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will buy all lots PRE-1920

and will make an offer after reviewing the coins. Slabbed material I can purchase sight unseen, as long as it's slabbed by companies other than Newly misTrusted Companies or Almost Considered Graded companies or Perfect Condition, I swear! companies or Still Energetically Grading companies.

Ungraded material (of course YOU have graded it so I mean unslabbed) will be reviewed and then I'll send you an offer, which will probably be below greysheet.

PM for details image


  • coinlieutenantcoinlieutenant Posts: 9,315 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I think that is an oxymoron...sight unseen with a return priv?

  • ajiaajia Posts: 5,403 ✭✭✭
    PM for details
    Why not just let us know up front how this is supposed to work?

    for below greysheet .......
    Heck, I'll also buy coins for under graysheetimage
    I even buy some for OVER graysheet!image

    with 5 day return priveledge.
    I'll decide within 3 days!!!image
  • only comments?

    nothing to sell?

    why respond to the thread?

    I think it's pretty clear - tell me what you have, I'll make an offer, if you accept, your coins are sold. I'll send whatever form of payment you'd like. I'll have 5 days to review the material with the right to reverse the transaction...same as an e-bay purchase with return privledge.

    There are times when I come to this board and learn great things - other times it's just plain irritating.
  • SmittysSmittys Posts: 9,876 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Me Too. I'll buy under grey sheet, and I want a return privalge. Kool sign me up.
  • Hillarious.

    I will also buy all houses, cars, boats and jewelry sight unseen below appraisal...........with a return privilege.

    I think the better way to phrase the offer is:

    "I am willing to pay below greysheet for your coins. So send them to me and after I take a look, I'll make you an offer (which may be below greysheet). If you don't like the offer, I'll send the coins back."

    I actually think this is the way it works with 90% of the dealers buying coins through the mail. But, you live and learn.....including here on the boards.

    Good luck.

    Good luck.
    Go well.
  • coinlieutenantcoinlieutenant Posts: 9,315 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I wasnt trying to be an a$$...

    Here is the deal. If you are buying coins sight unseen, that means you pay someone based on the grade that a grading service has determined it to be. There is no return priv on sight unseen deals...otherwise it isnt sight unseen. If you get to see the coins before buying them, then it is a sight seen deal...

    Simple as that.

    What I think you meant to say is:

    "Send me your coins and I will make you a fair offer. I usually pay 10% back of greysheet for "inventory" type material. I will fax you my offer upon receipt/valuation of your coins."

  • I have a large lot of pre 1920 coins listed on BST. Most are listed at greysheet, a few at just over greysheet. The entire lot is priced at approx. $2950, I will sell all for $2400 and I will pay shipping and insurance.

    Have a Great Day!
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