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Scoring and Big mark-ups... K6AZ vs. Cladiator's...

...Somebody Scored on This One.

A lot of ethics posting going on around here.

I got hostile about the "somebody scored on this one" thread. Billboat, Bigtonydallas, Coynclecter, slderider, pennywise, myqqy and mojo were THRILLED with my responses to "hoping to score" on an EBAY listing.

K6AZ has two threads right now about two HUGE mark-up of coins for sale that members have recently discovered. To me both scenario's are very similar. The Cladiator thread was hoping for QUICK pay and shipment FROM THE SELLER. The K6AZ's are pointing out possible QUICK sale and shipment to the BUYER. BOTH hoping to run away quickly with a good sized profit. My question is:

If the buyers are all hoping for a big score, why bother writing about the dealer or a seller hoping for a big "score"?

It's interesting to note, back when the 1870-s half dime sold, one member thought anyone who had that kind of money to pay for the coin basically "screwed someone, some how to have that kind of money in the first place".

It seems to me, everyone would like to get ahead, be rewarded for their efforts, but wouldn't mind an extra bonus along the way. I bet the ones who are criticizing Anaconda with his marketing efforts would love to do just the same. Is he being ethical? His feedback is 100% positive... He can't be all that bad then.

When something sold, whether a coin or car, house, there had to be a seller and buyer that agreed to it.
The Accumulator - Dark Lloyd of the Sith



  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭
    Hey Lloyd,

    My welfare check is late. Can you help me out?

    Russ, NCNE
  • Do you have any free flips?

    Cameron Kiefer
  • OuthaulOuthaul Posts: 7,440 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Do you have any free flips? >>


  • << <i>Hey Lloyd,

    My welfare check is late. Can you help me out?

    Russ, NCNE >>

    I have some food stamps I can loan you!! But you have to pay me back with real money. image
  • Russ:

    It's not MY FAULT. Either USPS or the gov't at fault. Surprise you?
    The Accumulator - Dark Lloyd of the Sith


  • << <i>Is he being ethical? His feedback is 100% positive... He can't be all that bad then. >>

    that statement is just untrue - you can't infer that from feedback alone. Most sucessful autograph forgers on eBay have 100% positive feedback in the thousands. Feedback means very little and is often fictitious - it means that someone wrote something about a transaction that may be not even be real. As I think of "100%" I am reminded of what Alice Kramden told Ralph when he said "nothing is a 100%!" She said "you are Ralph - you've been wrong every time".


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