<< <i>If the '54 & '56 go up a little more they may become affordable.
i don't think prices are driven as much by "graded pops" as they are by how high the grade is; i have both the above dates in PCGS PR66DCAM holders(solid coins). they only get expensive when they reach 67 and higher where the price is probably driven by the Set Registry phenomenon. your 1959 strikes me as an exceptional coin, a date that i have hesitated buying because i presumed i could find one raw.
i can't find a picture of the 1954 but here's the 1956 that i bought about six months ago.
i saw the '56 at a member's website and immediately came here to send him a PM so he'd know that he had priced it wrong. he returned the message and said, no, it was correctly priced. i checked the guide and sent another message-----Sold, American!!! i think i was so accustumed to never seeing the late 1950's in Deep Cameo that i confused it with the 1957. that's a date that has proven itself as a true Deep Cameo rarity, perhaps the key date of all denominations from the 1950 Proof issues. it has remained the same for almost 10 years while the incentive to find one has been high.
i'd forgotten about this thread and since i don't have access to the PVGS pop report i wonder if someone else would update the numbers for discussion?? >>
===================================================================== Dec 23, 2010
1950: 17 up 1951: 13 up 1952: 12 up 1953: 11 up 1954: 19 up 1955: 74 up 1956: 18 up 1957: 3 1958: 5 1959: 25 up
Funny how they jump in 1960.
1960: 141 1961: 99 >>
===================================================================== Nov 6, 2011
1942: 1 This is a Type 2 PR66DCAM. This one has been in somebody's set for awhile. I would love to have it if he ever gets tired of it!
1950: 17 1951: 13 1952: 12 1953: 11 1954: 20 up 1955: 74 1956: 20 up 1957: 3 1958: 5 1959: 26 up
===================================================================== Nov 12, 2012 1950: 17 1951: 13 1952: 12 1953: 11 1954: 21 up 1955: 80 up 1956: 21 up 1957: 3 1958: 7 up 1959: 27 up
===================================================================== May 13, 2014 1950: 19 up 2 1951: 14 up 1 1952: 14 up 2 1953: 13 up 2 1954: 24 up 3 1955: 84 up 4 1956: 21 1957: 3 1958: 8 up 1 1959: 30 up 3
We have nice upward movement, but the 1957 is refusing to move up! >>
Dec 23, 2010
1950: 17 up
1951: 13 up
1952: 12 up
1953: 11 up
1954: 19 up
1955: 74 up
1956: 18 up
1957: 3
1958: 5
1959: 25 up Total: 197 +71
Nov 6, 2011
1942: 1 This is a Type 2 PR66DCAM.
1950: 17
1951: 13
1952: 12
1953: 11
1954: 20 up
1955: 74
1956: 20 up
1957: 3
1958: 5
1959: 26 up Total: 201+4
Nov 12, 2012
1950: 17
1951: 13
1952: 12
1953: 11
1954: 21 up
1955: 80 up
1956: 21 up
1957: 3
1958: 7 up
1959: 27 up Total: 212 +11
May 13, 2014
1950: 19 up 2
1951: 14 up 1
1952: 14 up 2
1953: 13 up 2
1954: 24 up 3
1955: 84 up 4
1956: 21
1957: 3
1958: 8 up 1
1959: 30 up 3 Total: 230 +18
August 14, 2017
1942 T2: 1
1950: 24 up 5 (up 7 in 5 years)
1951: 22 up 8 (up 9 in 5 years)
1952: 19 up 5 (up 7 in 5 years)
1953: 20 up 7 (up 9 in 5 years)
1954: 30 up 6 (up 9 in 5 years)
1955: 105 up 21 (up 25 in 5 years)
1956: 27 up 6 (up 6 in 5 years)
1957: 2 DOWN 1 (down 1 in 5 years)
1958: 14 up 6 (up 7 in 5 years)
1959: 42 up 12 (up 15 in 5 years) Total: 305 +75
I'd love to take credit for these big increases over the past 3 years, but unfortunately, I've been skunked in the DCAM Jefferson department even though I've submitted coins from '54, '56, '57, and '58 that I've thought had a good shot at it. It would be interesting to know how far off the population numbers are from resubmissions. I wouldn't think they could be far off as cracking a DCAM coin out is a very risky proposition.
