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Since Some Asked....YN Essays from the Giveaway

So here are some of the essays entered in the Giveaway.

Dear mr Fattorosi, my favarite coin is the one that mr. Bill gave me. it is so shiny and beautifol and plus it was in a good case. I do not know him but he gave the coin anyway . I wish more people wood be nicer to everyone and then everyone wood get along better. Mrs. kelly said when people do nice things for us we shood do them back.I was going to put my coin mr. Bill gave me in the basket at church, but my dad gave me a nother one instead. Thank you, Sined Jack Walencewicz, 7 years old , mrs. Kellys 2nd grade, St. Joe's school.

by Drift Roberts
Morgan Silver Dollars
I like the Morgan Silver Dollars the best of any other U.S. coins,because there are so many reasons to like them,here is a few:

1.They are availible and reasonably priced in high grades.An 1921 Ms-62 trends for a small price of 20$.
2.For the challange of completing a set.Carson City strikes and proofs go from around 50$ all the way up to 60000+$!
3.You get to think of how much it would be worth in the late 1800's and early 1900's.A dollar back in the late 1800's would be equivelent to around 30$ today.

Those are just a few reasons why there are so many Morgan Collectors.Here are some random facts about them:
1.The Morgan Dollar was never popular when it was in circulation.
2.The Coin was designed by George T. Morgan.
3.5 Different mints produced them
4.They have almost 1 ounce of pure silver in them.
5.Around 270 million silver dollars were melted making common dates somewhat scarcer.
6.Around the 60's the government started to release hundereds of bags of Morgan Dollars.

The Bland-Allison Act required the Treasury to purchase 2-4 million troy ounces of silver to be coined into silver dollars each month.Soon after production someone pointed out to the mint that the eagle should have 7 tail feathers instead of eight,Thus creating more varieties to collect for that year.The highest points of wear is the hair above the eye and the eagles breast.
Even as the numismatic hobby underwent rapid growth beginning in the 1930s,Most collectors preferred the lower face-value coins (with their lower cost) that were readily availible in circulation. Although it was possible to order silver dollars through banks or directly from the Treasury, few noticed or cared.
Then in the late 1930's some Washington dealers learned the Treasurys Department cashroom was paying out 5$ for uncirculated Carson City Dollars,but the information was leaked in the 40's and 50's.
In the early 1960s, with silver rising in price, some people recognized the chance to get fast $$ by redeming silver certificates for dollar coins (mostly Morgans) at the Treasury. By the time the government closed up peoples chance in 1964, only 2.9 million cartwheels were left in its vaults, almost all of them scarce Carson City Morgans. These were dispersed by the General Services Administration in a series of mail-bid sales from 1972 through 1980, earning big $$ profits for the government and triggering great new interest in silver dollars.
Major 'keydates' include 1895, 1893-S, 1895-O, 1892-S, 1889-CC, 1884-S and 1879-CC. Mint records show that 12,000 business-strike dollars were made in Philadelhia in 1895, but only proofs are known; the mintage of these is 880. Proofs wer made for every year in the series, but only a few brilliant proofs variously reported at 15 to 24 are known for 1921.


My name is jocelyn fernandez and i am 9 years old. My favorite coin is a 2003 sacagawea my dad gave me. It is so shiny, he told me it is a proof. What I like most about this coin is that it shows her carrying her baby on her back. It must have been hard to carry him like that, and she must have loved him very much. The back of the coin shows a beautiful flying eagle.


My name is Nathan Fernandez and i am 5 years old. My favorite coin is a 1962 Franklin half dollar. What I like most about this coin is the little eagle on the back, protecting a bell that has a crack in it. It has to be a strong eagle to protect such a big bell


My favorite kind of coins are the ones with the Morgan dollar with rainbow effect. The reason behind
this is years of being rubbed together with countless other coins in a Coin Mint canvas bag. I like
these kind of coins because one, they look cool. Two, I think their background is interesting.
And three, I like to study them!

I also like state coins, old money, and foreign money. I collect state coins, even though it's
circulated (some are getting the rainbow effect.) I like old money (mainly coins) because I like
to get an idea of what they looked like. I collect foreign money because I think it's cool. I would
like to say thank you for your time. Lydia Allen


My name is Tommy Chiasson. I am 11 years old. My favorite coin is the United States Korean War (Commemorative) coin. It's my favorite because it took me a long time to get it. I saw it in a book (Redbook). It looked so nice and I wanted it real bad! We went to a big show (2002 ANA in NYC) and it wasn't there so we had to bid for some on eBay. My dad helped me get it from eBay.


My name is Michael Chiasson. I am 6 years old. My favorite coins are my Bison Nickels. (Buff nick) I like it because it's mine! I like the pictures on both sides, but the bison is my favorite! I like how shiny it is. I bought one at the coin shop, and one at the big coin show in NYC last year. (2002 ANA) Please send me lots of coins! Thank-You.


