The Dr. Steven Duckor Saint Gaudens set has been retired (not SOLD!!) and is opened for viewing. What a historic irreplaceable set. I applaud, Dr. SD, both as my mentor, and as a TRUE AFFICIONADO and DEDICATED COLLECTOR of the finest coins!! 

Take a look at this's got the footsteps of all the best Saint collections of the century!!

Thanks Steve!!

Take a look at this's got the footsteps of all the best Saint collections of the century!!

Thanks Steve!!

It's such a significant date in a "symbolic" way for the series. The culmination of the exciting first 30 years of the 20th century, the PEAK of excess, and the CRASH that began a decade of depression...all captured by a grand coin with the date 1929 !! Imagine what it took to hold a mint-state 1929 $20 coin with all the financial crisis' following. I would only imagine that they had to be in the hands of some pretty well-off collectors.
He even has a 1927-D! I am surprised he wasn't able to get a 1929 to complete the set.
All is in the name of intelligent discussion, enthusiasm and fun. And a little needling once in a while.
I am I, Rastafar-I.
I just don't know what else to say.
Good job, now just convince SD to become a boardmember.
Your comment on the 1929 is very true, and moving. I always like to think of the year n which a coin was minted. The 1929 $20 gold during those times, MUST have been extremely hard to hold onto.
"COINS ARE THE FOOTSTEPS OF THE HISTORY OF NATIONS" William H. Woodin Sec. of the Treasury(1932-1934)/Rennaissance Man. How very true!!
He's got a lot of pop 1's! Nice achievement!!
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
Congrats SD.
Now become a boardmember!
Dr. Duckor has been an active coin collector for more than 30 years.
He had and sold the best Buffalo nickel collection with a 1925 s in ms 66.His Walking Liberty half dollar and other collectionsthat he sold were also world class.He also has the best $10 Indian collection.His Barber half collection is remarkable.It will be on view in Long Beach in February.
He is a Gastroenterologist with an active practice.He likes his annonimity and privacy.
that's a fancy word for a tuchas doctor!!
I will predict, however, that because it is not 100% complete eventually it will be beat on the Registry - multiple times. Whether that is a hollow victory, I cannot tell as I have never seen the coins. But I suspect they are delicious!
I'll spot you 2 years and bet you $100!
And to revive an old subject, even if someone does get 100% Ithey will never have the QUALITY he has. And that counts, Big Time.
It doesn't take much to pass by a non complete set...
Jay that's one stunning set - can you be far behind ?
And David Akers deserves a lot of credit. No one, no one, knows Saints like he does. He had the most discerning eye and knew every great coin there was. A good counselor!!
I am blown away by this set!
I am talking about the Registry only - which often doesn't translate into the real world. And I did make it clear that I was stating it would be passed only if it DID NOT upgrade or complete. And I stand by that statement. The set rating is such that a moderately high grade but complete set will surpass it in set rating points on the Registry. The availability of high grade Saints is such that a determined effort will indeed eclipse the set on the Registry.
I haven't seen the coins, tho I do know the reputation of the owner [and his advisor] and I am quite certain they are spectacular. But basic math doesn't lie. If the set is indeed retired, it will be passed.
Note that all the Kutasi set needs is a 27-D to rather handily move into first place - because the Duckor set isn't complete. Yes, they are rare and expensive but not so rare that one would be safe in saying that the Duckor set will never be surpassed on the Registry.
It's that completion factor again. By the rules of the Registry, a complete set in moderately high grade will beat an almost complete set in super high grade.
I can see it now...a set of MS63's comes along, completed and it slides into #1. SD has an GPA of 65.5.
then again, maybe not...but that would foul the process. But as a footnote, the 1933, "BY THE RULES", is NOT a component of the Circulation Strike Saints!!!
The Big Picture
Duckor Barber Half Set
It's 6/10 of a point higher than the next best set ever formed and a mere quarter point from perfection. Not only that, but it's in a series with much lower pops of gems.
I feel that the Duckor Barber Half Set is actually more of an numismatic achievement than the Saint Set. (Again, opinion.) The number of sole top pops held in this set is outstanding and would be VERY difficult to replicate in any series. The Saint Set is outstanding as well but my guess is there are a few other sets out there (not in the Registry) that are probably pretty close. (Just a wild A guess.)
Now that I've offered an opinion, these sets are better than I'll ever hope of achieving. Outstanding.
I am still tweaking my sets but have only been set building since January of this year.
I would also love to see those coins someday as they must truly be outstanding works of art and beauty.
My $10 Indian Registry Set
$20 Saint Gaudens Registry Set
No disrespect taken. Nope, its not about the tool or analytics in this case. I stand by the assertion that the Barber Half set is "higher" numismatic achievement than the Saint set. I'll shut up now. I'd be interested in knowing which set Dr. Duckor feels is a higher accomplishment? Again, they're both amazing sets.
it must be tough to find this date without cuts.
He had one but was offered big money years ago and sold it...replacement wasn't as easy as he thought.
My $10 Indian Gold Registry Set
$20 Saint Gaudens Registry Set
Don't get me wrong, I'm not critisizing this set in any way because it is an awesome set. I was just curious because I've also noticed that a lot of sets have top pops (or near the top) but there's a few that have quite a few graded higher.
Complete Dime Set
It will be very interesting to see the state of the market for this watershed auction.