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Dickeson's Numismatic Manual

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Dickeson's numismatic manual

But I put this 1859 book up for auction on ebay. Please take a look.




  • They had color photos back in 1859? I don't think that is the first edition.


    Cameron Kiefer
  • michaelmichael Posts: 9,524 ✭✭
    a superb book i have had a few cpoies of this manual i have probably read these books many cover to cover 200 times and never tire of it over the last 30 years or so

    and there are copper tone printed plates as close to color as you can get at the time 1859

    and in my unprofessional opinion THIS IS A FIRST EDITION

    i have talked to orville grady about these dickeson books and this book even the reprints of 1860 to 63 are really rare undervalued books a book like this book in this ebay auction is to me a 600 dollar book retail and i have seen some go for 500 orkmore you usually see a book like this maybve once a year in a big numismatic book auction and a first ed maybe every few years or so


  • michaelmichael Posts: 9,524 ✭✭
    there are i believe 20 full page plates in this book and they are like shiny really unusual plates of great historical copper plate printed with metallic inks coins of the american continent i have seen single pages of the plates sell for %o dollars each!! the first book to have as such plates as these in them and a wonder for their time the plates in this book are the flat screen cable tvs of today.................but back in 1859

    ironically enough when i used to wholesale antiquarian books two decades ago i used to f8ind many great books that would not sell for 100 hundred dollars and i would cut out the plates and throw away the rest of the books and get more than 200 for the plates!!

    and even with early books of the 12 to 14 century i would sell the pages individually and get much more than if the book was whole and the book as a whole was unsaleable



  • << <i>They had color photos back in 1859? I don't think that is the first edition.


    Cameron Kiefer >>

    thanks for putting up that picture, Cameron
    I know they used metallic tints back then, which was considered beyond state of the art, at that time, but what exactly 'metallic tint' means, I'm not clear about the process.

    Michael: thanks for the input on this book.
  • michaelmichael Posts: 9,524 ✭✭
    your most welcome mike

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