this one is $160, delivered worldwide.
Here's some raw stuff I have laying around. Pictures of all are available, Krause prices in parenthesis and mine afterwards. My opinion of qualitative grade before hand, more specific grades available if desired. Shipping is a buck or two.
1943D Australia 3p UNC ($3.50) $2.00 (several available)
1943D Australia 6d UNC ($8.50) $5.00 (several available)
1965 Austria 5S PF ($3.50) $3.00
1967 Canada $1 P/L ($7.50) $6.00 (several available)
1967 Canada 50c P/L ($6.00) $4.50 (several available)
1967 Canada 25c P/L ($1.75) $1.50 (several available)
1967 Canada 10c P/L ($1.00) $0.75 (several available)
1967 Canada 5c P/L ($0.40) $0.40 (several available)
1967 Canada 1c P/L ($0.25) $0.25 (several available)
(Canadian still in mint cellophane)
1947 French Indo China 1P UNC KM32.2 ($25.00) $18.00
1907 Finland 1p UNC ($4.00) $3.00
1954 Ireland ½ Crown UNC w/scratch ($50.00) $25.00
1866 Vatican ½ Soldo VF/XF ($10/$20) $12
Roll of AU/Unc. Greece mixed dates 2 Drachmas (35 coins) $6.00 + shipping (2 available)
Roll of AU/Unc. Greece mixed dates 50 Lepts coins (40 coins) $6.00 + shipping
Insurance extra.
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
WNC Coins, LLC
1987-C Hendersonville Road
Asheville, NC 28803
Looks like I may not make that show this weekend, we have some freezing rain and sleet that most likely will keep me home.
eBay Store
DPOTD Jan 2005, Meet the Darksiders
<< <i>Looks like I may not make that show this weekend, we have some freezing rain and sleet that most likely will keep me home. >>
I'll let this pass without comment.
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
eBay Store
DPOTD Jan 2005, Meet the Darksiders
I saw the pictures of NC on the tube. Only 1 inch of snow and cars were everywhere. Snow must not be common at all huh? If you do make it please look if you have the time.
Stay Warm.....
eBay Store
DPOTD Jan 2005, Meet the Darksiders
1930 Uruguay 20 centesimos in UNC
Either a 1929, 1931 or 1932 Latvia 5 Lati in UNC
1922 Lativa 50 Santimu in UNC
Capped Bust Half Series
Capped Bust Half Dime Series
As always, top grade British coins, 1838-1970, especially 1838-1936.
Shipping at or below cost. Orders over $100 get free insured shipping within US (Outside US $3.00 discount on shipping).
1913, cleaned $9.00
1924, BN UNC $5.00
1953, BU $1.50
1956, BU $4.00
1884, UNC some lustre $100.00
1888, UNC good lustre $140.00
1901, EF some lustre $4.00
1909, EF/AU better date but lloks cleaned, $17.00
1953, BU $6.00
1957, EF $0.40
1957, UNC $1.00
1957, UNC much lustre $2.50
1966, UNC almost full lustre $0.15
1965 UNC much lustre $0.20
1965 BU full lustre $0.50
1967 UNC much lustre $0.20
1967 BU full lustre $0.25
Silver Threepences
1870 stained UNC $85.00
1911 Flat neck variety, EF $7.00
1922 UNC weak strike and die cracks $25.00
1926 BM (modified effigy) nearly UNC $27.50
1930 EF $20.00 SCARCE
1932 about UNC $4.00
1933 EF $4.00
1934 UNC $7.50
1936 VF $0.50
1936 EF/scratch $1.50
1936 EF $2.00
Junk box dates 1916, 1932, 1935, 1937, 1938, 1940, 1941 and 1944. $0.30 each or 7 for $2.00
Brass Threepences
1942 AU $3.50
1964 UNC $0.50
1967 BU full lustre $0.35
1887 Withdrawn REv/Jubilee Head UNC cleaned $8.00
1898 EF $30.00
1902 MS-62 BU $70.00
1903 AU Cleaned $60.00
1906 MS61 BU $80.00
1907 AU55 BAU $55.00
1943 VF $0.30
1952, Toned UNC $75.00
1887 EF, Scarcer Rev A, EF cleaned $25.00
1899 EF cleaned $10.00
1921, junkbox $0.50
1937 English, Proof $15.00
1949 Scottish, basic UNC $8.00
1951 Scottish, UNC $8.00
1897 AU/UNC $75.00
1918 EF dings $20.00
1931 F $1.25
1931 EF $17.50
1949 UNC tough date $11.00
1966 UNC $3.00
1893 UNC but strange looking obv $75.00
1916 EF $20.00
1950 AU $10.00
All pictures may be found by clicking the links.
I also have tons of Decimals and Decimal Proof Sets. Please click the links to see the prices.
Apologies last week for including a coin that had sold months ago. Hooboy.
Collecting Penguins, Named Ship Coins and other assorted goodies
Looking for Circulated coins of Papua New Guinea
Free Insured shipping to forum members.
Looking for anything from Poland...preferably silver but may be interested in others.
Also, gotta love those weenie coins
Please PM me with prices and pics if you have them.
1992 Proof Set in original pouch Mintage 5000 $50.00
1969 Tunisia proof set 10 pieces original case, but in Capitol plastic holder, Gem set $150.
French Lot 1Fr 1944, 5Fr 1949, 10Fr 1947, KM902.1, 888b.1, 902.1, $1.50 deliverd
German Lot 2Pf 1923 & 5Pf 1925 Weirmar Republic KM31, 32 $2.00 delivered
German Lot 5Pf 1950 & 10Pf 1949 KM107, 103 $1.50 delivered
GB 1893 Half Crown NGC MS64 $130.
GB 1849 Florin NGC MS63 w/colorful reverse $300.
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
1936 $1 BU, but reverse cleaned $25
1958 $1 prooflike $15
1959 $1 prooflike $15
Whitman folder for dimes from 1937, including 22 dimes: 1938, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1943 ,1944, 1946, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1955, 1956, 1960, 1961, 1966, 1967, 1968 silver and two others for the obverse view. The 1938, 39 dimes are VG, the rest are F-AU: $20
Mexico complete set of silver 1-peso coins KM455 (except overdates). Includes 17 coins from 1920-1945 VF-BU $100
South Africa 1962 seven-coin proof set in original 9-coin case (the gold coins are NOT included). The coins are all gems, the 1/2 cent and 50 cent has beautiful multicolored toning. $20.
Edited to add this bulk lot of French coins:
58 coins from 1872 - 1959, most coins XF-AU, some VF, none less than fine, total Krause value $66: $35 delivered.
Here's the breakdown:
5 c - 1927
10 c - 1917
20 c - 1942
25 c - 1925, 1932
50 c - 1917 silver, 1918 silver, 1923 (2), 1926, 1931, 1939B, 1941 Al-Br, 1941 Al., 1942 Vichy
1 franc silver - 1872A, 1911, 1916, 1918 (3), 1919
1 franc Al-Bronze - 1921, 1922, 1923 (4), 1932, 1941
1 franc Aluminum - 1941, 1943 Vichy (2), 1944 Vichy, 1944C Vichy, 1945 (3), 1946, 1948, 1950, 1957, 1958B, 1959
2 franc - 1915 silver, 1943 Vichy, 1946
5 franc - 1947 (2)
10 franc - 1951B (2), 1952
20 franc - 1950, 1951, 1952 (2)
50 franc - 1951, 1953B
PS: Will pay to get rid of them.
I'll entertain offers, just PM me.
My Auctions
eBay Store
DPOTD Jan 2005, Meet the Darksiders