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Looking for 2004 D Wisconsin extra leaves..

Does anybody here have any of the 2004 D Wisconsin extra leaves for sale here yet? If so please pm me. Thank you.
Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.


  • Make that 2 of us looking for this image.
  • 4

    Sleep well tonight for the 82nd Airborne Division is on point for the nation.
  • They are on ebay

    Cameron Kiefer
  • Looks like they are all from Arizona!
  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,465 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Also a lot of low/no feedback sellers.
    I was going to bid on some, but I am cautious.

    Good luck to those that do...I saw at least 1 board member win a set.

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • adrianaadriana Posts: 581 ✭✭
    Don't collect those however going to a show in Raleigh tmrw or Sunday, will let you know what kind of prices they have on 'em, if they have any!
  • I bought two sets of three from ebay. Will post pics when they arrive.
    Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.
  • Cammie thanks for the link. Anybody here ever dealt with this seller?
  • about $30-$50 each! Hmmmm....My guess is that there'll be a lot of them out there. PCGS has already recognized the two types and has slabbed some. Many more to follow, IMHO, and lower prices are sure to follow. Any body want to buy a 1995 DDO Lincoln at what they were going for when first discovered?


    Lincoln Wheats (1909 - 1958) Basic Set - Always Interested in Upgrading!
  • adrianaadriana Posts: 581 ✭✭
    Just got back from the Raleigh Show. Of the 75 dealers only 33 were displaying Wisconson quarters. Only one of those 33 had a Wisconson with the extra leaf and he had it sent to PCGS for grading. He didn't know what kind of price he would have on it yet. His was a "P" mint. I didn't get to see it either since it's suppose to be on it's way to PCGS. Hope that gives some of you some idea of how many is around so far. I went thru 10 rolls tonite and never foun d one!!!
  • CoinHuskerCoinHusker Posts: 5,033 ✭✭✭
    "P" mint? And awaaaaaaaaaaaaay we goooo....
    Collecting coins, medals and currency featuring "The Sower"
  • astroratastrorat Posts: 9,221 ✭✭✭✭✭
    If anybody has a windfall and finds a bunch, please consider donating a set to the ANA Money Museum. Remember, your contributions are tax-deductable and highly valued by the public and collectors that visit the museum. Thanks . . . had to ask!

    Numismatist Ordinaire
    See http://www.doubledimes.com for a free online reference for US twenty-cent pieces
  • BAJJERFANBAJJERFAN Posts: 31,144 ✭✭✭✭✭
    So how common are these things in Philly minted as compared to Denver minted?
  • I have yet to see any P mints for sale on ebay or anywhere else.
    Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.
  • Just bought a 3 coin set at ebay. We'll see how this turns out. Maybe I'll flip these if the price doubles in a week or 2!
  • Looking for some extra leaf Wisconsins??? Check this site out. He has 0 feedback, lol

    Check this price out!!
  • At that price I'll buy all 100 of them. image
    Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.
  • Oh baby!!! I seen this 20k listing this morning. Yesterday it was 10k,image and they are the more common ones. I can't say I did any better with my b.i.n. purchase this morning. The seller had a feedback rating of 34, and the 3 coin set was 250 + 3.00 s/h/i.
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