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Which would you rather have and/or have in your set -- MS67FB or MS68?



  • DMWJRDMWJR Posts: 6,011 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Alan, I think PCGS sums it up on their "PLEASE READ" page linked on the pop report page:

    Please Read Carefully
    The PCGS POPULATION REPORT profiles the number of coins certified by PCGS at a given grade for each date, denomination, mint mark and variety. BECAUSE THE POPULATION REPORT CONTAINS INFORMATION ONLY WITH RESPECT TO THOSE COINS WHICH HAVE BEEN SUBMITTED TO AND CERTIFIED BY PCGS, IT SHOULD NOT BE RELIED UPON TO DETERMINE ACTUAL OR RELATIVE VALUES OF PARTICULAR COINS IN THE MARKETPLACE. The values of many issues, such as most proof coins minted after 1954, do not justify submission to PCGS for grading. The populations reported herein for such coins are therefore significantly lower than the actual numbers available in the marketplace. The information contained herein is compiled from the computer data base maintained by PCGS for this purpose. Information is posted to this data base on a daily basis, and population figures for any given coin can change substantially over a short period of time. These population figures represent the number of coins processed from PCGS and may not reflect any reduction for coins that have been lost, destroyed, or removed from PCGS holders. Note that dealers often remove coins from PCGS holders and re-submit them in hopes of receiving a higher grade. Sometimes the dealers return the old inserts to PCGS so that coins can be removed from the Population Report, but sometimes they do not. PCGS makes reasonable efforts to maintain and publish accurate information, however, it disclaims any responsibility of liability for the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein. Certain varieties recently recognized by PCGS are now included in this population report. The populations reported for these coins may be artificially low, and not representative of the actual number of these coins available in the marketplace.

  • MoneyLAMoneyLA Posts: 1,825
    Doug, sorry but I miss the point of the PCGS disclaimer?? The fact is that the "drive for registry points" is driving the value of coins. If FB Roosies at a lower grade get more registry points than a non-FB at the next higher grade, the value will be driven to the FB. That is the new economics of the registry-dominated market. non-slabbed coins are not a factor. cheers, alan mendelson
  • DMWJRDMWJR Posts: 6,011 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Alan, I was just following up on your PR70 discussion. I didn't realize that you were talking about quarters. Sorry. I thought you were talking about proof dimes where that are PR70's, PR70CAM's and PR70DCAM's. Of course there are no PR70DC quarters for those years!
  • MoneyLAMoneyLA Posts: 1,825
    Actually, there is one and only one. A 1962 pr70dc coin, if I recall. cheers, alan
  • This will prove to be very interesting to the future values of the 68nb dimes
    any idea when they may start to wt the dates??
    I figure at least another year so they can grade enough to get a good sample size
    LOOKING FOR 1931-s merc that is nice for the grade and fb
  • MoneyLAMoneyLA Posts: 1,825
    Tim wrote: "This will prove to be very interesting to the future values of the 68nb dimes
    any idea when they may start to wt the dates??
    I figure at least another year so they can grade enough to get a good sample size."

    Good point, Tim. About a year ago I was dabbling with MS Roosevelts, and in another thread way back then, I said that MS roosevelts had the best upside value potential for a series. I sold my small holdings of ms roosies when the FB designations were being discussed, fearing a repeat of the registry-weighting price and ranking disaster that I suffered with my proof washingtons.

    Okay, so what do you guys do now? Collect and spend $$$ for the love of it, or put everything on hold till you see where the big money is appropriate, or just buy the best you can -- and hope and pray?

    I raise this because the same strategy will probably apply to other series in the future as "fine points" become weighted in the registry rankings.

    cheers, alan mendelson
  • rainbowroosierainbowroosie Posts: 4,875 ✭✭✭✭
    I like wondercoins' comments....I would love to buy super cool toned 68s that you guys no longer have any use for because they are not FB....I love color, and only 68s seem to have the look I like...So, let the "freefall" begin and those useless roosies can now come to me for "reasonable" prices.....That said, Nick and Craig are correct about the rarity factor -- a FB67 should only get a .5 bump in the Registry ratings....that factor would better relect the rarity of the coins.image

    PS I would rather have a wonder toned 67 non-FB coin in my set than a white 68FB!
    "You keep your 1804 dollar and 1822 half eagle -- give me rainbow roosies in MS68."
    rainbowroosie April 1, 2003
  • MistercoinmanMistercoinman Posts: 1,820 ✭✭✭
    I would say it really depends on the year and mint mark. If it's a 2002-P in ms-68 (pop 183) or ms-67 fb(26) with 8 higher I would go with the fb Now that said if it is one of the rare dates say a 1973-P then the Ms-68 is much more attractive. I also collect Rooseys PCGS #17 and climbing
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