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  • SarasotaFrankSarasotaFrank Posts: 1,625 ✭✭
    I would respond, but by the time my response is posted, you'll probably be banned and won't get a chance to read it.

    so I'll resist responding
    "I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my Grandfather did, as opposed to screaming in terror like his passengers."
  • Hey Mr Sarasota,
    I know I'm taking the chance but I think it's worth it. NumisEd was a little off the wall but there was no reason to ban him. YO! NUMIS-ED! HAYADOIN?!?!?! WAVING THE HAND!

  • I cannot believe no one has had the crystal ones to stand behind Numis Ed!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Banning Sucks. Sheep Rule! image I wonder if there will be a Numis Ed commemorative coin?
    Time sure flies when you don't know what you are doing...

    CoinPeople.com || CoinWiki.com || NumisLinks.com

  • << <i>I cannot believe no one has had the crystal ones to stand behind Numis Ed!!!!!!!!!!!!! >>

    Would it do any good or would it just get you added to the list of members to be banned?
  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭
    Uh, Ned, your keyboard appears to be malfunctioning. They're pretty cheap nowadays.

    Russ, NCNE
  • Freaky,
    Open up your window, stick your head out and scream "I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE" perhaps that's just a Movie but we need freedom of speech here.
  • sinin1sinin1 Posts: 7,500
    Nedcoinage - who were you before you got banned last time?


    you spell/speak like DOOPS, but they still pleasure us with well thought out postsimage
  • FatManFatMan Posts: 8,977
    The SH'ITEs get another bad wrap. I beleive the one who does the banning around here is of another faith, but I could be wrong.image
  • In my opinion there are very few things that should warrent a banning. I did not see the sheep thread but it all sounds very innocent . I think they controled opinions in Nazi Germany just as swiftly. image Joe
  • fcloudfcloud Posts: 12,133 ✭✭✭✭
    I missed the thread, but doesn't PCGS own the website. We are guests and should act like it? It is not a question of free speech.


    President, Racine Numismatic Society 2013-2014; Variety Resource Dimes; See 6/8/12 CDN for my article on Winged Liberty Dimes; Ebay

  • PlacidPlacid Posts: 11,299 ✭✭✭
    http://forums.collectors.com/reg.cfm has the list of rules.

    The person banned broke two of the rules in the sheep thread that I noticed.

    Perhaps he was banned for only a period of time? I do not know.

    Anyway these boards are not public property so the owner(s) can do whatever they want as far as banning someone.

    If you want to start your own coin message board and let people post whatever they want go for it but if you post here you need to be aware of the rules.

  • ldhairldhair Posts: 7,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm sorry to say I didn't catch the thread that caused Ed the problem.

    Can't say if he earned it or not.

    I really feel the owner of the site must have the final say in any matter.

    I can only ask that they listen to my opinion.

    I guess if they don't listen, I could leave. I am only a guest in their house.

  • << <i>Freaky,
    Open up your window, stick your head out and scream "I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE" perhaps that's just a Movie but we need freedom of speech here. >>

    Coin collectors don't have to take anything. The problem is we are all conditioned to believe that "this is how's it's going to be." This is how coins are going to be graded. This is the market factor that you will like, etc etc. It's a message from the few to the many. Sound familar? Sound like government? We, "the governed" are like the baby circus elephant who is tied to pole with a small piece of rope that he is too weak to break. When he becomes an adult he is still tied to the pole with the same sorry ass rope even though he can pull the pole out the ground and pull down half the circus. If it only dawned on him how strong he really is now. But it doesn't. He's been "conditioned." We are far stronger than any coin dealer or certification service because A) we have the money. B) Coin collecting may be the best hobby in the world but it is not needed for survival. Certification companies, however, have to sell something if they expect to survive. One of the few things about the Internet that really is "empowerment" is that it offers the *many* the chance to organize and tell the *few* "how it's going to be." But not until we realize that the pole and rope is a joke.

    "It's an experimental division at Ft. Benning, and
    your lucky to be assigned there rather than anywhere
    else, because nobody knows anything about it, which
    means that you should know quickly as much about it
    as anybody."
    1st Cav in Vietnam
    Shelby Stanton
  • These "free speech" arguments always crack me up.