Except for 1957 the 1950-1959 nickel pops have gone up substantially in 5 years, if you state the increase as a percentage over the prior number. If you state the increase in the number of coins that have been graded DCAM over the past 5 years the numbers are very small, with some of them possibly being resubmissions as crackouts (though that would take extreme confidence).
I have snagged some Cameo nickels from the 1950s over the past 5 years but none that would come close to DCAM.
Once day one of the collectors who play in this area of the hobby pool is going to find a run of 2 or 3 1957 OGP sets that contain nickels that were the first few strikes off of fresh obverse and reverse dies that represent the highest quality for this date. Hope it is me.
Has anyone ever seen in hand any of the 1957 DCAM nickels? If so, do they really warrant the designation or did they receive a "gift" by the graders?
I wonder what the same statistics are for the other four denominations in the 1950s proof sets.
I looked through this entire thread..... not sure how I missed it in the various incarnations... Some posters not here any longer ... sure miss LucyBop....Cheers, RickO
Kevin - CoinFacts provides links to two of the 1957 DCAM auctions with Heritage, here are the images of those two coins. Neither really jumps out at me as worthy of a DCAM designation based upon these images.
First of all, thanks for the update. Simply confirms what many of us already knew - that Dcam nickels from the '50's are tough to find - some more than others.
I have never seen a '57 Dcam nickel - nor one that I would consider close. Tough enough year to find a cameo, much less a dcam.
“In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock." - Thomas Jefferson
In 19 years of searching I have found only 1 raw 1957 proof nickel (in an OGP set) that has two sided frost and mirrored fields that would likely obtain a CAM designation. Finding that proof set was a great hobby day for me.
There is zero chance that nickel above get the DCAM designation today. (I wouldn't even go CAM based on what I see) More overgraded OGH coins. See them every day.
Dec 23, 2010
1950: 17 up
1951: 13 up
1952: 12 up
1953: 11 up
1954: 19 up
1955: 74 up
1956: 18 up
1957: 3
1958: 5
1959: 25 up
Total: 197 +71
Nov 6, 2011
1942: 1 This is a Type 2 PR66DCAM.
1950: 17
1951: 13
1952: 12
1953: 11
1954: 20 up
1955: 74
1956: 20 up
1957: 3
1958: 5
1959: 26 up
Total: 201+4
Nov 12, 2012
1950: 17
1951: 13
1952: 12
1953: 11
1954: 21 up
1955: 80 up
1956: 21 up
1957: 3
1958: 7 up
1959: 27 up
Total: 212 +11
May 13, 2014
1950: 19 up 2
1951: 14 up 1
1952: 14 up 2
1953: 13 up 2
1954: 24 up 3
1955: 84 up 4
1956: 21
1957: 3
1958: 8 up 1
1959: 30 up 3
Total: 230 +18
August 14, 2017
1942 T2: 1
1950: 24 up 5 (up 7 in 5 years)
1951: 22 up 8 (up 9 in 5 years)
1952: 19 up 5 (up 7 in 5 years)
1953: 20 up 7 (up 9 in 5 years)
1954: 30 up 6 (up 9 in 5 years)
1955: 105 up 21 (up 25 in 5 years)
1956: 27 up 6 (up 6 in 5 years)
1957: 2 DOWN 1 (down 1 in 5 years)
1958: 14 up 6 (up 7 in 5 years)
1959: 42 up 12 (up 15 in 5 years)
Total: 305 +75
November 21, 2018
1942 T2: 1
1950: 25 up 1
1951: 23 up 1
1952: 19
1953: 21 up 1
1954: 29 down 1
1955: 108 up 3
1956: 29 up 2
1957: 2
1958: 14
1959: 43 up 1
I suspect that some of the increases are due to normal searching, others perhaps regrades or crack-outs of nicer Cam designated coins and perhaps some of the earlier Box Sets either coming to sale or being un-sealed. the overall trend seems to be consistent --- improving quality from 1950-1955 and then a decrease and sharp drop afterwards. I have always suspected that it might be due to a loss of an employee(s) who played a key roll in die preperation and it took a few years to "re-learn" the skill.
