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Who's going to Fort Washington?



  • BasiloneBasilone Posts: 2,492 ✭✭
    I collect anything Stargell that PSA grades.

  • John,

    Last time I checked, Levi had the '63 Stargell Rookie in PSA 8 for $395 I believe. image

    Good luck. I think you may be able to pick it up for less, though. image

  • Ive got one I'm going to send in. I've seen it for $225 at a couple of places. $395 from Levi is practically giving it away compared to his other prices.
  • mikeschmidtmikeschmidt Posts: 5,756 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Another Fort Washington observation: Is the guy from 707 really serious. I love walking past his tables in Pittsburgh and Philly for the past 10 years to see his prices. My favorites from this Saturday were: 1969 Clemente PSA 8 for $500 and 1960 Berra PSA 2 for $25. Does he really sell cards at these prices?! I've heard that he rents the display cases and that is how he makes his money. >>

    Levi Bleam of 707 Sportscards:

    Yes, prices are high -- but he has a better inventory of collector grade cards than any person I know. I've utilized his "inventory" before to truly teach myself the nuances between grades 1-7. He does not sell cards as much as other dealers out there -- but his depth of inventory is largely unmatched. He has OPCs, Venezuelans, 1972 Puerto Ricans, Wilson Franks, etc. The one good thing about his pricing structure is that he rarely marks his cards up to reflect changing conditions. He just waits until cards sell.

    I have seen him pick off BINs on Ebay and mark them up 200+%. However, I am sure that much of what is in his inventory will eventually sell. Heck -- he was sitting on the 1/1 1972 PR Schmidt Sticker PSA 7 for a few years and it appears he recently sold it for $800, give or take.

    I am actively buying MIKE SCHMIDT gem mint baseball cards. Also looking for any 19th century cabinets of Philadephia Nationals. Please PM with additional details.
  • BasiloneBasilone Posts: 2,492 ✭✭
    Maybe there is a reason he has the worlds best inventory....

    I have always liked the Al Rosen business model for selling cards (buy, flip, repeat)...but thats just my opinion.

  • I thought the Fort Washington Show was very good (or at leasrt for me) ... I found a lot of nice cards and some rare items I am looking for to make it very wothwhile .... I was lucky enough to be there for the opening on Friday night till closing and for 2 Hours Saturday afternoon....

    My impressions of the overalll show :

    I felt like there were a lot more dealers with books of raw cards... Mostly sixties issues ...

    More Dealers had 1960's Topps Test set and insert items than in the past....

    Felt like GAI had a much smaller presence at the show than previous ones .. Did not see their booth either day and I pretty much walked the floor several times.....

    1939 Goudey R303-B Rudy York in EXMT to NM condition..... This completes this set for me as soon as Ernie Lombardi Arrives in the mail.

    1929 KAshin R316 Babe Ruth in at least EXMT condition and possibly NM ... Not to mention some very nice NM/MT commons from this issue

    2 1888 Scrapps Tobacco cards in VG to VG EX condition with great color and minimal chipping....

    A slew of 69 Topps Decals to upgrade and hopefully finnish my set in all PSA 8 or better.

    Some very nice 68 Topps GAme singles and 69 Topps Deckle Edge.

    6 Mint 69 Topps 4 in 1's .....

    A couple of MId 1970's Regional Sets in pristine condition including a very nice Milton Bradley game set....

    And a very nice 1973 Kellogg's Set......

    Also got to meet board memebers Bruce (53 Kid) Frank (FB) and Eric (EJ GURU) JEff

    Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... it's about learning to dance in the rain.