    The First Amendment applies to Government, not to private enterprise.
    CU Forums can boot anyone for any reason they like. When I had a forum, I could do likewise.
    It's just the way it is.
  • dorkkarldorkkarl Posts: 12,691 ✭✭✭
    numised got banned??? what's the sheep thread???

    WHAT'D I MISS???

    K S
  • itsnotjustmeitsnotjustme Posts: 8,777 ✭✭✭
    They who pay the bills make the rules. I never saw the offending thread, but I won't fault PCGS for enforcing their own rules.
    Give Blood (Red Bags) & Platelets (Yellow Bags)!
  • MrEurekaMrEureka Posts: 24,194 ✭✭✭✭✭
    WHAT'D I MISS???

    Dorkkarl - You're still here? I thought for sure you would have been banned by now!
    Andy Lustig

    Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.

    Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at USPatterns.com.
  • keetskeets Posts: 25,351 ✭✭✭✭✭
    numised got banned??? what's the sheep thread???

    WHAT'D I MISS???

    K S

    ..........the boat Karl, you missed the boat!!image

    al h.image
  • LINK?
    PCGS,NGC & ANACS certified toned Morgan dollar dealer.
  • relayerrelayer Posts: 10,570

    I would only be outraged if they banned Nedcoinage.
    My posts viewed image times
    since 8/1/6
  • dorkkarldorkkarl Posts: 12,691 ✭✭✭
    banning members sucks. even members i can't stand, it still sucks

    K S
  • trozautrozau Posts: 3,455 ✭✭✭
    I enjoyed following that thread, yesterday. It was good reading on differing opinions (some stronger than others).
    trozau (troy ounce gold)
  • cosmicdebriscosmicdebris Posts: 12,332 ✭✭✭
    Is the thread still there or did they pull it?


  • Its pulled so it doesnt corrupt others.
  • doopsdoops Posts: 498

    << <i>Nedcoinage - who were you before you got banned last time?


    you spell/speak like DOOPS, but they still pleasure us with well thought out postsimage >>

    hey hey hey,DO NOT confuse the doops.....
    theyz not but one of me,unless of course i'm beside myself and him too...on a bad day that is...
    then you could say i was 3....BUT UFN let's not inject the doops into another's psychobabble...
    thy plate is fulleth as it is..i is the one and only the, most days....
  • ClausUrchClausUrch Posts: 1,278
    NumisEd, AKA NumbNutsJed, has been attempting to Martyr himself ever since he joined these boards and his wish was eventually granted. Finally, he can now stand on the platform next to his idol, Gmarguli and all of their respective Groupies can rant and rave about what a rotten deal they got and freedom of speech, etc. etc. Obladie Oblada...... Just my 3 cents' worth. image
  • ditto?????
  • image FREE.... I thought this cost me 99..99 per year... Dang got ripped again!!!!!!!!1
  • Although I realize this is Mr. Hall's forum I thought people still had to be dealt with fairly. If one member behaves similary to other members and one is kicked out that hardly seems right. There are many private clubs which are not allowed to be selective in their membership in an effort to acheive fairness. I would feel that this issue is similar.
  • I missed the thread in question, but CU owns the forum they can (and should) enforce the rules that they have asked all of us to abide by. As to the comment, "There are many private clubs which are not allowed to be selective in their membership in an effort to acheive fairness," that is NOT strictly true---most places cannot discriminate based on protected attributes such as race, color, sex, and creed. But there is not (nor should tthere be in my opinion) protection for people who openly flaunt non-discriminatory rules (non-dicriminatory, that is, toward legally protected classes). Whatever numised did, I suspect the same punishment would have been meted out were he black, white, hispanic, male, female, etc. CU brought the ball---they get to makes and enforce the rules!


  • << <i>Although I realize this is Mr. Hall's forum I thought people still had to be dealt with fairly. If one member behaves similary to other members and one is kicked out that hardly seems right. There are many private clubs which are not allowed to be selective in their membership in an effort to acheive fairness. I would feel that this issue is similar. >>

    Nope. It is their forum, their website, and their rules and it is free so they don't even have to refund anything. They can ban people for violating wahtever rules they want to enforce. The same as any forum can. However, just because you can do something, it doesn't mean you should.

