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Challange to PCGS to answer the question!!!



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    Hi Ken
    Just to add to the mystery, one of my submissions was a modern Recd.23rd Dec. Grades posted 5th Feb!
    My Econ. submissions recd. 2nd Dec are still in never never land!
    Like you I do not understand the system PCGS use!
    Tony Harmer
    Web: www.tonyharmer.org
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    MadMartyMadMarty Posts: 16,697 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Homerun has admitted that boxes are placed in the vault, in no particular order, and are grabbed at random, with some getting shuffled to the back and slow to be reached. That is why you can have economy orders placed five to six to eight weeks after yours being graded first. >>

    RGL hit the nail on the head! I have been told that by PCGS insiders also. There is not such thing as FIFO at PCGS, it's the luck of the draw.

    So do you feel LUCKY punk!!!

    I would love to see a FIFO system in place there, it would be a lot better than the way it's done now. Hell, I'll even settle for the way NGC has their screen, order number, then it shows when the coins are received, then grading, then in QC, then shipped with grades posted. It would save a lot of calls to customer support.
    It is not exactly cheating, I prefer to consider it creative problem solving!!!

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    Perhaps they respond better if I fill my submission box with candy???

    I can think of a dozen reasons not to have high capacity magazines, but it's the reasons I haven't thought about that I need them.

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