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Is this cherrypickers book a good one to get?

I was looking for a cherrypickers guide that will educate me on error pennies, Double Dies, etc on eBay and came across this one. Is this a good price? Or can I find a better one somewhere else. Sorry for these stupid questions. Just curious if this would be a good guide for a new collector like myself. Thanks!



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    JohnZJohnZ Posts: 1,732
    The pocket guide won't give you as much info as the 4th edition of the full volume (which only goes up to nickels). But there are some wonderful articles on the minting process, and a description of different die variety classes. I would reccomend spending a few more dollars on this one.

    Fivaz and Stanton are compiling volume two, but it's taking a long time.

    We ARE watching you.

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    Thanks! image
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    Yep completely worth it, I just got mine in the mail a couple of days ago, bought it from that same guy.
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    Did you get vol. 1 or are the vol.2 books out?
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    Volume 1 and I fully intend to get Volume 2 whenever it comes out. As I understand it's been in the making for quite a while now.

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