    I believe Bleam is funded by the other PSA dealers. I think he sets the most ridiculous prices ever conceived so the other PSA dealers can sell their overly inflated inventories. Bleam charges something like 400 bucks for a PSA 2 Berk Ross Ted Williams. The SMR is 40 bucks. Hence, another dealer can put it out at 200 dollars and the uninformed think they are saving 200 dollars. I doubt Bleam even has the cards he advertises. No one in their right mind would buy from him. Additionally, he doesn't budge an inch on price. He's stubborn as a mule. Maybe it's all a cover to fool his wife. Maybe he's pretending to sell all his cards so his wife doesn't shat a kidney. However, Agent 707 has priced them so high he gets to keep them.

    Also, I'd be willing to bet Mr. Mint used the old wheelchair trick for sympathy. He'd have to surgically attach his wanger to his forehead, contract German measles and display x-rays of acute colon mites before anyone would consider dealing with him.

    Always looking for the story underneath,

  • acowaacowa Posts: 945 ✭✭
    <No one in their right mind would buy from him.>

    I have bought from him several times and been satisfied with his product and service...I guess this proves your point.


  • BasiloneBasilone Posts: 2,492 ✭✭


    Where the cards you purchased from 707 so rare that you could not find them elsewhere?

  • acowaacowa Posts: 945 ✭✭
    Off the top of my head...I bought a tough 1954 Topps PSA 7 Ben Wade that was nicely centered. I bought a nice 1953 Topps PSA 7 Bob Boyd for a reasonable price. I bought a 1961 Topps Virdon World Series card at a great price. I also think they also helped me with some of the 1967 PSA 8's in my set at reasonable prices. The majority of their cards are high end for the grade. I honestly try to buy something that I need from them every show. Levi is a good guy and interesting to speak with.

    While they will never be confused with a wholesaler...I think they provide good service.



  • BasiloneBasilone Posts: 2,492 ✭✭

    With all due respect...Im not sure what type of service level is required to hand over a card after you hand them your money.

  • acowaacowa Posts: 945 ✭✭
    I would pay a few $$$ extra to deal with 707...just like I would pay a few $$$ extra to deal with you. There are some guys out there whom you could trust unconditionally...they are worth a few extra $$$.


  • BasiloneBasilone Posts: 2,492 ✭✭

    Thanks for the compliment....Im not specifically pointing fingers just to one dealer BTW.

    Props to Norty for the best shipping rates on eBay!!

  • John,

    1)Agree with comment about paying more to deal with good people

    2)I also like 707--Levi is another guy with good rep among serious vintage collectors.

  • qualitycardsqualitycards Posts: 2,811 ✭✭✭
    Levi is a solid dealer w/ an awesome inventory and he's a good guy. Why the constant need to bash him? His prices are retail as is many other big dealers, but no one picks apart their inventory or pricing. If 707 doesn't have what your looking for at your price points, fine! Move on! he's not on the boards spamming his auctions & inventory & giving others a rough time, so why bash him?
    Theres so much negativity on these boards. Have some fun, afterall its a hobby. Enjoy your cards. And stop blasting others who choose a diff grading company, or collect diff cards then you do, or dealers who don't sell at your levels. Enjoy your collection, spend time w/ your family, enjoy the fall w/ Football just starting and Baseball winding down. Have Fun!image ...jay
  • Jay,

    Agree wholeheartedly on Levi--guy is super-friendly, honest--if you do not like his prices buy from someone else.

    Actually I like virtually all major dealers who deal in vintage cards--some are easier on prices than others--if you don't like their prices don't buy. I would say same for major dealers on ebay. I have almost no complaints from largest ebay sellers.

    Lot of bad guys got weeded out of business by advent of card grading--for that I will always be greatful.
  • aconteaconte Posts: 2,053 ✭✭✭

    Right on the mark.

    I bought 3 red man cards from 707 over the weekend at the show. No one held a gun to
    my head. Prices were fair, service was great. No complaints.