My name is Andy Chiasson. I am 11 years old. Peace dollars, I never had heard of one till my dad started coin collecting, He would show me all of his coins. One of those coins had been a Peace dollar. One reason I like the peace dollar because of its design. I also love the peace dollar for what it resembles in my eyes. I'm holding a 1923 MS-63 peace dollar in my hands. It is very fresh looking and has alot of luster . You could easlily see discriptive details on Miss liberty and the eagle. The brightness is just beautiful. I love how the eagle and miss liberty stand tall, brave,and proud.


My name is Mark Moran and I'm 12 years old. Please enter my short essay into your contest.
My favorite coin is the seated quarter be cause it's rare and they are worth lots of money in good condition. I have a 1858 seated quarter that would grade about Au 58 or Ms 60. Also I like them because they didn't make them for very long and I'm lucky I have one

I also like them because my dad found one metal detecting that how I got my first seated coin. They are also my favorite because they are so old and it makes my wonder who held the coin during that time. Twenty-five cents was a lot of money back then. There is a lot of history with seated coins.

I've collected coins for over 5 years now and have been able to collect alot of coins thanks to the memebers of the CC message board and my dad. Thanks for having this contest.


Brian I'm 11 Ok, I collect half dimes and type coins. I think half dimes are cool because they are over two hundred to one hundred twenty years old and you can usually find them in low grades ( Ag-f/vf) at a local coin dealer, coin show, or e-bay for only five to twenty something dollars unlike gold coins which cost a lot more.
Also I like type coins. For Washington quarters you don't have to go looking around for a thirty two d and s and spend around sixty dollars when you can put in a mint state sixty four in for a dollar or two. And it gives you a variety of coins. It's not like opening up a full book of lincolns and seeing his head everywhere.


Joshua James Waszkiewicz
Well, it’s rather simple; I don’t have a favorite coin! I love all ancient coins, but most of all I love Ancient Greek coins.
The Greeks learned about coins from the Lydians. Greece made some of the most beautiful coins in the world. Early Greek coins were bean-shaped and had animals punched in them. But over time, they flattened and turned into round disks. The designs became more detailed, too.
Between 500 and 400 B.C. hundreds of city-states made coins copying each other but still were making new ones. During this time, Athenians made large silver coins called Tetradrachms with big-eyed owls on one side. The owl is the symbol of the goddess Athena, who thought the bird was sacred. Athena was worshiped by people who thought she was sacred and named their city after her.
The Greeks made cool and weird designs for their coins, including grapes, crabs, a rose, ears of wheat, eagles, dolphins, owls and rabbits. They also pictured gods and goddesses, but never people.
As the Greek civilization died out, so did the coins. One time, the Greeks got so desperate for metal that they made bronze coins and silver-plated them. They even melted statues of their gods and goddesses to make gold coins.
I love ancient coins, especially uncleaned Greek coins. I love to get into the history of these because I love social studies.

There were 2 that were mailed it and we also excellent.

Thanks again and sorry for the monumental sized post. I just thought others might be interested in reading the essays.

Until next year's giveaway -- this is officially my last giveaway post, sorry if they have annoyed anyone.



  • nuckleheadnucklehead Posts: 1,500
    Those were good,kids can be so funny and direct in their own way.
    Friends are Gods way of apologizing for your relatives.
  • islemanguislemangu Posts: 1,378 ✭✭✭
    Thanks Michael for all the typing in posting the assays. Its neat to read of coins from the YNs prospective. You never know how much something like this will secure the hobby for the future. When these winners start showing off their winnings to their friends there will be a chain reaction. This whole giveaway was neat and the success of yours seems to have spread here more too with other give aways going. Good jobimage
  • StorkStork Posts: 5,205 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I especially like the one about the little Eagle being so strong to protect the bell.

    What a great thing to have done!

  • CoinHuskerCoinHusker Posts: 5,033 ✭✭✭
    imageimage Great job! How could have this give-away or your postings annoyed anyone? It's been a treat to read them, to have a child participate and to imagine what will be the fruits of your hard work. Thanks again!
    Collecting coins, medals and currency featuring "The Sower"
  • FatManFatMan Posts: 8,977
    Wonderful reading. Thanks Michael.image
  • Man, I like that little eagle on the franklin half to! I think its the nicest image on the franklin half but i guess thats really not saying much, huh? image
  • FrattLawFrattLaw Posts: 3,290 ✭✭
    Keepn' it TTT for the weekend crowd. image
  • ttt
    Just My 2 Cents,
    Big Mike <><

    Let your roots grow down into him and draw up nourishment from him, so you will grow in faith, strong and vigorous in the truth you were taught. Let your lives overflow with thanksgiving for all that he has done. --Colossians 2:7
  • GaCoinGuyGaCoinGuy Posts: 2,761 ✭✭✭✭
    TTT again......everyone who contributed deserves a nice pat on the back. You guys did good.

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