Certified coin showcases - Still time to get in on the pre-production special!

Still time to get in on the 20% discount special before we go back to normal pricing - don't delay! 

These showcases are premium quality throughout, and we are in the process of having all
of the various custom hardware components manufactured to produce them in quantity.
We are currently accepting pre-production orders, and the first 50 orders will receive a 20% discount
from the listed pricing! You will not need to send payment until we are ready fill your order, and we
will confirm your order prior to production in case you want to cancel or make any changes.
Please visit www.solid-craft.com and check them out. We would love to hear from you!
A special thanks goes out to those board members that provided feedback and encouragement
on the showcases and web-site - your suggestions have been invaluable!
Ken Claypool
800-797-6543 x102

These showcases are premium quality throughout, and we are in the process of having all
of the various custom hardware components manufactured to produce them in quantity.
We are currently accepting pre-production orders, and the first 50 orders will receive a 20% discount
from the listed pricing! You will not need to send payment until we are ready fill your order, and we
will confirm your order prior to production in case you want to cancel or make any changes.
Please visit www.solid-craft.com and check them out. We would love to hear from you!
A special thanks goes out to those board members that provided feedback and encouragement
on the showcases and web-site - your suggestions have been invaluable!

Ken Claypool
800-797-6543 x102
My only suggestion is to list the prices on the website.
Fantastic job!
You are the third person to mention not finding pricing. It's funny how minor details like
this gets lost when you are real close to the design process!
Pricing is listed, it is just a little buried right now: Click Showcases, then go to either
Wall-mount or Desktop and scroll down to view sizes and pricing.
I will do some redesign to make this easier to find!
They look awesome! Nicely crafted!
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
Cameron Kiefer
Order placed! Looking forward to it!
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
One suggestion regarding the website, I hate the fact that it's framed. Either make the top frame a *lot* smaller or make the pages solid with a standard logo and navigation at the top. At 800x600 with the page maximized in Netscape 7.1 the bottom edge of the top frame is almost exactly halfway down the screen. At 1024x768 it's about a third of the way down. Leaves little room for browsing the page and the big pictures you provide don't all show up on the screen - you have to scroll up and down to see the pictures.
Also I don't see an option for the different types of wood available.
And although I really like the holders as presented, you may wish to down the road offer a white interior instead of a black one, and perhaps a solid white or solid black frame rather than a woodgrain one. (yes I do know it's actually wood). Again, maybe down the road.
FYI: I work in a custom cabinet shop as the finisher
the lines and the overall look is really crisp and clear
Cameron - Excellent idea!
robertpr - I think you are probably right about the framed pages. I have been in
software development for over 20 years and am sensitive to applications from the
user's perspective, but have not created web sites with this sort of content (large
pictures, etc). I tried using the framed pages in order to make the navigation buttons
stick to the top of the page, but can see where this poses a problem for browsers
running in a smaller window. I will either scrap the framed pages altogether or
make it optional. Anyone else have any comments on this?
The standard wood types available are: Walnut, Cherry, Oak and Maple, but we can
build the cases out of nearly any available wood. Just ask!
showcase unfinished so that you can paint or stain to match your decor.
As far as making the rotating panel in white, it would be possible but we will have to
see what kind of demand there is. The shells are injected-molded and are produced
in runs of 2500 pieces. We could do smaller runs in other colors, but the cost would
go up. The aluminum frame is extruded, machined, and then anodized. Again, these
are done in large runs so there would need to be enough demand to justify a color
other than black. One option would be for you to spray paint the frames and shells
any color you desired. This would work fine as long as you are not changing the coins
very often and were careful during handling.
Alchemy - The finish we are using on the showcases is three applications of a hand-rubbed
oil to bring out the natural luster and beauty of the wood. This does not seal the wood like
a laquer or polyurethane spray.
Thanks everyone for the comments, suggestions and orders!
Ken Claypool
P.S. Anyone trying to call this morning to talk about showcases has probably been met
with a ring, a click, and then silence. I came into the office this morning to find that all four
business lines are down for the 3rd or 4th time since December. Grrrr. They are working
on the problem...again.
I put a thread with a link on the Darkside for you.
PM with info.
Auction Sniper For all your sniping needs. Tell them I sent you and I'll get three free snipes!
e-bay ID= 29john29
<< <i>I will either scrap the framed pages altogether or make it optional. Anyone else have any comments on this? >>
I would simply make each page a table with one column. The top cell will be the current top frame, then the bottom cell the page contents. This way, the top can be scrolled away, yet still large and visable.
What's the cost difference if I want it made out of Mahogony?
Jeremy - Working on it right now. I usually do just as you suggested, making a 1 column table to control
the page width.
Steve (Peaceman) - Checked with our wood supplier and head engineer - here's the scoop: We can get
African Mahogony (also known as "Khaya"), which is slightly lighter in color than Phillipine Mahogany. Same
price and happy to do it! Just let me know.
Those desktop models are the nicest I've ever seen. Nice work!
reworked the site to eliminate the use of frames. It will now be easier to see full pictures
by scrolling the entire page up/down.
Over the next month I will add on-line ordering capabilites, but don't let that stop you
from calling, emailing or sending a PM - we love to talk showcases and can help you with
a standard or custom display to show off those coins!
Come on over ... to The Dark Side!
I really don't think the hand rubbed oil finish will have any effect on the coins as the PCGS and NGC holders are very nearly airtight and the case is an open design. Any outgassing of the wood should dissipate harmlessly. I would be more concerned keeping coins in a closed drawer-type cabinet.
I went with the walnut. I decided by thinking how silver or gold would look with it.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
robertpr - Now there are five wood types available. From darkest to lightest
they are: Walnut, Cherry, Mahogany, Oak and Maple.
aspect for us to customize.
John selected a 5-Coin Cherry desktop showcase - good choice!
retail stores, at shows, or on the web!
Contact me for further infomation!