  • qualitycardsqualitycards Posts: 2,811 ✭✭✭

    << <i>My favorites from this Saturday were: 1969 Clemente PSA 8 for $500 and 1960 Berra PSA 2 for $25 >>

    By the way, I just checked 707's website and his '69 Clemente PSA-8's are priced at $225 & $275. - I also noted the Tug McGraw '66 that I posted a link last week that sold at $290 on eBay, they have at $40. ...jay
  • BasiloneBasilone Posts: 2,492 ✭✭

    So why would he put $500 on a PSA 8..unless Kimo is not telling the truth?

  • qualitycardsqualitycards Posts: 2,811 ✭✭✭
    He's probably just trying to stir the pot...jay
  • BasiloneBasilone Posts: 2,492 ✭✭

    Well...he got me stirred...haha.

    You guys are right..buy from whom you like. At the end of the day...only you...need to be happy with your purchase.

  • Well said Jay!

    I also like Levi and give him my business. He is a great individual, who is down to earth and always willing to talk, and even cut you some deals. He is the Ying to the Rosen Yang.

    Plus the thing that sets him apart is his inventory. If I'm looking for 53 Topps in 8, most dealers will have 1 or 2, maybe someone has 10. Levi has 75...in 8! This gives me the oppurtunity to cherry pick several nice examples. And if I pay over SMR for these, so be it. I got a high end card.

    So, other details on the show....got to meet and talk with Jeff(LuxuryWines) and also chatted with Norty. A special thanks to Joe, he talked about 51 Topps with me and even walked me down to another dealers' booth, where he knew I could get more specific answers. Can you say "Customer Service above and beyond". I wish I would have met others, like Jay but I heard I just missed everyone at Norty's table.

    The show was on par with recent ones, nothing outstanding in terms of finds. I did talk with several dealers who have gotten nice raw 50's sets in, and are sending them out for grading. So we might see some new stuff for the Dec show. Because like others, I seem to see many of the same cards every show.

    And I've noticed that there are about 20-30 dealers who I always seem to migrate to every show. Although I always run the full loop just in case. But these top dealers always seem to uncover the nice raw cards, or have contacts with past customers who are selling off collections. Their inventories are always revolving, which tells me they know the product and the pricing. Granted they may have a few cards that always sit in their cases for high dollars, but who among us doesn't have a favorite card that we are only willing to part with for the right price?

    Send me your 53's in 8!


    Looking for:
    1953 Topps in PSA 8
    1941 Playball in PSA 8.
    1952-1955 Red Man cards in 7 and 8
    1950 Bowman in PSA 8
  • 19541954 Posts: 2,908 ✭✭✭
    My two favorite dealers are Brian Drent and Levi. I remember the first time I met Levi, a complete ARSE I thought. Maybe it was the way that I looked or talked? I don't know. Then last year at the Nationals I was introduced to him by one of the big dog collectors. I really did not want to meet him because of how he treated me the first time, but the guy insisted on introducing me. After a few times talking to the Levi I noticed that he is very laid back and he knows his stuff. (He looks like Gaston on Beauty and the Beast for any collectors out there that have kids that are 3-7 years old ) His hands are the size of brand new snow tires. He is not handsome like Gaston, but you get the point. He is the coolest guy to know. I speak to him once or twice a week and he always makes me feel important as he takes time out of his busy day to talk to me. He returns a call very quickly and he has an inventory like no other dealer out there. Yes, his prices are sometimes elevated, but you need to know why. Sometimes he has a PSA 4 that looks like a PSa 6. He prices that one like a PSA 5. This dealer has it all, and in any grade you want.
    An interesting story about Levi. I sold him 10 cards last month and one of the PSA 3's that I sold him was a high end PSA 3. He sent me an additional $50 because he thought that he could get more for the card.
    He is a top shelf guy and some of you NEED to know Levi.

