PCGS Listened: There's now a non-FBL and non-FB division
PCGS is doing a trial to gauge our interest in having a non-strike qualifier (bonus points) Registry Set division. They're starting with Franklins and Roosevelts.
The categories are now up and available for posting -- so post your coins!!
As for me, I'm going to go out and buy some Franklins this weekend.
The categories are now up and available for posting -- so post your coins!!
As for me, I'm going to go out and buy some Franklins this weekend.
When in doubt, don't.
I listed my partial set of Rooseys. It is comprised of a few new coins and a few I just couldn't part with.
"Senorita HepKitty"
"I want a real cool Kitty from Hepcat City, to stay in step with me" - Bill Carter
We have short sets for Kennedy halves. We don't need any others.
Russ, NCNE
Of Course there are only two sets registered, and the other ojne only has one coin
Come on Bruce, join the franklin party
I followed up on that Q&A post with this post and (an unscientific) poll (which currently is about 75 for a non-FBL registry) Link. In addition, about a week or two ago, I sent HRH a PM on the topic along with a link to the post and poll. BTW, I didn't really care one way or the other, but if people wanted it, and it encourages more participation, then
And a big
Jason, I heard that is what tilted the scales toward giving it a try. Thanks for your help
I can't keep away from these frankies !
POB 854
Temecula CA 92593
310-541-7222 office
310-710-2869 cell
PCGS Las Vegas June 24-26
Baltimore July 14-17
Chicago August 11-15
POB 854
Temecula CA 92593
310-541-7222 office
310-710-2869 cell
PCGS Las Vegas June 24-26
Baltimore July 14-17
Chicago August 11-15
I have just what u need
POB 854
Temecula CA 92593
310-541-7222 office
310-710-2869 cell
PCGS Las Vegas June 24-26
Baltimore July 14-17
Chicago August 11-15
You only have one Frankie in inventory, and it's an FBL! C'mon now... what are you holding back?
Speaking of the fbl/fs/fb designations, I don't care about any of them, since it is usually (esp fb/fs) such a small part of the coin, and overall strike (say like in Jefferson's hair) is much more important to me. Actually, the one designation I would collect is FH quarters, because that is such a major part of the design.
POB 854
Temecula CA 92593
310-541-7222 office
310-710-2869 cell
PCGS Las Vegas June 24-26
Baltimore July 14-17
Chicago August 11-15
Oh they are around, and this registry will help bring them to the surface. I've sold most of my non-FBLs recently, too bad I didn't wait a bit longe to sell them.
Ike Specialist
Finest Toned Ike I've Ever Seen, been looking since 1986
Yes FBL count and are valid coins.
Already #3 (out of 4)
Ike Specialist
Finest Toned Ike I've Ever Seen, been looking since 1986
If you can add coins with the designations, why have the set at all?
It the set is for Non attributed coins, it should be all non attributed coins!
President, Racine Numismatic Society 2013-2014; Variety Resource Dimes; See 6/8/12 CDN for my article on Winged Liberty Dimes; Ebay
I think it's a great idea.
If you can add coins with the designations, why have the set at all?
It the set is for Non attributed coins, it should be all non attributed coins!
The new catagory is not for only non-FBL, it is a catagory that only factors in the numerical grade (i.e., no weight is given to an FBL designation). For example, a '53-S MS65FBL is given the same as a '53 MS65 (w/o the FBL designation). Further, a '53 MS66 in this set catagory is given more points than a '53-S 65FBL.
I need to finsh imaging the set.
My NGC non FBL Registry Collection
We'll use our hands and hearts and if we must we'll use our heads.
All this belly aching with a little ranting going on and whats the first thing that some of you do...you list FBL's and FB's in these sets.
Does anyone know what NON means? I bet you a dollar that David Hall is sitting at his computer shaking his head in utter disbelief.
Paul B. Gunsallus
Later, Paul.
<< <i>I think that this is utterly amazing that there are already a few sets listed for the NON...NON...its says NON FB or FBL Franklin and roosevelt sets and there are those that listed FB and FBL coins in these sets.
All this belly aching with a little ranting going on and whats the first thing that some of you do...you list FBL's and FB's in these sets.
Does anyone know what NON means? I bet you a dollar that David Hall is sitting at his computer shaking his head in utter disbelief.
Paul B. Gunsallus >>
Paul, I doubt if David is surprised, are you?
Where does it say it is a non-FBL set? It just says no weight is given to FBL, so a 65 and 65FBL of the same date counts the same.
edited to add: Since FBL has no weight for this new catagory, I see no need to list whether or not it is FBL, since it is irrelavent. That is, just list the numerical grade.
I for one will be replacing my FBL franklins with Non FBL. Like many others I put my FBL's in the set for now as it is all that I have.
edited to add: I thought the whole idea behind not recongizing the FBL designation for another catagory was to go strictly by the numerical grade and ignore the FBL or lack of FBL designation. This would be "similar" to how the w/ variety and w/o variety sets are handled. Many of the latter have the same sets listed in both catagories, although the rankings of the sets are different because the weightings are different.
