eBay fraud suspect commits suicide

eBay fraud suspect commits suicide
The guy who ripped me off for $800 took a different route - he went back to Brazil with $100,000 of eBay money
The guy who ripped me off for $800 took a different route - he went back to Brazil with $100,000 of eBay money

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since 8/1/6
Go BIG or GO HOME. ©Bill
Russ, NCNE
Millions on WELFARE depend on you!
<< <i>I hope the above remarks are made in jest even if they are distateful. >>
Nope, not jest. I just wish he'd taken a few more slimebags with him.
Russ, NCNE
Nope. I doubt he did it in remorse for his actions but instead while crapping his pants in fear of what was going to happen to him in prison. What a coward.
Being forgiven by me is of little relevance because the Lord is who you must ask for forgiveness.
If it was my eldest brother, I'd be sad but the world would definitely be a safer place...
<< <i>Think about this thread as if this guy was your brother, father, grandfather, or friend. >>
I would say the same thing. A slimeball is a slimeball, doesn't matter if they happen to be a relative.
Russ, NCNE
He did the honorable thing.
And while we are discussing this, please do not try to use eBay to excuse this guy's behavior.
While I might agree that eBay might think about putting more safeguards in place to protect the innocent, the individual chooses to do right or wrong.
We are all aware of the pitfalls of eBay and you must act accordingly.
Everything is linear if plotted log-log with a fat magic marker
Some of these statements are extremely distasteful and show a complete lack of compassion for our fellow man.
<< <i>Life is sacred >>
I've never understood that viewpoint. It makes more sense coming from a vegitarian but even they often destroy life in order to perpetuate their own.
Enjoy the day.........
<< <i>Regardless of the persons actions he was still a human being. Life is sacred. Think about this thread as if this guy was your brother, father, grandfather, or friend. Forgiveness is a mighty action that far outweighs persecution……even if it was justified.
TBT >>
...................yes he is still a human being, and life is a wonderful gift........it is also to bad he had to steal and be a thief, wonder how many people he ripped off.......you know the people who earned thier money the honest way........maybe from a mother who had to go to work to feed her children, or someone elderly who just had a few bucks to send on a hobby.....those are the people i feel sorry for.......this person? sad for him in one way, but he wont be able to live off other folks who are honest.
He decided to take the easy way out, man, rather than facing jail time and all the really nasty stuffs in there. How do you know he is not happier now, wherever he is.
Just remember, he, his wife, and countless others, are out there prEying on you and me.
How many lives have they affected and/or cut short? Think of the victims.
<< <i>I feel sorrowful for this man and his family. >>
I'll reserve my sympathy for the victims, not the perp.
<< <i>Current desperate circumstances could have led him to theese actions >>
Yeah, no doubt he had always led an exemplary life prior to this and then suddenly woke up one day and decided to start ripping people off. Not eBay's fault, though, his mommy probably potty-trained him backwards.
Russ, NCNE
<< <i>"Prayer and forgiveness,....., might have brought this man to a happier ending."
He decided to take the easy way out, man, rather than facing jail time and all the really nasty stuffs in there. How do you know he is not happier now, wherever he is.
.... >>
Hi ER. Thank you for the comments. Mockery of a man's suicide is simply wrong. No one knows the "reasons" why a man would do such a desperate thing. Lack of compassion and harsh words of disdain could just as easily pushed this man over the edge as anything else. If someone has lost money, they have recourse at law. Mocking a man's tragedy will not have the effect of getting a refund. matteproof
We're gonna have to agree that I respect your opinion, and you respect mine ( I hope ).
I still like you, and everyone here who are not scammers. Let's just leave it at that.
<< <i>matteproof,
We're gonna have to agree that I respect your opinion, and you respect mine ( I hope ).
I still like you, and everyone here who are not scammers. Let's just leave it at that. >>
Hi ER. Thank you again for the comments and for your kind words also ER. I also respect your opinion, and I like you too.
<< <i>Threads such as this, reveal a great deal about the personalities of Members here.
Some of these statements are extremely distasteful and show a complete lack of compassion for our fellow man. >>
DCAM, in this I totally agree with you.
I bet this person did not know the punishment (slight) that would be received - if found guilty.
I would rather see them working to repay their debts. And that work should be stringent enough to deter others from crime.
Let them spend each summer, for the next 10 years, mowing lawns in some place like Houston, Atlanta, or Phoenix. Winters could be shoveling snow in Buffalo.
Russ, NCNE
Russ, NCNE
Gene pool cleansing.....hey, that's not an original idea Russ.....didn't some guy named Adolf Hitler share the same philosophies? You're really showing little compassion and class Russ.....don't let any of that ugliness drip onto your AH Kennedy's....they'd tone ugly for sure.
I refer you to John Dunne's "No Man is an Island."
Although the subject of this thread was a dishonorable person, may he rest in peace.
Lincoln Wheats (1909 - 1958) Basic Set - Always Interested in Upgrading!
<< <i>didn't some guy named Adolf Hitler share the same philosophies? You're really showing little compassion and class Russ.... >>
Yeah, not wringing my hands and gnashing my teeth over the death of a scumbag who ripped people off for over $100 grand is just like Hitler murdering innocent human beings.
As for my "compassion and class" that went away after about the fifth time I was robbed, vandalized or burglarized by the type of subhuman excrement you're defending.
Russ, NCNE
Enjoy the day.........
Maybe theyll end up with a better role model!
<< <i>Russ with all your hateful comments I suppose you think your pure enough to throw the first stone. >>
My only hateful comments have been directed at a criminal. I'm not the one who just called somebody a Nazi because they don't ascribe to the same philosophy as they. Nope, that was one of you "compassionate" people.
<< <i>I truly cant understand how one person can harbor so much ill will. >>
I harbor no ill will at all. I just choose not to feel sorry for a criminal who saved the taxpayers a bunch of money.
Russ, NCNE
I won't preach but it's wrong for anyone to end it this way.
Only one has that right.
Today the crooks rob, get probation or a mild slap on the wrist with a 90 day sentence........and rarely have to pay a dime back! Really sucks for the victoms........
In this case..............PAID IN FULL!
By the way.........can you imagine if organized crime ran ebay, and had a "Safe Harbor" with some real clout? Something like this might just have been made to "look" like a suicide....... to set an example!
It sure brought the wife home in a hurry......remember she turned herself in over the weekend. I surmise ebay might be a safer place.....
<< <i>Regardless of the persons actions he was still a human being. Life is sacred. Think about this thread as if this guy was your brother, father, grandfather, or friend. Forgiveness is a mighty action that far outweighs persecution……even if it was justified.
TBT >>
Once again resides with Legend, the original purchaser "raw" at live Eliasberg auction. Laura and i "love" the same lady!
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
<< <i>Any death is a tragedy. If it is not, then life itself is a tragedy. >>
Once again resides with Legend, the original purchaser "raw" at live Eliasberg auction. Laura and i "love" the same lady!
<< <i>Especially if it's "aborted"! Saddest of all.........spoken from a dad.
<< <i>Any death is a tragedy. If it is not, then life itself is a tragedy. >>
Oh boy, this could really get ugly now!