Did you ever bid on ebay "just for fun"

By "just for fun" I mean that you put a bid just to raise price and you have no hope of winning it. I'm not talking about snipping. You just want to be a part of the bidding proces and help the seller a little.
I noticed that I've been doing it lately and to my amazment I won one last night.
Another seated half for my growing collection
I noticed that I've been doing it lately and to my amazment I won one last night.
Another seated half for my growing collection
(Even if it does, it's still a gorgeous coin).
I bid it up to Blue Sheet "bid," but the reserve was higher. I then bid it up to Gray Sheet "bid" with no change. Then a I bid another increment over Gray Sheet and got the same result. I don't know what this dealer wanted, but I was by far the highest bidder, and it still wasn't enough.
Gotta love them Mercs
Another fun thing I have done before is bid on the 0.99 start items that you know will go for big bucks. You get about 10 of them and bid $2 for each. Then when they end you see how much differential there is between your first bid and the final bid.