The funny thing about at least the Franklin sets is that if the current #1 set in the catagory where the FBL designation is given weight where added to the new Franklin catagory where FBL is not given any weight, it would likely still be the #1.
Isn't it sweet that your 67 is now worth more "points" than your 66FBL
I thought that was funny too. The 67 (w/o FBL) can now hold it's head up higher
edited to add: I'm just waiting for the Current #1 set in the other Franklin catagory to register the set in the new catagory and smoke everyone.
This is true, but at least we have a chance since we don't need to spend $10,000+++ on one coin to compete
I agree, and I hope it allows more people to have fun, and give new life to those beautiful non-FBL Franklins.
It is irrelavent to me of course, but I was just wondering.
Paul B. Gunsallus
Later, Paul.
Point well taken... and I understood that point from other posts wanting these non designating sets, because of financial concerns and other reasons, but I just thought that it was funny how some on here wanted these sets and then went and listed the designated coins, thats all.
What if PCGS has a non-FB for the mercs and Joshua lists his top-pop set there...everyone will still be chasing him. PCGS should never had allowed the designated coins to be entered in those sets.
Paul B. Gunsallus
Later, Paul.
Can I get one of your Mercateers with too much time on your hands tally up about how much a PCGS-67 Merc Set, no varieties, would cost compared to the same set in PCGS-67FB? Thank you very much
Oh well, have to work a littel harder to get the balance of the set done!
Ike Specialist
Finest Toned Ike I've Ever Seen, been looking since 1986
Looking at the population report, the biggest challenge in MS65 non-FBL is to find the pre-1955 Denver coins. In MS66 non-FBL lines, there are some really tough coins: the '52-D has a pop of 0, the '49-D, '51-D, '54-D, and '62-D have pops of just 1, and the '48-D, '50-D, '59-D, and '60-D have pops of 2 coins each. It'll be interesting to see what happens to the pops (and prices) of all these coins. I wouldn't expect pops to mushroom, though, because it's hard to find any Franklin in 66, and most of the earlier Denver coins are typically very well struck. There could be some real sleepers there.
Keep in mind that some of the non-FBL desingated coins are actually FBL, but undesignated at this time. PCGS began giving the FBL designation in '97 or so. Not all of the earlier coins have been sent back in for designation review. In addition, some non-FBL designated coins (perhaps none of the 66s mentioned above) have been cracked out, or even crossed to NGC and the cert slips not returned to PCGS. On the later front, I've been good, I keep the cert slips and turn them in periodically.
I hope that everyone has a good time with these sets as that is the whole purpose...to have fun!!!!!!!!!!
I believe that I have/had a point and that it was received and now thats that.
Have a great Sunday!
Later, Paul.
After glancing (perhaps someone wirth more time could go thjrough a through analsis), while a few of the highest grade cons are only available in FBL, there is one or two dates where the non-FBL is a pop 1. In addition, several of the Franklins in the highest grade are actually much, much scarcer than their FBL counterparts. So in the end, if someone with $$$$ wanted to be at the top, the result could be the non-FBLs in some top grades may be more expensive
Judging from what the current #1 Franklin set in the FBL recognized catagory has paid (based on published auction realized prices), no matter how the rules are set, if he/she wanted to they have the seem to have the means to outbid most anyone that has an interest.
In general, with my set, while one version is all FBL, I've leaned to higher grade. I have two 67 FBLs in my set. If I wanted to be higher in the FBL recognized set, I could have gotten more points by buying other 66FBL coins worth more points (e.g., a '49-D 66FBL in stead of the two 67FBLs, the former is worth more registry points), although the '53-S 65FBL in my set is an exception to the higher grade approach. I tend to obtain the coins I like enter them in the sets, and see what happens.
As at least one person has mentioned above, have FUN, and enjoy whatever set you can put together. In addition, there is more to a super set then having a designation, or high numerical grade. I've passed on a some higer grade coins because I liked the current lower grade coin better, or at least the bump in price did not seem to be worth the difference in the two coins.
edited to add: For those coins available in the highest grades in both FBL and non-FBL, requiring non-FBL in a registry set may also make it even more difficult for some to compete because if a person wants to compete in both catagories would then need two of the top numercial graded coins, one FBL, and one non-FBL. If they could use the FBL coin they already have, it would leave the non-FBL available for someone else.
further edited to add: Also think about if there was an FBL only registry (i.e., no non-FBLs could be entered), as opposed to the current version were any coin can be entered, and FBLs get bonsus points, most of the currently registered sets would be forced out, or be imcomplete by at least one coin. The one coin be an FBL '53-S since there is currently only one graded 66FBL, 19 graded 65FBL, and 12 graded 64FBL (there may also be a few 63FBLs, I don't recall). That would take out, or at least give an incomplete for many super sets that just have a 65 or 66 non-FBL instead of an FBL. I think that would be a shame, as there are several outstanding sets with a '53-S in 66 (no FBL). I'd rather have a non-FBL and have a complete set, than have a hole that most people can never hope to fill.
Kudos to HRH. and Now my son gets a set in his name!