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Killer 1883 Proof Set

One of the great joys of working in the coin business is the ability to handle amazing items like this:

1883 Proof Set

What we have here is an original, matched 1883 Proof set which contains the following coins:

Indian Cent NGC Proof-67 Brown
Three Cent Nickel NGC Proof-67
Shield Nickel NGC Proof-66
Liberty Nickel No Cents NGC Proof-67
Liberty Nickel With Cents NGC Proof-66
Seated Dime NGC Proof-68
Seated Quarter NGC Proof-67
Seated Half Dollar NGC Proof-68
Morgan Dollar NGC Proof-67
Trade Dollar NGC Proof-67
$3 Gold PCGS Proof-66 (purchased separately)

One can't help but wonder how many still exist at this level of preservation, originality and eye appeal. Hope you enjoy looking at as much as I did.


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