if you study the pops through the 60's it's clear that things improved from 1959-1964 and then again after the SMS years until the mid-70's when major process changes got us to where we are today, with essentially all Proof coins having Deep Cameo surfaces. the peak, in my estimation, was around 1983-1987 where some fabulous B/W's were issued.
Thought I would chime in since I collect in this area and have been for about 18-19 years now after taking up the hobby again as an adult.
I have been very fortunate to find multiple cameo proof coins from the 1950's during my searching, including cameo nickels. None of the 1956-1959 nickels I have found that have frosted devices and mirrored fields are remotely close to what I would consider DCAM in quality. The have a Cameo appearance. Some I think would receive a CAM designation from a TPG. Some would not. Some of the 1950-1955 nickels I have found are closer to DCAM quality than the 1956-1959 nickels I have found, but the probably would also not receive the designation.
I have found a few 1950's cents and 1950's silver coins that IMO should receive a DCAM designation.
To sum it up:
Finding DCAM nickels from 1956-1959 - FUGGIDABOUTIT!!!!!
Dec 23, 2010
1950: 17 up
1951: 13 up
1952: 12 up
1953: 11 up
1954: 19 up
1955: 74 up
1956: 18 up
1957: 3
1958: 5
1959: 25 up
Total: 197 +71
Nov 6, 2011
1942: 1 This is a Type 2 PR66DCAM.
1950: 17
1951: 13
1952: 12
1953: 11
1954: 20 up
1955: 74
1956: 20 up
1957: 3
1958: 5
1959: 26 up
Total: 201+4
Nov 12, 2012
1950: 17
1951: 13
1952: 12
1953: 11
1954: 21 up
1955: 80 up
1956: 21 up
1957: 3
1958: 7 up
1959: 27 up
Total: 212 +11
May 13, 2014
1950: 19 up 2
1951: 14 up 1
1952: 14 up 2
1953: 13 up 2
1954: 24 up 3
1955: 84 up 4
1956: 21
1957: 3
1958: 8 up 1
1959: 30 up 3
Total: 230 +18
August 14, 2017
1942 T2: 1
1950: 24 up 5 (up 7 in 5 years)
1951: 22 up 8 (up 9 in 5 years)
1952: 19 up 5 (up 7 in 5 years)
1953: 20 up 7 (up 9 in 5 years)
1954: 30 up 6 (up 9 in 5 years)
1955: 105 up 21 (up 25 in 5 years)
1956: 27 up 6 (up 6 in 5 years)
1957: 2 DOWN 1 (down 1 in 5 years)
1958: 14 up 6 (up 7 in 5 years)
1959: 42 up 12 (up 15 in 5 years)
Total: 305 +75
November 21, 2018
1942 T2: 1
1950: 25 up 1
1951: 23 up 1
1952: 19
1953: 21 up 1
1954: 29 down 1
1955: 108 up 3
1956: 29 up 2
1957: 2
1958: 14
1959: 43 up 1
January 7,2022
1942 T2: 1
1950: 22 down 3
1951: 23 and 1 DDO FS-101 (032.5), DCAM
1952: 20 up 1
1953: 21 and 2 DDO FS-101 (FS-032.7), DCAM
1954: 28 down 1
1955: 111 up 3
1956: 28 down 1
1957: 2
1958: 15 up 1
1959: 42 down 1
Several went down and the 1957 is still impossible to make.
