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  • I actually picked up coins in an Estate. I had know idea the value or anything. As i looked at them, I began realizing what a nice hobby this is. My 10 year old enjoys coin collecting with me now as it gives us a sense of American history.

    I just began collection recently. Im collecting Morgans, $2.50 Indians, St Gaudens and Franklins.

    Currently attempting the 12 Coin US Gold Type Set and the 20th Century US Major Coin Type Set. Completed a Franklin Half Proof Set.
  • Hello all you collectors. I’m Don Fisher, P.C. game name Zorman.I Am originally from Redondo Beach and now live in riverside calf. I collect coins and comics and can’t say no to something that just looks old and cool. At 47 years young I believe that collectors see beauty in things that other people don’t and thats what makes us collectors. I’m very glad to be here and have had a very good start so far This will be my icon when thay let me upload it.
  • atarianatarian Posts: 3,116
    Im Jay The Lucky Duck. Everything in my collection has been from wild finds in change and at Rite Aid.They might not be AAU50+ but still between coins and paper money its the cheapest most interesting way to collect
    Founder of the NDCCA. *WAM Count : 025. *NDCCA Database Count : 2,610. *You suck 6/24/10. <3 In memory of Tiggar 5/21/1994 - 5/28/2010 <3
  • dizzleccdizzlecc Posts: 1,113 ✭✭✭
    I don't consider my self a new member since I was lurking for awhile before contributing.

    I still new to start a thread and learn how to post pictures of my latest coin purchases so I guess I'll admit to still being a new member.

  • StuartStuart Posts: 9,761 ✭✭✭✭✭
    DizzleCC, Zorman & GottaGetCoins: image to the forum image


    Collect 18th & 19th Century US Type Coins, Silver Dollars, $20 Gold Double Eagles and World Crowns & Talers with High Eye Appeal

    "Luck is what happens when Preparation meets Opportunity"
  • StuartStuart Posts: 9,761 ✭✭✭✭✭
    image back up to the top !


    Collect 18th & 19th Century US Type Coins, Silver Dollars, $20 Gold Double Eagles and World Crowns & Talers with High Eye Appeal

    "Luck is what happens when Preparation meets Opportunity"
  • I'm a newbie as well..........

    38, married, 2 girls (8 and 10) and I live in Lubbock, Texas.

    I inherited my grandfather's random collection, so I'm not really sure what I collect.
  • SandhawkSandhawk Posts: 1,154 ✭✭✭

    I live in Arizona, but originally from the Republic of Texas image Anyway, I started collecting coins when I was 13. It just so happened that the coin shop close to my house was a PCGS dealer and carried nothing but PCGS coins, but would pick up lower grade raw coins for me at shows. Anyway, I got tired of waiting for him to find my coins, so I started buying his PCGS slabbed Morgans and Buffs with the money burning a hole in my pocket. Then high school, college, wife and kid came along, so collecting went out the window!! Anyway, I'm back in the coin collecting game and working on a MS type set 19th + 20th century.



  • Guess I still qualify as a newbie as well. Got bit with the bug thru St. Qtrs.
    Astounded by the price jump in some of these. bought this set and 00, 01 for less than just this one yr.
  • Hi, everyone. I've been lurking for a few months, learning a lot from a bunch of knowledgeable folks. I became interested in coins in the early 70s - my grandfather was the collector in the family, and every Christmas he gave the grandkids a proof set with a Morgan taped (!) to the back. I've recently gotten back into the hobby, and I'm trying to get my 4-year old daughter interested - she reads the dates one digit at a time and thinks that the "S" mintmark stands for "special". I'm not collecting anything in particular right now, although I really like large cents and bust halves. And I don't have a camera or a scanner, so my posts, if any, might be a little boring.

  • Evening all, have made a few posts but since i'm most certainly a newbie, wanted to post here as well. Definitley have had alot of fun lurking the threads here for a lil whiles, got bit hard by the coin bug and have been enjoying every moment of it, just can't seem to find a set of coins I want to collect and make a set out of... i just love them all!

    I must say though, it is amazing the amount I have learned just from going through the various posts here, there is most certainly a wealth of knowledge in this message board, and just want to thank all the great folks who contribute to it!

    So I raise my glass and salute all the fine folks here!

  • wingedlibertywingedliberty Posts: 4,805 ✭✭✭
    Welcome to all the new folks. I hope you enjoy this great hobby as much as we do.
  • Hello, my name is John and I'm a per....oh.....oops.....image

    BIENVENIDOS NEWBIES!! image Glad to have ya!!
  • rKirkF.....
    I inherited my grandfather's random collection, so I'm not really sure what I collect.

    Have you figured out yet what it is you got? image

    PS: TURN ON your PM thingymabob. image it's in CUSTOMIZE...or PROFILE at the top of here.

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