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GSA boxes for sale on eBay --- WHY?

rlawsharlawsha Posts: 1,033 ✭✭✭
Here is a LINK to an eBay auction that has 42 GSA boxes for sale, that's right EMPTY boxes. They are currently going for $300! Why? Is a GSA box without the coin really that collectible?


  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭
    Replacement boxes are in demand because many get lost or damaged.

    Russ, NCNE
  • TrooperTrooper Posts: 1,450
    I just bought 25 boxes for $90 big ones. I have GSA dollars without boxes. Over the years boxes were either destroyed or thrown out and now collectors want them back in their original holders. I really didn't need 25 but the price wasn't bad and it was only 1 shipping charge.
  • jharjhar Posts: 1,126
    Original boxes must really be in demand!!
  • mgoodm3mgoodm3 Posts: 17,497 ✭✭✭
    How else do you sell your GSA's as unopened, without boxes?
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  • jbstevenjbsteven Posts: 6,178
    I have one white GSA box that they are packaged in that has been opened. I wonder what it is worth?
  • BillJonesBillJones Posts: 33,874 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've been wondering when this sort of thing was going to happen. Virtually all dealers on the show circuit do not bother with the GSA boxes. These coins have been sold for years without them and the authenticity certificates.

    Now we see that collectors want the boxes too. It stands to reason. If they will pay more the coins in the GSA slabs, they will pay more for the box. And one step further - getting the right certs to go with the coins is virtually impossilbe unless they have been saved with the coins since day one. The serial numbers and the coins do go together.
    Retired dealer and avid collector of U.S. type coins, 19th century presidential campaign medalets and selected medals. In recent years I have been working on a set of British coins - at least one coin from each king or queen who issued pieces that are collectible. I am also collecting at least one coin for each Roman emperor from Julius Caesar to ... ?
  • TrooperTrooper Posts: 1,450
    That's the problem I just solved with my purchase. I really only need about 6 common cards. I have all the "uncirculated"(numbered) cards. I think that particular auction has 2 hours to go and is over $300 bucks.
  • PutTogetherPutTogether Posts: 2,141 ✭✭✭
    I bought a box for my lone GSA morgan. Why not?
  • RampageRampage Posts: 9,436 ✭✭✭✭
    This lot should go for a high price because each box also contains the numbered certificate. If by chance any of the certs are 90 or 91, then that adds even more to the value.

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