One fellow in there sold me a really nice 1923-S PCGS buffalo nickel in PCGS MS 64 that never would upgrade for him (and two other coins) and the heavy bald guy in grey pants with his back to the camera bought 10 early dollars from me including two AU58s, an MS62 piece and an XF40 Flowing hair piece.
My pleasure meeting you, Scott. Either one of my assistants would certainly have been the aesthetic choice! (Stephanie was there on Friday and my wife was there on Saturday.)
I'll fess to being the guy in the blue shirt. Can't believe how much weight I've lost in the last several months (almost 30 pounds), so the pics are relatively flattering. Was good to meet you Scott, and Adrian, thanks for the great half cent.
Thanks for the pics...although looking at myself seems like its diet time again.
At least you left me one nice toner in those nickels to practice imaging and/or make a customer of mine happy. I'm still thinking about that MS67 Seated quarter...there's just something special about those elctric blue rim toned coins.
Do not fall into the error of the artisan who boasts of twenty years experience in his craft while in fact he has had only one year of experience... twenty times.
Hey Rella! Thanks for helping me get some very cool coins. By the way, we spent most of our time talking about buffalos...but that Alabama 2x2 was a truly awesome coin.
The guy in the suit is Spooly (he gave me a great looking TNA medal again this year. What a generous guy!). Blue shirt guy is Rella (he knows everything that has ever happened in the world of coin transactions), guy in the white shirt/beige slacks is Mike Sadler (Lincoln collector extraordinaire), guy in the striped burgundy shirt is me (dpoole). Guy who's "upset" is Andy Skrabalak (Angel Dee's) who bought us all dinner (unsolicited and by surprise, I might add), and seller (t0 me) of two great Lincoln additions); the guy in the blue shirt is, indeed, Keithdagen (terrrific guy, and lots of fun)!
I really enjoyed meeting up with these guys (and others) at TNA this year. A great show, and a great time.
It was a pleasure having dinner with all you guys, even if I didn't understand a word anybody but Scott said.
Man, those Merc guys and Frankie guys and Kennedy guys have got NOTHING on you Lincoln folk. These guys know the contents of each other's sets right and left, and know who the major players are, both registered and unregistered. Definitely a passion there that I have never seen before among a group of like-minded collectors.
Where's all the paranoia with regards to pictures being posted in this thread? Or did everyone whose picture is shown give their permission? Poor Mr. Kelso got crucified recently by the paranoid minority about doing the very same thing at a different show. Joe
One fellow in there sold me a really nice 1923-S PCGS buffalo nickel in PCGS MS 64 that never would upgrade for him (and two other coins)
and the heavy bald guy in grey pants with his back to the camera bought 10 early dollars from me including two AU58s, an MS62 piece and an XF40 Flowing hair piece.
Great show by the way.
I'm very sorry I didn't get a pic of you and your assistant. (especially said assistant)
I enjoyed meeting you and I'm sure our paths will cross again in the future.
Thanks for the pics...although looking at myself seems like its diet time again.
At least you left me one nice toner in those nickels to practice imaging and/or make a customer of mine happy. I'm still thinking about that MS67 Seated quarter...there's just something special about those elctric blue rim toned coins.
who boasts of twenty years experience in his craft
while in fact he has had only one year of experience...
twenty times.
The guy in the suit is Spooly (he gave me a great looking TNA medal again this year. What a generous guy!). Blue shirt guy is Rella (he knows everything that has ever happened in the world of coin transactions), guy in the white shirt/beige slacks is Mike Sadler (Lincoln collector extraordinaire), guy in the striped burgundy shirt is me (dpoole). Guy who's "upset" is Andy Skrabalak (Angel Dee's) who bought us all dinner (unsolicited and by surprise, I might add), and seller (t0 me) of two great Lincoln additions); the guy in the blue shirt is, indeed, Keithdagen (terrrific guy, and lots of fun)!
I really enjoyed meeting up with these guys (and others) at TNA this year. A great show, and a great time.
Here's a warning parable for coin collectors...
Man, those Merc guys and Frankie guys and Kennedy guys have got NOTHING on you Lincoln folk. These guys know the contents of each other's sets right and left, and know who the major players are, both registered and unregistered. Definitely a passion there that I have never seen before among a group of like-minded collectors.
In the pic with Rella ,DPoole,and Mike S. is the guy in the background behind Rella Jay Rudo?
I,ve only seen one pic of him.Sorta looks like him.
Cameron Kiefer
No, he was set up at the show, but had left by the time these pics were made.
He missed most of the show on Friday because he wasn't able to get off of work, so he came straight from work.
Hey, I heard Adrian had Stephanie with him on Friday so it couldnt have been a total disappointment.
Here's a warning parable for coin collectors...
Cameron Kiefer
(First time THAT ever occurred to me!)
Here's a warning parable for coin collectors...
<< <i>I guess we're just not as wierd in Texas.
(First time THAT ever occurred to me!)
You Texicans know how to take care of yourselves, bottom line!
P.S. Don't mess with Texas!