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Anything wrong with this quarter?

2 bust quarters from e-bay. The one on the right looks like liberty has a black eye and a big nose...

Any comments or ideas?



  • sinin1sinin1 Posts: 7,500
    one on left looks cleaned XF
    one on right looks environmental damage XF

    would probably need ANACS/NCS to detail grade these -

    don' spend a few hundred on a $80 coin
  • Cam40Cam40 Posts: 8,146
    The rim looks really good on the left one. May even be an AU, definitely cleaned, if not harshly

    The one on the right has puzzling discoloration on the neck but otherwise appears in more of original
    condition. Both may be `problem coins` but try to find one that ISNT problem-free. Those rarely see the light of day.

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