It's always a shame when a long-time poster gets banned. Keets was here almost 20 years and had a post count over 25000. Does anyone know what he did to get banned? I'm asking because I want to learn from his mistake, so I don't get banned.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
@PerryHall I would like to know also I noticed it pretty quick he was missing. But could not find the thread. I did ask some but no one knew nuttin if any one knows I’d like a pm
<< <i>If the '54 & '56 go up a little more they may become affordable.
i don't think prices are driven as much by "graded pops" as they are by how high the grade is; i have both the above dates in PCGS PR66DCAM holders(solid coins). they only get expensive when they reach 67 and higher where the price is probably driven by the Set Registry phenomenon. your 1959 strikes me as an exceptional coin, a date that i have hesitated buying because i presumed i could find one raw.
i can't find a picture of the 1954 but here's the 1956 that i bought about six months ago.
You can't blame me for hoping for lower prices!
A very beautiful coin, with outstanding eye appeal and contrast between the fields and devices.
Interesting to see that the reported DCAM pops have seen very little change for all dates in the 1950's from 2003 (except the 1955) forward.
Interesting also that the number of people responding to this thread since it was first posted in 2003 has dropped off significantly.
Guess that most forumites at this time are not interested in the 1950-1970 Proof and SMS CAM/DCAM niche area of the hobby.
I wish that my best 1959 nickel looked like the one posted by Baron Von Baugh.
unfortunately, several members from the first two pages have been banned and a few others no longer actively participate.
<< <i>
<< <i>what a great coin!!
i'd forgotten about this thread and since i don't have access to the PVGS pop report i wonder if someone else would update the numbers for discussion?? >>
Dec 23, 2010
1950: 17 up
1951: 13 up
1952: 12 up
1953: 11 up
1954: 19 up
1955: 74 up
1956: 18 up
1957: 3
1958: 5
1959: 25 up
Funny how they jump in 1960.
1960: 141
1961: 99 >>
Nov 6, 2011
1942: 1 This is a Type 2 PR66DCAM. This one has been in somebody's set for awhile. I would love to have it if he ever gets tired of it!
1950: 17
1951: 13
1952: 12
1953: 11
1954: 20 up
1955: 74
1956: 20 up
1957: 3
1958: 5
1959: 26 up
Nov 12, 2012
1950: 17
1951: 13
1952: 12
1953: 11
1954: 21 up
1955: 80 up
1956: 21 up
1957: 3
1958: 7 up
1959: 27 up
May 13, 2014
1950: 19 up 2
1951: 14 up 1
1952: 14 up 2
1953: 13 up 2
1954: 24 up 3
1955: 84 up 4
1956: 21
1957: 3
1958: 8 up 1
1959: 30 up 3
We have nice upward movement, but the 1957 is refusing to move up! >>
1955 Jefferson Nickel TDR FS-801 (FS-035) PCGS PR67CAM
I figured it was time for an update to this classic post (at least it's a classic to the cameo hunters).
August 14, 2017
1942 T2: 1
1950: 24 up 5 (up 7 in 5 years)
1951: 22 up 8 (up 9 in 5 years)
1952: 19 up 5 (up 7 in 5 years)
1953: 20 up 7 (up 9 in 5 years)
1954: 30 up 6 (up 9 in 5 years)
1955: 105 up 21 (up 25 in 5 years)
1956: 27 up 6 (up 6 in 5 years)
1957: 2 DOWN 1 (down 1 in 5 years)
1958: 14 up 6 (up 7 in 5 years)
1959: 42 up 12 (up 15 in 5 years)
Total: 305 +75
I'd love to take credit for these big increases over the past 3 years, but unfortunately, I've been skunked in the DCAM Jefferson department even though I've submitted coins from '54, '56, '57, and '58 that I've thought had a good shot at it. It would be interesting to know how far off the population numbers are from resubmissions. I wouldn't think they could be far off as cracking a DCAM coin out is a very risky proposition.
Thanks for the update
BHNC #203
the only thing I can say is.........................1957!!!