    For those that think Ed was abusive and should have been banned...I don't think Ed's main reason for posting was to flame or disrupt and I think that should have been taken into account over regular old trolls who have that as their main or only goal. The fact that it wasn't taken into account leads me to believe he was banned for what he was saying not how he was saying it. Others are, of course, free to feel differently.
    Time sure flies when you don't know what you are doing...

    CoinPeople.com || CoinWiki.com || NumisLinks.com
  • GaCoinGuyGaCoinGuy Posts: 2,761 ✭✭✭✭
    Too bad So sad! The owner of the board has the right to ban who he wishes for whatever reason he wishes. And the best part.......he owes no one an explanation.

  • Simply put, their pool, their rules. Don't like it, don't get in over your head.
  • doopsdoops Posts: 498

    << <i>

    << <i>Freaky,
    Open up your window, stick your head out and scream "I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE" perhaps that's just a Movie but we need freedom of speech here. >>

    Coin collectors don't have to take anything. The problem is we are all conditioned to believe that "this is how's it's going to be." This is how coins are going to be graded. This is the market factor that you will like, etc etc. It's a message from the few to the many. Sound familar? Sound like government? We, "the governed" are like the baby circus elephant who is tied to pole with a small piece of rope that he is too weak to break. When he becomes an adult he is still tied to the pole with the same sorry ass rope even though he can pull the pole out the ground and pull down half the circus. If it only dawned on him how strong he really is now. But it doesn't. He's been "conditioned." We are far stronger than any coin dealer or certification service because A) we have the money. B) Coin collecting may be the best hobby in the world but it is not needed for survival. Certification companies, however, have to sell something if they expect to survive. One of the few things about the Internet that really is "empowerment" is that it offers the *many* the chance to organize and tell the *few* "how it's going to be." But not until we realize that the pole and rope is a joke. >>

    dammit ! that was killer. the above should be written in the journals of numismaticania for generations
    to come....kudos for sure. nail on head *WHACK*..
  • relayerrelayer Posts: 10,570

    as long as they don't ban doops everything will be OK
    My posts viewed image times
    since 8/1/6
  • As a relative newby, I wasn't aware I could be banned from the forum.
    Maybe I neglected to read the fine print when I signed up.
    Could someone enlighten me as to the "forbidden" words or topics so
    I won't cross the line and find myself banned ? Thanks, Skipper
  • doopsdoops Posts: 498

    << <i>as long as they don't ban doops everything will be OK >>

    huh? wha? er? naw man, you know,...... naw, like on a bone...
    hall have the doops banned ? phhhh.....NEVER happen......
    we go way, way back to numismatic babyhood....
    besides that hell i spend 100g a year on slabbin fees with pogs..they LIKE me..more with ngc
    for those who dont know that's ....ahem ... "professional >oftentimes< grading service
    now listen up..you cant run a dang grading service with the best marketablity chance in town
    into the ground...you gotta get them guys all on the same page and keep the same set of em
    for periods of decades securing a unified a to z poole of 4.2 second 1/4 mile ability to get it
    completely DOWN PAT....sh*t man, it's the only way.....KEEP these guys, PAY them well, VERY well
    in order to keep them. stick to the absolution of founding principles and grading standards.
    fine tune it, tweek it, closely monitor it's weak areas of "same-pageness" and LETS GET IT ON...!!
  • It does seem pretty arbitrary to me. The best I can say is that we'd better not get too close to the fence. Don't say anything about grading services (except ACG) or what they have done for or to the hobby or anyone connected with the top ones. If we'll follow those simple rules (and not post pictures of naked people or dead babies), we're basically here.

    Oh, and don't irritate people too much. If we pretty much keep to our own threads so no one will stumble into something they find unpleasant, that helps too.

    You know, there are probably places we can do all those dangerous things.

    But what can I say? I'm still here.image
    The strangest things seem suddenly routine.

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