Coin Rag Classified Ads: RESULTS????

I was sending in my weekly free classified ad form to Numismatic News and thought that might be an interesting discussion topic. I send these in every week, sometimes a buy ad, sometimes a sell ad. The results are so pitiful it is hardly worth the stamp to send them in. Yet, apparently many people actually pay to have classified word ads listed in NN as well as Coin World. I'll admit I've paid for a few but it was a long time ago and I quit. So, I guess the results weren't that great then either. I've had good luck with display ads (the kind you buy by the inch or portion of a page). But not good results at all with the classified word ads (the ones you buy by the word). Have you tried these ads? What were your results?
Cameron Kiefer
My results were good, but not anything like eBay.
Ebay Stuff
it is rarely worth it. But these ads are great for making contact. I used to trade ex-
tensively and needed items in bulk since I collect varieties. An ad might recieve only
a few responses and occasionally none at all, but often I'd trade with the other per-
son for years afterward. The ad was always skewed just a little to the other guy's
favor but would be a small trade. All subsequent trades were mutual benefit only.
The same things tended to apply to the other types of ads and all worked well for
finding interested parties.
One of the most frustrating thing was finding someone to do business with, but one
or both had very few of the necessary items to trade. Early on it's a good idea to let
the other party know of other interests and trading opportunities.
There are several good monthly magazines for reaching other collectors also. Certainly
"The Restrike" comes to mind. If you do a lot of advertising in a lot of venues there
will be responses on which to build.
I certainly notice the weekly ads by the originator of the thread.
a huge worthless waste of time
sincerely michael
Hey, I'm glad my ads are at least getting noticed. Now that you mention it the few responses I've had usually did lead to many more trades. I let me Restrike subscription go a couple of years ago. I remember when they were running around 100 or moe pages per issue and by the time I quit subscibing I think it was more like 30. It was certainly inexpensive.