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Finished with Ebay and PayPal



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    I am still trying to download that comments list...no can do...

    Not sure why but it took forever to load and I stopped it and the whole page appeared except for the last 2-3 lines. I suspect ebay has some HTML my ZoneAlarm does not like.
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    I got it guys I am printing it out now...will try to do it between now and Tuesday.
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    Dlimb what state are you in? All the states have specific statutes governing small claims courts. These statutes streamline and simplify the procedures and rules, including reduced filing fees and either no, or extremely curtailed, discovery.

    Small claims courts generally are more user-friendly than the regular civil courts. My guess is you would have a sympathetic ear from the adjudicator on your claim. The truth is small claims suits are not very difficult -- it's the grunt work in putting together all the necessary papers that's a pain in the rear.
    Realtime National Debt Clock:

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    K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295
    I saved the negative/neutral page as a zip file. If anyone wants to see it without the long wait on the website, here it is:

    slaqmaven feedback
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    Sequitur, I live in Illinois...is there a time frame in which this all has to be done...if so would you happen to know what it is...I appreciate your help....but he needs to be taken care of. The way I feel right now to know he got whats coming to him would do wonders for me.
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    I gotta go to bed guys...I Love you all...your a great group of people. I have printed it all out and will look it over in the morning and begin the filling out. then I will try to email as many people as I can and hopfully get a response out of them. I will talk to you tomorrow...Nite All.
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    is there a time frame in which this all has to be done

    Yes -- for lawsuits, there always is. It's what's known as the "statute of limitations," or a "statute of repose" (although the two are slightly different). You need to bring your action within the limitations period -- and I'm not sure what that is and I'm not familiar with Illinois law. Now you probably have at least a year, and possibly additional years, before you would need to file, but I am not certain of this, and the limitations period will depend on your claim. So, in short, it all depends on your claim and Illinois' statute of limitations.

    Also, where is the seller located?
    Realtime National Debt Clock:

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    K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295
    Good luck dlimb2, and be to let us know how it goes. I really suspect if you file USPS and IFCC reports that he might budge and decide $272 isn't worth criminal prosecution.
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    K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295
    Sequiter, that seller is in Las Vegas NV.
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    O.K. Dlimb, there's an informational pamphelet here, and certain of the court rules are here. As I expected, no discovery. Any other questions, let's take this PM.

    k6AZ, thanks for letting me know the seller is in Las Vegas. Jurisdiction is always an issue. And I concur, if this guy will pay up at the mere hint of law enforcement involvement, just do it as expeditiously as possible. (If the board hasn't figured it out yet, yes, another stinking lawyer in your midst!image).
    Realtime National Debt Clock:

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    K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295
    Well, that is very nice of you to offer to help him. Most of the people I have seen in the past who claimed to be lawyers had bad attitudes and would only tell people who have been victims of ripoffs how they were going to be sued for libel. Good thing I never listened to them, see my sig file link.

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    how they were going to be sued for libel.

    Libel? For filing a civil suit? Ridiculous.

    lawyers had bad attitudes

    But you repeat yourself.
    Realtime National Debt Clock:

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    I seem to have missed something. You insured the package. File a claim for the insurance stating that he told you the package arrived empty. If he signs agreeing that it was empty you collect on insurance. If he refuses then go back to Paypal with the information that the seller has denied that the package was empty on a USPS insurance claim and therefor lied to paypal the first time, and that you have a receipt showing that the package arrived and you want a refund from Paypal.
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    LALASD4LALASD4 Posts: 3,602 ✭✭✭
    Just file a claim with the Post Office, you will get your money back and let the Postal Inspectors go after him.
    Coin Collector, Chicken Owner, Licensed Tax Preparer & Insurance Broker/Agent.
    San Diego, CA