    Looking for high grade rookie cards and unopened boxes/cases
  • qualitycardsqualitycards Posts: 2,811 ✭✭✭
    BRUCE - I had a good time at the show, even though EJ GURU was stalking me, we talked at Nortys table, then I'm at Cameo Cards (Greg) table buying Hockey, and Guru was checking out my purchase, then I'm at the 707 compound and Guru followed me there. Guru's a great guy and showed me his #5 '68 leader that he wanted to slab - I also saw Davalillo for our transaction, a $3K deal that took all of 20 seconds, he didn't even verify what was inside my boxes, ya can't beat it. I also spoke w/ Doug Rivard for awhile and had a transaction w/ Dave Lemon as well. Even spoke to Joe Orlando about the Turkey Red holders and saw their samples, can't wait to get mine slabbed. I even bumped into some old customers from my store. I'll be back in December...jay
  • FBFB Posts: 1,684 ✭✭

    Yeah, won't Dav be surprised when he finds a brick in that box!!!image

    Heard that I missed Doug Rivard as part of the early crowd at Norty's table. But, I figured that I hadn't been through Paul Starks' 71 inventory in a while so he was on the way and I was detained by a number of black bordered beauties....
    Frank Bakka
    Sets - 1970, 1971 and 1972
    Always looking for 1972 O-PEE-CHEE Baseball in PSA 9 or 10!

    outerbankyank on eBay!
  • aconteaconte Posts: 2,053 ✭✭✭
    I also met Joe (norty) for the first time. Picked up my only raw card purchase of the show -
    a 1963 Fleer Johnny Callison. He is a nice guy.

    I tried to stop by earlier on Friday night but his table was pretty crowded. There were
    three guys there going through his books. Trust me when I say with those three guys
    at the table there was really no room for anyone else to browse.image

  • 19541954 Posts: 2,908 ✭✭✭
    Aconte- Ha, ha . That was funny.

    Looking for high grade rookie cards and unopened boxes/cases
  • Jay - awesome post as always.

    I had the same experience as 1954 when I first bought from 707 and for a long time I wouldn't even look at his cards or his website. Anyways, at the nationals I stopped by and they were very friendly and I ended up selling a group of cards to them and they were great to deal with. I will do business with them again hopefully.

    If I have a dealer that treats me fair overall then I may pay more for cards to that dealer than another. For example, I had a dealer sell me about 60 1965 psa 8's at a very fair price. If he asks a higher than market price for a particular card then I am more apt to go ahead and pay him that price based upon how he treated me in the past.

    1955 Bowman Football
  • I never said Levi isn't a nice guy. I don't know him, but I have had contact with him. Personally, I'd rather buy a card for 100 dollars from a prr!ck than for 200 dollars from a complete doll. Half of Bleam's cards are in holders a grade above what they deserve. If you check his website, every card has a different price. A PSA 7 1955 Ted Williams can be present in the inventory three or four times each with a different price. If you haggle, your centering moves into bullshatsville.

    I bought from this guy when I first started collecting. I was totally wet behind the ears. I learned my lesson. I'm glad some of you have made successful deals with Bleam. I'm not jealous or trying to lead a campaign of angry village peasants to burn his house down. I don't dislike the guy. I just choose to make purchases elsewhere. Sometimes, on a tough card, it's nice to know there's somewhere to turn. Bleam is fine in this case. Just make sure you see scans. Also, take a look at some of his high dollar card scans and ask yourself what you would have received if you'd submitted that card.

    I'm about the truth. I have no other agenda here. I point out the absurd, self-serious and problems I see in the hobby. I speak from experience when I make a comment. I'm not blindly throwing accusations out to cause trouble. I'm glad when others point out my mistakes and share contradictory personal experiences. However, spare me the "what a neat guy he is". That doesn't merit three times PSA book on all his cards. He's a PSA dealer for god's sake. The SMR should have some bearing on what he does. Drent is ten times easier to deal with and fairer. His cards are a small premium above SMR. For high grade cards, this isn't unfair.

    So far on a board with some of the top collectors with cards numbering in the 100 thousands, I've heard about seven purchases from the guy. Heck, I've bought ten cards. That shows you what a retard I was when I started.

