Looking For 1979 OPC Hockey Commons
Posts: 531 ✭
Good Afternoon all:
Well I am in the market now for some really nice 1979 OPC commons. I know they are out there somewhere. I have seen so many gretzky rookies for sale that I know there has to be some nice common sets with out the gretzky. Any insight would be great, as I know what a pain in the rear the blue borders can be.
Well I am in the market now for some really nice 1979 OPC commons. I know they are out there somewhere. I have seen so many gretzky rookies for sale that I know there has to be some nice common sets with out the gretzky. Any insight would be great, as I know what a pain in the rear the blue borders can be.
Chouinard #60 PSA 8
Ken Dryden PSA 9
G. Howe PSA 9
B. Hull PSA 9
Jean Potvin PSA 8
if youre interested in any of these, let me know.
other closing prices i remember off the top of my head-
Messier 9 (which you sold steve, it was $55 or so which was a steal)
Murphy 9- $127 (i bought it)
Stastny 9- $60 and $65 (i bought one)
Moog 9- $60-$70
Coffey 9- used to sell for $175 or so, last one sold for over $200
Gretsky 9 (regular issue)- consistently at $200+
WG league leader cards in 9- $25 or so each
Dale Hunter 9- denver724 sold 2 in december for around $40 each
Kurri 9- usually $150-$200
Gartner 9- somewhere around $20
Ciccarelli 9- $65
these constitute the majority of ebay closing prices over the past year