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    Dlimb, You never say how you paid. Was it with a Credit Card. If it was, with the return receipt in hand, you have an open and shut case. He can't have your money and the coins. If you dispute it with the CC Company, Paypal will be charged back and they will in turn take the $ from the sellers account.
    I hope you paid with a CC.
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    BAJJERFANBAJJERFAN Posts: 31,016 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Can I ask why you spent an extra $12 and change to insure a $270 package?
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    Wolf359Wolf359 Posts: 7,656 ✭✭✭
    Fight this guy all the way. Some excellent advice, take it. PayPal will freeze accounts if fraud is suspected.
    With a signed delivery receipt, I don't see how you can lose.
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    BAJJERFANBAJJERFAN Posts: 31,016 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I agree! Hang his AR$E!
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    I faxed Paypal copy of the returned signed recept and they still refussed to do anything...they told me case closed.
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    <FONT color=#008000>www1.ifccfbi.gov/index.asp
    internet fraud Complaint center Fbi </FONT>
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    BAJJERFANBAJJERFAN Posts: 31,016 ✭✭✭✭✭
    <<"Hmmmm...another one from Florida having problems
    There may be some good dealers in Florida, but there seems to also be a larger than average bunch of scum dealers too.">>

    I guess even scumbags like to be where its warm.

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    KAJ1KAJ1 Posts: 770 ✭✭✭
    I feel for your loss, but why would you bid on coins when the seller has the feedback they do?

    negatives 4 this month- 18 in 6 months - 22 in a year.

    That should raise a flag.
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    I had delt with him before and had no problems....look at his rating it is high for all the negatives that he has...he treats you good and then he hits you hard. I believe he is a seasoned pro at this and knows exactly how to work the system to his advantage...He knows all the moves of PayPal for I guess I have not been the first to complain. This was my first incounter of such with anyone and I have been trading with ebay for around 3 years and paying through PayPal. I could not bring his negatives up like K6AZ has done here...which is a very helpful tool and I Thank K6AZ for it.
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    BaleyBaley Posts: 22,659 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thread Title: Finished with Ebay and PayPal

    Last night, When making my dinner, I burned my thumb on a hot pan, and then burned the roof of my mouth with hot food!

    That's it! I'm through with cooking and eating! Done! Finito! Never Again!

    Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry

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    KAJ1KAJ1 Posts: 770 ✭✭✭
    I am suprised Pay-Pal won't do anything. I thought this was right up their ally.
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    Since this happened to me read about PayPal and their legal problems...they are many.
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    I emailed him, I told him that it seems he is losing a few coins in the mail. He wrote, "Yeh, 3 years ago they caught a guy stealing my mail, maybe its happening again"!
    You can fool man but you can't fool God! He knows why you do what you do!
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    BoomBoom Posts: 10,165

    << <i>I faxed Paypal copy of the returned signed recept and they still refussed to do anything...they told me case closed >>

    You know, if you present evidence to pay pal and this is their attitude, perhaps our attorney member can help us out here. Having an attorney amongst us I believe is excellent. Sequiter..I'm sorry if I mis-spelled your Name, I need to have a chat with you , please sir!

    This has me wanting to close my pay pal account down for nightmarish reasons. If this is the kind of help we get from pay pal..well to put it bluntly-"IT SUCKS!"
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    wallstreetman, no this coin set was not lost in the mail...the coin set he sent me was a very damaged coin...I think if it got lost it was on purpose...he has someone pick his mail up from his post office box. He got the coins. Thing is he never signed for it, but someone else did.
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    Wolf359Wolf359 Posts: 7,656 ✭✭✭
    I faxed Paypal copy of the returned signed recept and they still refussed to do anything...they told me case closed.

    Ask to speak to a supervisor. If so and so is busy, ask for thier boss. Keep calling until you get through. From what I understand, it's an arbitrary system and it depends on who you reach. You could have a real lazy person who doesn't care. If you keep squawking, you'll probably get there.

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    fishcookerfishcooker Posts: 3,446 ✭✭

    Seems to me that if the PO delivers a package, insured for $270, to a person who is not named on the address......... then they just ate $270.

