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Almost Complete Seated Dime Collection in Slabs for Sale

I have consigned the following seated dimes with Dick Osburn. The coins are listed with a more detailed description, detailed variety description and priced at:


1837 Sm dt. ANACS AU58 Fortin 103a

1838 Lg strs NGC MS63 Fortin 102a

1838 Lg strs NGC AU55 Fortin 106

1838 Sm strs ANACS AU50 Fortin 101

1838-O ANACS AU50 Fortin 102

1839 N/D PCGS MS63 Fortin 106

1839-O ANACS AU50 Fortin 105

1840 N/D ANACS AU55 Fortin 102

1841-O ANACS AU53 Fortin 104

1842 ANACS AU50 Fortin 106

1842-O NGC AU50 Unlisted by Fortin

1843 NGC AU58 Fortin 103a

1845 NGC MS64 Fortin 101

1845 ANACS AU50 Fortin 105a

1845-O NGC XF40 Fortin 101a

1846 ANACS VF30 Fortin 101

1847 ANACS MS62 Fortin 103

1847 NGC AU55 Fortin 102

1847 ANACS AU55 Fortin 101

1848 ANACS AU50 Fortin 102

1849 NGC MS63 Fortin 102

1849-O PCGS AU50 Fortin 104

1850 NGC MS61

1851 ANACS AU55 Fortin 107

1852 ANACS MS62 Fortin 101

1852-O ANACS AU50 Fortin 101

1853 N/A NGC MS62 Fortin 101

1853 W/A NGC MS64

1853 W/A ANACS AU58

1854 PCGS MS64 Fortin 104a

1854 NGC AU55

1854-O ANACS AU58 Fortin 110?

