I understand. And for what it's worth, I prefer bidding on auctions from sellers that do not accept Paypal. Paypal makes everything so much easier, but the bargains are usually found in auctions where the sellers do not take Paypal.
I'm surprised to hear that. Bauerfan is a top notch dealer as well. This will in no way affect my bidding on any card that Steve has to offer. It's nice to get your cards quickly, but I'd much rather deal with a seller that has proven their efforts in the way of customer service time and time again. I sent payment for an auction by paypal within minutes of it ending on 4/30. The seller lives about 60 miles from me. I received the card today. 10 days! I guarantee you that I'll receive my auction winnings from Steve in about that amount of time even though I have to send a check over 3000 miles.
You will see outrageous prices for the commons in any set that Lafayette is currently building. But once he has the cards he needs, the prices go right back down to realistic levels. I think he gets shilled up a lot. He is one person that would greatly benefit from the use of a sniping service.
Good Luck getting your money back on those 1976 PSA 9's in a year or two. Once Lafeyette and Wetzel get their cards.....the prices will be falling big time.
I understand. And for what it's worth, I prefer bidding on auctions from sellers that do not accept Paypal. Paypal makes everything so much easier, but the bargains are usually found in auctions where the sellers do not take Paypal.
I'm surprised to hear that. Bauerfan is a top notch dealer as well. This will in no way affect my bidding on any card that Steve has to offer. It's nice to get your cards quickly, but I'd much rather deal with a seller that has proven their efforts in the way of customer service time and time again. I sent payment for an auction by paypal within minutes of it ending on 4/30. The seller lives about 60 miles from me. I received the card today. 10 days! I guarantee you that I'll receive my auction winnings from Steve in about that amount of time even though I have to send a check over 3000 miles.
<< <i>baurfan no longer accepts paypal >>
It might not be by choice......you never know. My guess its to save on fees as it is a buyers market right now.
here's four commons on one
good grief
56 bucs for a guy named fred
lum ?
one more good night
You will see outrageous prices for the commons in any set that Lafayette is currently building. But once he has the cards he needs, the prices go right back down to realistic levels. I think he gets shilled up a lot. He is one person that would greatly benefit from the use of a sniping service.
Good Luck getting your money back on those 1976 PSA 9's in a year or two. Once Lafeyette and Wetzel get their cards.....the prices will be falling big time.
I think the same thing would apply in a week or two.