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    I do not like the fact that he is using someone else to do his Fraudulant activities...Why should the Post Office pay for his fraud...Tomorrow I am going down to the post office and talk to someone about this...He is committing Fraud and getting away with it.
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    fishcookerfishcooker Posts: 3,446 ✭✭

    The PO needs to learn to deliver $270 packages to the person on the address. Either that or be prepared to eat $270. You know the saying - Money talks.

    They also need to learn to actually check ID's before handing over packages, like the one I had for $300+. The little yellow "come pick up you package" slip didn't have my picture on it!

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    Very sorry to hear about what happened to you! THis guy is extremely rude to his customers too! I noticed this reply...it caught my eye as it had the guys e-mail address right on the reply just thought you might want it!
    Coins were junk. Difficult to deal with. Email tpgugliotta@att.net for details. Buyer thunderbird1962( 109) Jan-19-02 16:31 Private
    Reply by slqmaven: ebayer is liar and coin switcher, coins were fine Jan-19-02 18:23
    Follow-up by thunderbird1962: There's people standing round, who'll screw you in the ground-George Harrison Jan-21-02 21:13
    Amazing how it is always everyone elses fault ...this guy is a joke!! that is putting it mildly as this is a PG-13 site LOL! I also have had trouble getting the feedback pages to load it takes forever but, was very curious how you just got up his neg and nuetral feedback on just one page so you don't have to read through every darn page just to find a negative, how did you do that?
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    snapmohr, Thank You for your kind words. I hope your not to ill and things get better for you too...Yes this has not helped...but more than the money issue...I would like to put him out of bussiness...and make an example to others that wish to follow his Fraudulant ways.
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    BoomBoom Posts: 10,165
    Have to agree-this guy is a sad sack of $#!+ but have good news to report. Found it last night as a matter of fact...the absolute WORST seller what averaged a negative a day for at least the last year-power seller "ryandavidcoins" has been shut down FINALLY by ebay!image

    However the glee didn't last very long as it dawned on me almost simultaneously, that he'll be back under another IDimage

    The guy's feedback was incredibly bad yet on the surface , the % looked OK because of the sheer volume he moved! This guy is the Scourge of ebay!
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    MrEurekaMrEureka Posts: 24,069 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The seller has 7480 positive feedbacks in the past 12 months. Only 15 negative, most of which seem out of line. Odds are it's not the slqmaven that's out of line on this deal. JMHO, of course.
    Andy Lustig

    Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.

    Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at USPatterns.com.
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    I 100% agree with you it is the principle of the thing! The guy is just wrong ....PEROID! Even if it was just .75 cents like the one person, every .75 cents adds up when you rip off enough people! I commend you for trying to stop him!
    I have Meneire's Disease it is a condition which causes loss of hearing and loss of balance senses, making for a very dizzy experience. I will have it for the rest of my life, I have my good days and my bad days and find humor the best medicne! I have it on both sides which is rare and the doctors call me a bi-lateral cripple...bad choice I prefer to call it the medically proven dizzy blonde disease! WHen people ask me if I am a natural blonde I say YES! and my doctor has the proof! or I just try to find some lingering armpit hair... that one always gets em!!!! LOL Anyway enogh about me hope it's nothing too serious with you? I was going to send this personal message but didn't know how*newbie here*
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    snapmohr, I am sorry to hear (no pun intended) that you have that condition. I know how you must feel any conditions are no good. I do not know about mine as I have to go through testing Tuesday...Last week I had to have the ambulance pick me up...spent several hours in the ER...gave me a CT and had swelling of the Pancreus after an all day attack. I did a little research on the Pancreus deal and I did not like what I read...so I really won't know until after Tuesday...Never drank and had my gaulbladder removed 4 years ago so I have no clue as to what is causing it. Lot of things to deal with, but I will turn it over to the Post Office tomorrow for sure. Yes humor is the best way to deal with Life. I know one thing though, there are a great deal of good people on this board very helpful and wonderful spirits they are.
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    K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295

    << <i>The seller has 7480 positive feedbacks in the past 12 months. Only 15 negative, most of which seem out of line. Odds are it's not the slqmaven that's out of line on this deal. JMHO, of course. >>

    Take a look at some of the carefully worded positives he has. It is well known a majority of people don't leave negatives for fear of retaliation. This guy's feedback stinks, period.
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    segojasegoja Posts: 6,131 ✭✭✭✭
    Suggest everyone on the threads send this slacker an e-mail saying how poorly he treats his customers, and that many many folks will not bid on his coins anymore.