1855 ANACS MS61 Fortin 102a

1856 Lg dt ANACS MS62 Fortin 103a

1856 Sm dt NGC MS63 Fortin 104

1857 NGC AU58

1857-O ANACS AU58

1857-O ANACS AU50 Fortin 106a

1858 PCGS MS63

1858-S Raw MS60- (per Dick) Fortin 102

1859 ANACS MS62

1859 ANACS AU55 Fortin 106

1859-O NGC AU58 Fortin 103

1859-O ANACS XF45 Fortin 103

1859-S ANACS AU det net XF40 Fortin 101

1860 PCGS MS64

1860-S ANACS AU50 Fortin 101

1860-O ANACS VF30 Fortin 101

1861 NGC MS64

1861 ANACS AU50

1861-S ANACS AU50 Fortin 102

1862 ANACS AU55

1862 ANACS PR61 Fortin 101

1864 ANACS MS64 Fortin

1865 PCGS MS63 Fortin 101a

1866 PCGS MS64 Fortin 102b

1867 PCGS MS63 Fortin 102

1869 NGC AU53 Fortin 103

1869-S ANACS XF45 Fortin 102

1870 PCGS MS63 Fortin 101

1870 ANACS AU53

1871 NGC AU55

1871-CC NGC XF40 Fortin 101

1872 NGC MS64 Fortin 106

1872 PCGS AU50 Fortin 105 (Newly discovered flip-over doubled die reverse....really neat)

1872-S NGC AU58 Fortin 101

1872-CC Raw XF40+ (Dick's grade) F 101

1873 W/A ANACS AU58

1873-S NGC AU58 Fortin 102

1873-S ANACS AU50 Fortin 101

1874 ANACS AU58

1874-S ANACS XF40 Fortin 102a

1875 PCGS MS63 Unlisted by Fortin

1875 ANACS AU50 Fortin 112

1875-S Above PCGS MS62

1875-S Below ANACS MS61 Fortin 103

1875-CC Below ANACS AU58

1875-CC Above PCGS MS64 Fortin 107a

1876 NGC MS63

1876-S NGC MS64

1876-CC PCGS MS63

1877 ANACS MS63

1877-S ANACS MS64 Fortin 102

1877-CC ANACS AU53

1878 NGC MS63 Fortin 105

1878 NGC MS63PL

1879 NGC MS63 Fortin 104a

1880 NGC MS64 Fortin 102a

1880 ANACS AU58 Fortin 102a

1880 NGC PR63 Fortin 101

1881 NGC MS61 Fortin 102a

1882 ANACS MS62

1883 ANACS MS63 Fortin 112

1884 PCGS MS63

1884 ANACS MS63 Fortin 103

1884-S NGC MS63 Fortin 102

1885 PCGS MS63

1885 ANACS AU55 Fortin 103

1885-S NGC AU55 Fortin 101

1886 PCGS MS64

1887 NGC MS63

1887 NGC PR63 Fortin 101

1887-S ANACS MS64

1887-S NGC MS64

1888 PCGS MS64 Fortin 104

1888 PCGS PR62 Fortin 101

1888-S NGC MS63

1889 NGC MS64

1890 NGC MS64

1890 NGC AU58

1890-S NGC AU58 Fortin 103

1891 NGC MS63 Fortin 111

1891-O PCGS MS63 Fortin 116

1891-S NGC MS64

Again, there's much greater detail about each coin at Dick's website:

Go well.


  • www.dickosburn.com

    Cameron Kiefer
  • ttt
    Go well.
  • EVillageProwlerEVillageProwler Posts: 5,856 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Good luck. "Parting will be such sweet sorrow..."


    How does one get a hater to stop hating?

    I can be reached at evillageprowler@gmail.com

  • Thanks. I've been collecting the seated dimes since I was ten. I wouldn't be selling unless I really needed to. 98% of them have tremendous eye appeal....even the 61's and 62's.
    Go well.
  • jdimmickjdimmick Posts: 9,728 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Impressive collection of some super tough coins. Good luck selling, you shouldnt have any problems doing so though with those!!


  • HTubbsHTubbs Posts: 4,138 ✭✭✭
    I heard that someone consigned their high grade seated collection to him,but didn't think of you.I see you've got several '47s from your hoard.image

    Good luck Mark!image
  • Thanks guys.

    The three 47's are the three different varieties that Greer has listed. I was impressed when Laura mentioned the 1847 dime as a great buy a few months ago in one of her educational threads.

    I was impressed because I thought no one could really know that without being a seated dime specialist. There must be three dozen other dates that appear on the market more often than the 1847, but which are priced much, much higher. I think the price has always been skewed downward by the first Gobrecht Journal dime survey which listed a large number of 1847's. However, the reason there was a large number in possessioin of members was because everyone had the three Greer/Ahwash varities.....but almost all those dimes were in pretty low grades.

    I wish Dick's website had pictures because most of the dimes have some really nice eye appeal. Thanks again.
    Go well.
  • ttt
    Go well.
  • ttt
    Go well.
  • HTubbsHTubbs Posts: 4,138 ✭✭✭
  • ttt
    Go well.
  • roadrunnerroadrunner Posts: 28,310 ✭✭✭✭✭
    JOC, I concur with you on the 1847 dime. I also love the 1848 in UNC too.

    Back around 1986 I owned MS63 1847 dime that was fully PL. It had fat & wide rims along with reeding sharp enough to cut you. Still, it wasn't a proof. The lack of frost made me believe it was cleaned at one time. It may have been, but probably only very lightly/dipped. Paid around $1200 for that coin. When sent in for slabbing in 1988 it came back an NGC MS63. I knew it was a real good date in UNC but at that time no one really cared all that much. I became tired of ownership while common date gem type coins were just going up like crazy. Sold the coin at auction I believe around 1988-89 for not much more than I originally paid. And of course today, that proved to be one of the coins that I should have held for the long term.

    Barbarous Relic No More, LSCC -GoldSeek--shadow stats--SafeHaven--321gold
  • ttt
    Go well.
  • Dimes now listed on page 79 of the 11/22 Coin World.

    Don't hesitate to PM me with any questions about the specifics.

    Yeah!!!! One of the 71-CC's just sold.

    Go well.
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