In Response to the Top 10 Thread -- HOW to annoy annoying dealers @ shows!

Okay Byergos post is funny -- but now, how about a thread to deal with annoying dealers.
Top 10 ways for you to annoy a rude/sarcastic/unfriendly dealer @ a show.
1. Ask to see every coin in his case, whether you are interested or not, and not buy any.
2. -------> complete the list!
Top 10 ways for you to annoy a rude/sarcastic/unfriendly dealer @ a show.
1. Ask to see every coin in his case, whether you are interested or not, and not buy any.

2. -------> complete the list!
Millions on WELFARE depend on you!
Just ask the right questions! That gets to most dealers real quick.
JUST SAY NO TO WANNABES! They lurk and prey on unwitting collectors in chatrooms!
I firmly believe in numismatics as the world's greatest hobby, but recognize that this is a luxury and without collectors, we can all spend/melt our collections/inventories.
Julian, from what I hear, you are not one of the annoying dealers. I hope to meet you sometime at the LB Show.
Bring your young kids with you and have them all having just finished eating a few chocolate bars, sticky caramel, greasy fries from the golden get the picture!
Then have them point to most every coin in the dealers showcases and train them to say: "see this one daddy.......i want it! Get it for me pleeeeease?" .....all the while touching the glass repeatedly!
Always a plus when they want to examine a "raw" high grade classic coin also! (they might just get a job later with a certain grading service, a "printer"?)
Guarenteed to make you a welcome visitor! doen't help that we're near the food court! We go thru a large bottle of windex just about every 3 days or so, and paper towels about a roll a day. Share the joy.........
Oh......a second choice would be for you to bring a notebook and pen with you to copy the grades and serial numbers off of the better grade rarer coins. When the dealer asks what you're doing......just tell him you can't afford the coins at the prices he's asking...........but you still want to add them to your "Registry" set!
Once again resides with Legend, the original purchaser "raw" at live Eliasberg auction. Laura and i "love" the same lady!
Some of the old timers will run you right out of the convention hall.
Being ignorant is indeed the best way to be annoying.
Of course being annoying can have it's price. I have seen other humans punch another, right in the face. And simple assault is really no big deal.
And saying "reach right in " and then dropping the case lid on their hands would also be a none too surprising result for the veteran annoyer.
I have also seen dealers lock up their cases and walk away or refuse to show coins to the professional annoyer.
While being annoying can be fun when the dealer deserves it, trying to win the dealer over and become an none-annoyer is the real challenge.
But I do agree, there are some dealers who are irrevokable idiots and do deserve some reciprocity.
<< <i>I found one particular guy extreemly annoying for many reasons one of which is constant pronounciation of slab as "slob". >>
Anaconda- I must have met the same dealer! How many "slob" pronouncers could there possibly be??? 2 years ago at the GSNA Show. I wanted to jam a "slob" down his throat because he just kept saying it over & over again like he enjoyed it.
To annoy a dealer? Well I hate when they throw a valuable slabbed coin on the table like it's a card in a poker game because it's encapsulated. When that happens, just walk away without another word.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
For me, when I want to annoy a dealer I ask the dealer if I can pay them in cash, start counting my real old silver walkers out (in rolls) right in front of them and then at the last moment suddenly find my paper money.
But the best way to annoy a dealer is to start looking at their junk boxes with a small child just as they begin to pack up and to make sure your small child starts crying LOUDLY when the dealer yanks the junk box away from him or her. I have seen this ploy used quite a bit!!
1. "Let me show you the coins that I just bought from somebody else. Can you tell me if I got a good deal? I thought that these coins were nicer and cheaper than the ones you offered me. What do you think?"
2. A collector spots a coin in another dealer's case and asks the price. Then he hands it to you, usually within earshot of the other dealer, and asks, "Do think this is a good deal? Should I buy it?"
3. "I'm not going to buy anything, but I'm going put my books and briefcase all over your cases and block your table so that others can't see your material for the next half hour or so. (Usually during the busiest part of the day) During that time let's talk about the coins I passed on and should have bought or tell you about the coin I owned years ago that I shouldn't have sold."
4. Collectors who have come to shows for many, many years, always ask to look at coins, but never ever buy anything. Usually each visit is accompanied by the statement, "You sure have great stuff."
5. Collectors who ask for free appraisals are large number of coins so that they will know what prices they should ask from other dealers when they sell them. Of course these coins will never be offered to you.
6. Vest pocket dealers who specialize in problem coins and ACG slabs who insist that you look at their material no matter how many times you tell them, "No."
7. "You want THAT price for this coin? Well the Blue Sheet says it's only worth ..."
8. At a show in Massachusetts... "You are charging sales tax? Well in Connecticut we don't have sales tax on coins so why are you charging sales tax here?"
9. “You have several of these coins. Don’t you think you should be selling them cheaper?” (The coins were a group of 1909-VDB cents in MS-65, Red, priced at the then current wholesale price.)
- j c c
One of the worst lines I've ever heard, although it's never been used on me, is "You want THAT much for this coin? How do you expect ME to stay in business at THOSE prices?"
Needless to say, I have never sold a coin to him yet (though he still pesters me all the time).
- j c c
I hate it when you see my post before I can edit the spelling.
Always looking for nice type coins
my local dealer
2.Look at a coin and drop it on the floor.
3.Look at a coin and take it out of the flip with you finger and thumb on the faces.
4. Run back to the dealers table that you just purchase the coin from and tell him you sold it at a $200 profit at another table.
5. Run back to the dealers table you bought a coin from demanding a refund because you saw the coin $10 cheaper on the other side of the room.
I had a beautiful group of proof twenty cent pieces. When I found out what dealer they came from, I started looking for problems that might have been covered up. I didn't find any, but that sinking feeling I got just reinforced why I won't knowingly buy from certain dealers.
Jade - that Chicago dealer sounds like a real piece of work. It would be funny if you reversed the same irrational logic on him. Tell him you just bought your dream house and now have more bills than he does and why doesn't he sell you his choicest coins at 20% back of wholesale bid. That should cheer him up a bit!! LOL
Dealers that annoy me are the ones that lounge around with their fat bellies, pinky rings, gold medallion neck chains and greased back hair while they pretend I don't exist. I stand there in my ratty blue jeans, Grateful Dead t-shirt (also ratty), gray (originally white) Reebok Court tennis shoes, with my ten for a dollar Bic pen stuck behind my ear, and my 39 cent spiral notebook in my left hand and my right hand in my front pocket grasping a nice-sized wad of C-notes. Then when wheeler-dealer comes up for air, and looks over at me with a sneer on his face, I ask him if he has any 1985 proof sets he can show me.
He returns to the depths.....
Lincoln Wheats (1909 - 1958) Basic Set - Always Interested in Upgrading!
Ask the dealer if "Custom Kolors" gold plated all the gold pieces for him last week.
<< <i>The number one way to tick a dealer off at a show is tell him/her that you believe the NRA should be disbanded or handguns outlawed.
Yea, the open forum is a really great place to really pi$$ people off. It's gotten so easy though that some of the fun has gone out of it. Like shooting fish in a barrel.