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Grapevine, Texas Coin Show this Weekend

Has anyone attended this show before? What type of collector would find it worthwhile? Any major coin dealers there? Thanks.


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    Been to 4 of the last 5 of these shows. They usually have 60-80 tables (maybe as many as 100, I'm not sure).

    What I usually see there:
    1. Lots of gold
    2. Lots of Morgans
    3. Lots of mid-grade non-moderns (raw)
    4. Some ancients and some darkside stuff
    5. Modern commems with a few older commems scattered about
    6. Lots of proof/mint sets

    What I don't see there:
    1. Modern slabbed material
    2. Super high-grade early american coins (sometimes but very rarely)

    All-in-all, it's a very reasonable regional show. Dealers usually show up from all of the surrounding states, so there is always some fresh stuff to look at. My only complaint is that I also see a lot of the 3rd tier (or lower) slabs, but you can always cherry pick these and get some good stuff from them.

    Total Copper Nutcase - African, British Ships, Channel Islands!!!
    'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'
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    could you give dates,address and especially times? I might like to attend. Also, simple directions would be nice. I do know how to get to Grapevine. thank you for the heads up.
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    This is from CoinWorld:

    Jan 2-4

    Texas Coin Show. Convention Center, 1209 S. Main St. at Hwy 114. Hrs Fri. 2pm-6pm; Sat. 9am-6pm; Sun. 9am-3 pm. Tables 70. Admission.

    I think the convention center is about one to two miles north of Highway 114 on the east side of Main Street, about a mile south of downtown Grapevine. The public library is next door to the convention center.
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    well some of us don't have fun

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    hookedoncoinshookedoncoins Posts: 1,231 ✭✭✭
    I am planning on going on Sunday... I have gone to this show for the last 2 years and it is a pretty nice (although small) show. I like to go on the last day because it never seems very crowded, prices are low and dealers are much more talkative.

    Edit: the seated half in my sig was bought at one of the grapevine shows this spring.

    -Jarrett Roberts
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    Well I can't compare as this was my very first coin show. Took hubby and checkbook and had a blast Sat. afternoon. Got a 1926 1/4 oz. gold eag, some buffalos, war nickel roll, and other raw silver and raw circs - a few supplies. It seemed quite crowded to me. All of the dealers seemed real nice, and met a few that were especially friendly. All in all it seemed like a "good thing", and now I'm hooked. I couldn't find the right Oregon Trail commemmorative, but maybe next time.
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    jbsteven...will it be WHITE HOT ??image

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