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Hello everyone - Ira's picture made me an ex-lurker

I've been lurking for a few months and thought I would never post until I saw Ira's picture with the toilet set. It was so hilarious I had to post and say how much I enjoyed it. The registration took a few days or I would have posted sooner. That picture still makes me LOL. Thank you Ira.

I've been collecting Morgan dollars for about a year. I consider myself a new collector. I collect mostly common date Morgans in XF and AU grades. I've been very fortunate to find a very friendly and knowledgeable local coin dealer that has made this new hobby very enjoyable. Since I'm sort of cautious by nature, I'm starting out slow with small purchases. But I'm having a great time and I've learned a lot here.

Also I'm making my way through the VAM book and it's been very educational. I actually think I'm getting to know Morgans fairly well, but I still have a lot to learn and I'll be posting a few questions along the way.

Thanks for all of the great insight and I look forward to joining in.


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