    Everything doesn't have to polarize the board. I don't know any of you, but I'm simply trying to give a warning to those that aren't familiar with certain dealers. I'm getting tired of angry responses.


  • ejguruejguru Posts: 618 ✭✭✭
    For the record, show security paid me good money to watch Mr. Wolt, as did several other collectors who want to study the show travel and buying habits of MR. QC himself!image

    Just kidding--I know that I have TONS more to learn, and every conversation with Jay, be it live or by email, I know I learn more. There are dozens and dozens more that share their knowledge and experience with me and I am eternally grateful.image. These guys are on these boards, at the shows, on EBay, and also (as noted) selling you cards.

    BTW--1968 #5 was holdered in a PSA 8 slab
    --still need the elusive Koosman RC.

    "...life is but a dream."

    Used to working on HOF SS Baseballs--Now just '67 Sox Stickers and anything Boston related.
  • ejguruejguru Posts: 618 ✭✭✭

    If I ever lost 100, I'd HAVE to let someone else sit next to me and share the cards. Now what fun would THAT be?????image
    "...life is but a dream."

    Used to working on HOF SS Baseballs--Now just '67 Sox Stickers and anything Boston related.

  • << <i>I'm getting tired of angry responses >>

    Now that makes me Mad!image

    1955 Bowman Football
  • qualitycardsqualitycards Posts: 2,811 ✭✭✭
    EJGURU - Ah, the elusive Ryan, so close but yet so far. Your at 99.83% w/ 1 card remaining and you pick the most expensive one!
    Glad you like my lectures and seminars about the industry, but you pulled an Oliva PSA-10 from scratch, not me! Teach me !!!

    FB - Bricks weren't in my box, it was packages of sandimage And by the way, I wondered by Nortys table at 3:45, and Doug was in place w/ a large stack of raw cards in front of him. So I had to go thru the '65's & '66's after him. I did grab some '61 Fleer Baseball, that hopefully should grade 8 for my set.

    ACONTE - I'm glad I left by the time you went to Joe's table, if you add my widebody, we might have blocked the aisle...jay

  • ejguruejguru Posts: 618 ✭✭✭
    OK, I'll admit it. Picking 9's and 1 GM10 out of a cello pack is a lot like shooting fish in an aquarium. All I had to do was make the sure got from the holder and cello wrapper to the Card Saver I to PSA.

    Be good!

    "...life is but a dream."

    Used to working on HOF SS Baseballs--Now just '67 Sox Stickers and anything Boston related.
  • I wanted to second all of the good comments made about Levi. I have been dealing with him for over 4 years and he knows his stuff, has one of the best inventories on the planet, and is just one heck of a nice and interesting guy. Yes, his prices are high retail, but I can usually count on him to have something I need (except Kellogg's!). He's always been helpful to me and I have never had a bad experience with him.
  • PlayBallPlayBall Posts: 463 ✭✭✭
    I have found that Levi's table at a show is the measuring stick for where your place in the collecting world is currently. When you go to his table, the person who acknowledges you is the answer. Here is the scale that I use...

    Levi - You're on top of the collecting world. Rejoice and be happy with yourself!
    His Wife - You're pretty important, keep pluggin' (and dropping cash).
    Oldest Daughter - You're not important, but may show some promise.
    Middle Daughter - You're status as a card-carrying member of the collecting world is in jeopardy!
    Youngest Daughter - Go home and NEVER come to a card show again!

    I have yet to make it past the oldest daughter.image
    Bernie Carlen

    Currently collecting.....your guess is as good as mine.
  • kimo75kimo75 Posts: 263 ✭✭
    not trying to stir anything up.Saw the 69 Clemente for $500 in PSA 8. I'd swear to it on a stack of Stargells.
    I have bought from him and no complaints. Just what I feel are really high prices. It was just an observation, not a questioning of his integrity as a dealer.
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