Thanks for the update Modcrewman.
Except for 1957 the 1950-1959 nickel pops have gone up substantially in 5 years, if you state the increase as a percentage over the prior number. If you state the increase in the number of coins that have been graded DCAM over the past 5 years the numbers are very small, with some of them possibly being resubmissions as crackouts (though that would take extreme confidence).
I have snagged some Cameo nickels from the 1950s over the past 5 years but none that would come close to DCAM.
Once day one of the collectors who play in this area of the hobby pool is going to find a run of 2 or 3 1957 OGP sets that contain nickels that were the first few strikes off of fresh obverse and reverse dies that represent the highest quality for this date. Hope it is me.
Has anyone ever seen in hand any of the 1957 DCAM nickels? If so, do they really warrant the designation or did they receive a "gift" by the graders?
I wonder what the same statistics are for the other four denominations in the 1950s proof sets.
I looked through this entire thread..... not sure how I missed it in the various incarnations... Some posters not here any longer ... sure miss LucyBop....Cheers, RickO
Kevin - CoinFacts provides links to two of the 1957 DCAM auctions with Heritage, here are the images of those two coins. Neither really jumps out at me as worthy of a DCAM designation based upon these images.
First of all, thanks for the update. Simply confirms what many of us already knew - that Dcam nickels from the '50's are tough to find - some more than others.
I have never seen a '57 Dcam nickel - nor one that I would consider close. Tough enough year to find a cameo, much less a dcam.
“In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock." - Thomas Jefferson
My digital cameo album 1950-64 Cameos - take a look!
In 19 years of searching I have found only 1 raw 1957 proof nickel (in an OGP set) that has two sided frost and mirrored fields that would likely obtain a CAM designation. Finding that proof set was a great hobby day for me.
There is zero chance that nickel above get the DCAM designation today. (I wouldn't even go CAM based on what I see) More overgraded OGH coins. See them every day.
**There is zero chance that nickel above get the DCAM designation today. **
that is a picture by Heritage from when they had really bad images.
It’s time for an update and maybe Keets will pop in!
It looks like 57 is impossible to make.
June 16, 2005
1950: 14
1951: 7
1952: 10
1953: 3
1954: 12
1955: 41
1956: 12
1957: 3
1958: 4
1959: 20
Total: 126
Dec 23, 2010
1950: 17 up
1951: 13 up
1952: 12 up
1953: 11 up
1954: 19 up
1955: 74 up
1956: 18 up
1957: 3
1958: 5
1959: 25 up
Total: 197 +71
Nov 6, 2011
1942: 1 This is a Type 2 PR66DCAM.
1950: 17
1951: 13
1952: 12
1953: 11
1954: 20 up
1955: 74
1956: 20 up
1957: 3
1958: 5
1959: 26 up
Total: 201+4
Nov 12, 2012
1950: 17
1951: 13
1952: 12
1953: 11
1954: 21 up
1955: 80 up
1956: 21 up
1957: 3
1958: 7 up
1959: 27 up
Total: 212 +11
May 13, 2014
1950: 19 up 2
1951: 14 up 1
1952: 14 up 2
1953: 13 up 2
1954: 24 up 3
1955: 84 up 4
1956: 21
1957: 3
1958: 8 up 1
1959: 30 up 3
Total: 230 +18
August 14, 2017
1942 T2: 1
1950: 24 up 5 (up 7 in 5 years)
1951: 22 up 8 (up 9 in 5 years)
1952: 19 up 5 (up 7 in 5 years)
1953: 20 up 7 (up 9 in 5 years)
1954: 30 up 6 (up 9 in 5 years)
1955: 105 up 21 (up 25 in 5 years)
1956: 27 up 6 (up 6 in 5 years)
1957: 2 DOWN 1 (down 1 in 5 years)
1958: 14 up 6 (up 7 in 5 years)
1959: 42 up 12 (up 15 in 5 years)
Total: 305 +75
November 21, 2018
1942 T2: 1
1950: 25 up 1
1951: 23 up 1
1952: 19
1953: 21 up 1
1954: 29 down 1
1955: 108 up 3
1956: 29 up 2
1957: 2
1958: 14
1959: 43 up 1
I suspect that some of the increases are due to normal searching, others perhaps regrades or crack-outs of nicer Cam designated coins and perhaps some of the earlier Box Sets either coming to sale or being un-sealed. the overall trend seems to be consistent --- improving quality from 1950-1955 and then a decrease and sharp drop afterwards. I have always suspected that it might be due to a loss of an employee(s) who played a key roll in die preperation and it took a few years to "re-learn" the skill.
