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Can I safely buy coins from board members?



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    ...what stork said
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    SDCollectorSDCollector Posts: 886 ✭✭

    Excellent question. As a new guy here I was wondering the same thing.

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    << <i>ER
    I have both bought and sold coins to members.I've only had one bad experience in over (2) years.I'd say most here will say the same. >>

    Same here. I have only had one bad deal (minor at that), and the person I dealt with only posted coins for sale on the B/S/T board. They never participated in any coin discussions and they were apparently here just for the sales. That being said...

    I literally have had hundreds of good transactions with close to one hundred different board members here. I usually try to deal with board members before I go looking to buy or sell elsewhere. Common sense is always recommended in any deal, but I have not found a finer bunch of people to do business with than the ones here. Most I have dealt with have been very honest, generous and accommodating. I highly recommend the experience.


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