That was cheap for that slab! The first token slab was actually a pirated ACG slab. If you look in person on the lower right hand corner they ground off the ACG logo that is embossed in it and made their own label. The company wasn't around for a long tim but it is listed in conder01's book and I have seen a few in person. $33 was a steal
At the time FTGS was active the ACG was not highly embossed on the Accugrade shells. If you didn't go looking for it you would not know it was there.
When I found my first FTGS shell I recognized it as an ACG shell and asked Accugrade about them. They said that they had not slabbed the tokens or licensed the company to use their slab shells. They said that at the time there was only one person who was licensed to use their shells and he was not licensed for this use. They did say that they had had problems with him in the past though diverting ACG shells to unlicensed uses.
Russ, NCNE
FTGS (First Token Grading Service) 2000 - 2001
Link to token info.
good for 1c
that's someone on here.
Nice piece and "popcoins" paid a very reasonable price.
See for a free online reference for US twenty-cent pieces
Capped Bust Half Series
Capped Bust Half Dime Series
Cameron Kiefer
When I found my first FTGS shell I recognized it as an ACG shell and asked Accugrade about them. They said that they had not slabbed the tokens or licensed the company to use their slab shells. They said that at the time there was only one person who was licensed to use their shells and he was not licensed for this use. They did say that they had had problems with him in the past though diverting ACG shells to unlicensed uses.