if you study the pops through the 60's it's clear that things improved from 1959-1964 and then again after the SMS years until the mid-70's when major process changes got us to where we are today, with essentially all Proof coins having Deep Cameo surfaces. the peak, in my estimation, was around 1983-1987 where some fabulous B/W's were issued.
Thought I would chime in since I collect in this area and have been for about 18-19 years now after taking up the hobby again as an adult.
I have been very fortunate to find multiple cameo proof coins from the 1950's during my searching, including cameo nickels. None of the 1956-1959 nickels I have found that have frosted devices and mirrored fields are remotely close to what I would consider DCAM in quality. The have a Cameo appearance. Some I think would receive a CAM designation from a TPG. Some would not. Some of the 1950-1955 nickels I have found are closer to DCAM quality than the 1956-1959 nickels I have found, but the probably would also not receive the designation.
I have found a few 1950's cents and 1950's silver coins that IMO should receive a DCAM designation.
To sum it up:
Finding DCAM nickels from 1956-1959 - FUGGIDABOUTIT!!!!!
P.S. Shout out to Keets.
Glad to see you post again Keets
Yea Keets, where the heck have you been?
Happy to read Keets' writings.
Keets sabatical is over! (Again! And, again!) His forced retirement from this forum, over! Welcome back. It is a happy, finger snapping day!
Any updates to the numbers?
BST: KindaNewish (3/21/21), WQuarterFreddie (3/30/21), Meltdown (4/6/21), DBSTrader2 (5/5/21) AKA- unclemonkey on Blow Out
I shall endeavor to update the numbers but we have an eight week old puppy that really holds my attention!!! the first couple weeks are the hardest.
I look at every 1957 proof set I see at shows, shops and online in a never ending search for a DCAM nickel.
Guess what?
I have not found any.
The best one I have found is one that may warrant a Cameo designation.
Just picked up a sealed 1957 proof set. Now I gotta open it when I get back home in a couple of days.
My War Nickels https://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/nickels/jefferson-nickels-specialty-sets/jefferson-nickels-fs-basic-war-set-circulation-strikes-1942-1945/publishedset/94452
I haven’t been on here in awhile and it’s time for an update.
January 7,2022
1942 T2: 1
1950: 22 down 3
1951: 23 and 1 DDO FS-101 (032.5), DCAM
1952: 20 up 1
1953: 21 and 2 DDO FS-101 (FS-032.7), DCAM
1954: 28 down 1
1955: 111 up 3
1956: 28 down 1
1957: 2
1958: 15 up 1
1959: 42 down 1
Several went down and the 1957 is still impossible to make.
Wow, just noticed @keets got banned! Another stalwart bites the dust.
That’s disappointing!
It's always a shame when a long-time poster gets banned. Keets was here almost 20 years and had a post count over 25000. Does anyone know what he did to get banned? I'm asking because I want to learn from his mistake, so I don't get banned.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
A 1957 DCAM Jeff looks priceless to me?
"NO ONE" on any forum is untouchable and not subject to getting banned.
Oh man.....I just now noticed keets' fate. Major bummer to start the weekend.
"Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"
@PerryHall I would like to know also I noticed it pretty quick he was missing. But could not find the thread. I did ask some but no one knew nuttin if any one knows I’d like a pm