Toned business strike Jefferson nickels

With all of the attention "monster" toned proof Jefferson's have been getting, I was wondering if the prices for the really nicely toned business strike nickels have increased also. Anyone follow the market for the toned business strikes?
i started a toned set in an Intercept folder after i picked one up cheap in late spring. there are plenty of beautifully toned Jefferson Nickels to be found for less than $2 each if your willing to forego the need of fully struck steps. many of the 1950-1964 year coins are so difficult to find with full steps that those years are a trade-off.
holdered coins are a different story. they can get expensive and in my opinion unless they have a grade equal to the price, my money is better spent elsewhere. that seems to be the current market where competition for the finest already found coins can get nutty. i say search for raw ones and learn the series at the same time. i snag OMM's fairly regularly. picked up another 1946-D/D in at least MS64 for $3.50 while failing to find any pretty colored coins at the ANA.
al h.
If I had this Jefferson graded what do you think the value might be? It has beautiful toning and full steps even though itis a modern coin it is still 20 years old.
Well you found an 18 year old thread to go with your 20 year old coin.
Hint..... Hint..... You can start a new thread.
I'm thinkng a 2001-S would be a proof.
Although pretty, no actual premium.
What is interesting about this thread is the sage advice/observations Keets gives are still valid today.
No premium for the proof coin.... JMO..... But get it slabbed and prove me wrong.... or right!!
Cheers, RickO
While CRHunting.
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.A novice coin collector might think this coin is beautiful, has full steps and is truely them anyway. Since it's a raw coin, might be worth a buck. Happy hunting!
The more qualities observed in a coin, the more desirable that coin becomes!
My Jefferson Nickel Collection