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A Perpwexing Qwestion

Why is the 1949-S the key in a couple of the modern silver coinage sets even though they are not the lowest mintage?

My Points are:
(1) A date/mint is saved because it is the lowest mintage thus making it an easy coin to find in later years thus reducing the value, 1955-S Lincoln, 1954 Lincoln, 1955-S Roosevelt.
(2) San Francisco minted coins are usually put away, generally because they are usually the lower minted coins, thus reducing thier value in later years, see point 1.
Now the 1949-S comes up. In the Roosevelt set and the Franklin set they are the highest priced coins although they are not the lowest minted and they are from the San Francisco mint (which does not jive with the low mintage, most popular Lincoln series and the dimes of the same mint).

What up?

Alright! Who removed the cork from my lunch?

W.C. Fields


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