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Im famous, my name is in a Q. David Bowers article!!!

Jud Petrie from the Civil War token Society told me today that he read in his November 22 edition copy of Coin World, mentions my name in Q. David Bowers article. Page 48, paragraph 3 reads:

"Scott H., a young numismatist from Ohio, wrote to say that getting super-gem modern coins is far
out of his budget, so he is busy buying all the books he can on Civil War tokens"

That's meimage I don't remember saying exactally that, but something of it. Either way that is totally cool. He's been a very nice guy. Answered all my questions and concerns. Even took some time to talk cwt's with me.image I thought i'd just tell you to show off a bit.

Would someone mind mailing me the article? I don't get Coin World, it's too expensive, I settle for Numismatic News.image
Scott Hopkins
-YN Currently Collecting & Researching Colonial World Coins, Especially Spanish Coins, With a Great Interest in WWII Militaria.

My Ebay!


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