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GOETZ: Opus 601(a) S. CLAUS

SANTA CLAUS AND THE CITY OF BERNBURG, AN DER SAALE. K 601(a), 1943. Struck metal which has been silver-plated (versilbert). 41 X 60mm, Matt UNC, Unique, RRRR.

This is an unknown and undocumented unique variety of Goetz’s K-601 which was originally made in zinc and aluminum and smaller in size. My theory is that the smaller medal was made for distribution during the annual Bernburger Knecht Ruprecht (Santa Claus) parade. Bernburg is a town south of Magdeburg in eastern Germany, on the river Saale. The larger silver medal in my opinion could have been a presentation piece to the sponsor (Dr. Hermann Siebert). I do not know the significance of the date: March 10th, 1943, presumably something to do with the anniversaries of Dr. Siebert, the founder of such parades during the time of advent in a year. If this medal was actually made and struck in silver in 1943 it would be extremely rare since the Nazi’s had strict limitations on the use of precious metals although it is possible Goetz went “against the grain” as times before. I am going to try and get the provenance for this piece but in many cases, succeeding in this quest can be more difficult than acquiring the piece.

The translation on the smaller documented K 601 is:

Out of Bernburg's gate (it means the gate in the town wall as shown on the obverse) comes the Bernburger Heele Christ (*) who is known all over the world and also called "Knecht (a hired farm hand) Ruprecht" (to-day known as Santa Claus) (*) I can only guess that "Heele" may mean "heilig" or Holy. But the connection from Holy Christ to Santa Claus escapes me. Of course when Jesus Christ was born in the manger, there must have been hired farmhands around (in German: 1 Knecht, 2 or more Knechte). Knecht Ruprecht as presented in the annual parade as originated by Dr. Siebert looks like the figure standing in the gate on the medals.

The translation for the larger K 601(a) silver medal below is:

Dedicated by the founder and originator of the annual Knecht Ruprecht (Santa Claus)
parade in the town of Bernburg
Dr. Herm.(ann) Siebert
on March 10th, 1943



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