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Who's Going to the GNA Show in Dalton GA this Weekend

The GNA (Ga Numismatic Assoc) Show in Dalton runs Friday to Sunday. Looks like a nice size show with 150 tables. I'm going to be there Friday and Saturday. Let's get a show of hands of those attending and maybe we can do a lunch or something (maybe Burger King since PCGS won't be there to foot the bill).

Some highlights-
Saturday 1 PM Bill Fivaz will moderate a Q&A session which last I heard will have NCS represented as well as other numismatic luminaries. Should be some interesting discussions.

BEP - will have a booth with 1 billion dollars displyed: to include Gold Certificates, Silver Certificates, Treasury Notes and Bonds, Federal Reserve Notes, $10,000 notes, and $100,000 notes.

YN Program - Sat 1 PM


  • Yes Sir,
    Will be there...part time covering Al Adams [Gold Rush Gallery] tables with Doug Winter sharing...just an unpaid minion but gives my bad knee a place to rest. Interesting aside they leave me prices on most coins except the King Kongs and I like to price them a few dollars cheaper to collectors than dealers.
    Also Southern Gold Society meeting at 1 o'clock? Friday should be interesting don't know how many people will attend but if interested 'come on down'. Found a great coin there last year.
    Collect for enjoyment
  • FatManFatMan Posts: 8,977
    TTT - Yikes Dahlonega!...it looks like you and me will be the only ones at the showimage...Just think, all those coins for just the two of us.image
  • FatManFatMan Posts: 8,977
  • I'll be there for a few hours tomorrow, about a 4+ hr drive each way for me, so it will have to be a rocket run.. for what it's worth, dave
    gravity--it's the law.
  • GaCoinGuyGaCoinGuy Posts: 2,761 ✭✭✭✭
    I am gonna try to make it up on Friday, Saturday for sure. I'll be the one with a slight limp, carrying the "Will work for slabs" sign. Actually, if any of you guys who know the layout up there wanna suggest a meeting place, I'm game for lunch Saturday. I have a list of Brit coins I am gonna try to fill for myself, and of course will be on the lookout for proof sets from 64, 69, and 70.


  • I would normally be at the show on Friday afternoon, but I'll be travel for family events this year. I usually have good luck finding copper at the Dalton shows.

  • FatManFatMan Posts: 8,977
    Time to hit the road.

    Jeff, if we find each other lunch would be good. See ya there.

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