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Day 89 on my econo submission...

LincolnCentManLincolnCentMan Posts: 5,347 ✭✭✭✭
"Estimated" 60 days when I sent them in. Just 2.25 more days and they will have had my coins for one quarter of a year.



  • nwcsnwcs Posts: 13,386 ✭✭✭
    Utterly ridiculous!
  • Start sending in those moderns! By the time they come back they'll be quadrupled in value and considered classics!
  • clackamasclackamas Posts: 5,615

    Were they Lincoln cents? I hope not
  • LincolnCentManLincolnCentMan Posts: 5,347 ✭✭✭✭
    This was a crossover invoice. The real reason for the submission was to try to cross a nickel that I got from JBStevens. I showed that coin to a coin collecting buddy of mine. The guy never gets excited about any non-Morgans. He only collects PCGS 65DMPL's CC's. It takes a lot to impress him. When he saw it he yelled, "MAAAAAAAAAAN!" It's a 70-S in a ANACS PR66 holder. Geez! That coin will almost make you salivate. I'll post the pic in a little while so you can see it.

    Only one coin in the batch was a Lincoln. It's a 09VDB in 66RD. Man, it'd make your jaw drop if you saw it. It's two ticks away from 67RD, and has nicer eye appeal IMHO than every 67RD 09VDB I've seen in any holder. Infact, I'd have sent it in raw for the outside chance at 67RD, but I didnt want PCGS to look at that coin and then KILL everything else I sent in with it.

    If I'd have sent any NGC cents I sent in with the VDB they wouldnt have a chance in... Californa to cross after they looked at the VDB. I had two coins that were going in for sure. I needed at least three more to make the five coin minimum. I pulled out the top eye appeal NGC/ICG rainbow dollars from my wife's collection to send in. That way they'd be a little more marketible when she gets ready to sell them. She loves them, so no body needs to PM me. It'll probably be fourty years from now before she gives them up.

    Bottom line, if the graders are unimpress with the coins I sent them... I dont think much (that I can afford) would.

  • You need to call PCGS and raise Hell!! They have lost to misplaced your coins!! Remember the squeaky wheel gets the grease!! Call them everyday until you get an answer!! image
  • sinin1sinin1 Posts: 7,500
    you can not count holidays or weekends or special show events - so probably closer to the 60 day estimate I would guess unless you sent the submission in Februaryimage
  • LincolnCentManLincolnCentMan Posts: 5,347 ✭✭✭✭
    you can not count holidays or weekends or special show events - so probably closer to the 60 day estimate I would guess unless you sent the submission in February

    Not according to PCGS. If you put a invoice number in that hasnt been completed yet. You'll get a window that says, "Economy Service Current estimated turnaround: 75 calendar days." Last time I checked, "calender days" includes holidays and weekends. When I submited the coins, that window read the same except the 75 was 60.

  • They wil have the use of your money for 89..++ days with no service rendered,what a deal.
  • LincolnCentManLincolnCentMan Posts: 5,347 ✭✭✭✭
    Yah, I have about 120 coins that need to be slabbed, but I cant afford to have $2000 froze up for 3+ months. If they'd wait UNTIL THEY WERE GRADED to charge my credit card, I could send them to them. As of now, most are in intercept holders. I think they'll be going to NGC.

  • If you only have a silver level membership - noneof the guarantees apply. It's clearly stated.

    Buy the platinum deal and ALL of the guarantees apply.

    Or at least - that's what the site says.

    I spoke with PCGS today, customer service, and the fella told me that you would get your GRADE within the guaranteed number of days. I asked, "what about getting the coins back?". He told me that part wasn't covered under the guarantee.

  • LincolnCentManLincolnCentMan Posts: 5,347 ✭✭✭✭
    If you only have a silver level membership - noneof the guarantees apply. It's clearly stated.
    I have a platinum level membership.

    Buy the platinum deal and ALL of the guarantees apply.
    To my knowledge, there is no guarantee for an economy submission with reguard to time.

    My point is that when I submitted the coins, the estimated turnaround time was 60 calender days. I'm setting at 89. And they havent been graded today. I checked the invoice on-line and I called customer service. So tomorrow, it'll be ninty days. That's 50% off their estimation. To say I'm displeased with their service would be kind.


  • LincolnCentManLincolnCentMan Posts: 5,347 ✭✭✭✭
    Here's a pic of the 09-VDB. And here's a pic of the nickel.

  • sinin1sinin1 Posts: 7,500
    nice pictures, at least you still have the pictures

    the color on the nickel is a little too much for PCGS, maybe they are watching to see if it changes in the slab - I predict they pass on that one - say it did not meet your minimum (or else they will call it AT)

    but I have been wrong many times before
  • LincolnCentManLincolnCentMan Posts: 5,347 ✭✭✭✭
    I predict they pass on that one - say it did not meet your minimum (or else they will call it AT)

    I put a minimum grade of 65 on that one. Two points difference. If it doesnt get in a PCGS holder, it will most likely be because they think it to be AT. Looking at coins like these gives me some reason to think it would cross:

    Nickel 1
    Nickel 2
    Nickel 3
    Nickel 4
    Nickel 5
    Nickel 6
    Nickel 7
    Nickel 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

    You never know, though. All you can do is send PCGS your coins and money. Then wait for a quarter of a year to find out.

  • The increasing wait for submitted coins has been coming up a lot.
    It appears to me that PCGS may be understaffed and,or overwhelmed.
    Until they get more graders or we stop sending so many coins, this
    may be a continuing problem.
    Of course, if they hired more graders, they would probably have to
    increase their prices. Maybe we should just try to be patient and get
    a good deal for the service.

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