    Maybe that will send a message.
    JMSCoins Website Link

    Ike Specialist

    Finest Toned Ike I've Ever Seen, been looking since 1986

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    Look at the feedback this idiot left me...notice after paying for the coin and him Thanking me for the business...

    fast pay, thanks for the business Seller slqmaven(slqmavenebay@aol.com)( 11362) Jan-14-04 12:00 2217930240
    Follow-up by slqmaven: you are like Rush, a know it all fraud, cheater and liar Feb-29-04 13:12
    Reply by dlimb2: Conscience bothering Slaqmaven, God will deal with you. No Doubt!

    I think the guy has a problem....
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    K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295
    What is really amazing is anybody would bid on his items when he leaves that kind of unprofessional feedback. What a complete moron!
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    K6AZ, but they will...I just don't have any good words for the guy at all...after seeing the coin and trying to be civil with the guys...He has that Vegas attitude I guess...sometimes your lucky sometimes your not...He is just crazy in my book. He will get his just reward oneday.
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    Once again people jump to conclusions without facts. Sounds like the assumptions made on the 1910-S lincoln cent which were found out to be utterly false. To hold yourself holier than thou dlimb you only have to look at the auction to read no return on mint made products and your feedback record of 3 negatives as a buyer. Look at the whole picture, there are over 31000 transactions made by the seller, over 21000 positives and you feel that he is the Devil incarnate. Get a life. Did paypal give you your money back? They have very specific rules that protect the buyer and seller. It looks like you tried to return a non returnable item and you are creating all this furor because you bought it somewhere else cheaper. Get a life and let's have this forum for something useful instead where people like you talk trash behind someones back and do not have the balls to talk to them in real life. When you grow some. let us know
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    WANNABEDEALER, no I did not find it cheaper elsewhere...where have you gotten that information...the guy took me for my money and the coins....they were damaged coins at that and that is why they were returned...he took advantage and then conveniently they were not received when returned...I think you need to get a life since you do not know what you are talking about...unless you maybe the wannabedealer!!!
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    WANNABEDEALER, another thing...Paypal never told me not to send the coins back....this was their error...I sent it back becaue I thought that it was the right thing to do....Since I have never returned anything to anyone before I was not aware as to how it worked...but if there is a next time, you can bet I will know...I aslo insured it for the value which I payed....I am sure they know how much it weighed when I payed for the postage...so things can be figured out with an investigation.
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    K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295
    Sorry to burst your bubble wannabe, but there is a difference between returning something just because you changed your mind, and returning something that was misrepresented. When you advertise modern proofs with no mention of anything wrong, and the buyer receives impaired proofs, that is misrepresentation and fraud. And to try to claim this eBay sleaze has good feedback is a joke, and you are not making yourself look very credible.
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    hughesm1hughesm1 Posts: 778 ✭✭
    I had it happen once; sold a morgan to a fellow in Switzerland. He paid with cash, I sent him the morgan and his 2 Euro change; he receives the package and claims I didn't send the morgan, but he got his 2 euro coin change. Certainly if someone were to steal coins in a package they would take them all, not just one. He gave me my only neg, and rightfully so he received a neg for trying to scam me.
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    MSD61MSD61 Posts: 3,382
    I will buy nothing for this seller. I know it sounds crazy but does anyone every get a bad feeling from looking at a sellers auction and say no way??? I get this from this seller. I have never bought anything from them but I just have a gut feeling they cannot be trusted. I don't know what it is, the ad, the shipping cost or the overall feel but they are dirty!!! You are not the first to complain on this forum about this seller. I am really sorry this has happened to you. It's a shameimage

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