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Slab question for Conder or anyone.

GaCoinGuyGaCoinGuy Posts: 2,756 ✭✭✭✭
Went back up to the GNA show in Dalton for a little bit this morning.......lots of dealers had left already by the time I got there at about 12:00........but one dealer had some fractional gold in a PCGS slab I've never seen before........he said he had no idea about the slab either.....I tried to buy one, but couldn't talk him down below $400(Thats all I took with me)........anyway, it was a 2-toned brownish color label, with a depiction of a man panning for gold.......it had all the usual stuff on it, the grade, BG number etc..........anyone know anything about the odd labels? He's gonna be back for the Blue Ridge show later this year, so I am gonna try to get one of them.


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    kieferscoinskieferscoins Posts: 10,017
    That type is a special gold label that the major marketers like B&M, sold the gold coins in. They are PCGS graded but with a foil type label like you described.

    Cameron Kiefer
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    Conder101Conder101 Posts: 10,536
    If you know who he is drop me a PM, I'm interested in acquiring one myself. Cameron has the ID right that was a slab type that was used to sell off some of the miscellaneous gold from the SS Central America. Usualy what you see is placer gold dust or nuggets.

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