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Baystate Show: I was there, and I had lunch across the street

. . . at Legal Seafood, which was very good. I went with a bunch of colonial collectors and dealers, who all made their presence known at the restaurant by speaking excitedly about colonial coins. Can you imagine that?

The show itself seemed somewhat busier than last year, which was surprising as there was a medium-sized snowfall yesterday and last night in Boston which made driving annoying, if not treacherous. But obviously a large number of intrepid collectors had braved the elements, grabbed their Redbooks by the spine and come on out.

Waiting for them were a fair amount of interesting colonials and early material (including a rare Nova Eborac Small Head copper which changed hands for a big number $$$$$$), and the requisite tables filled with toned Morgan dollars which were displayed in neat rows coming out the wazoo. Something for everyone, even those of you who collect baseball cards, as I saw of a bunch of them too.

I'm going back tonight for the C4 auction at which time I expect to sit on my hands for about 5 hours.


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