Plated 38 Jeff ???

So I'm going though this lady's vast hoard of coins, which is most just thirty years of change from thirty years ago, and I find a super clean well stuck 38 Jeff with a 80% brilliant finish. At first glance it looks like a proof that did a little circulation. Then under the glass I see what appears to be the flaking off of plating(the brilliant part) that gives it the look I thought was wear. In the fields and devices.
So what I guess I'm asking is "was this a common practice in the faking of a proof for that series"? Or does the finish of a early proof Jeff actually flake a little. Kind of like weathered paint.
I checked for squared rim top. It has a little but it's not quite perfect, but defiantly a lot stronger than a reg issue as far as height. If the wear look wasn't there, I would be sure it was a proof.
So what I guess I'm asking is "was this a common practice in the faking of a proof for that series"? Or does the finish of a early proof Jeff actually flake a little. Kind of like weathered paint.
I checked for squared rim top. It has a little but it's not quite perfect, but defiantly a lot stronger than a reg issue as far as height. If the wear look wasn't there, I would be sure it was a proof.
Need something designed and 3D printed?
do you have a picture?
Is the flaking over the entire coin - or just certain spots?
I'm working on a small light setup for taking pics. Variable and flexible little lights on bendable wire. Should help with the pics
If it has a greasy feel it may have been dipped in mercury.
And if so, they're dangerous.
Probably a jewelry coin... I have seen many mercury coated coins - we even did a few in science class in high school - but I never saw mercury 'flake' off... Cheers, RickO
without picture all here is conjecture
BHNC #203
17 year old thread
Collector, occasional seller