Constellatio Collector --------------------------------- "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished!" "If it don't make $" "It don't make cents""
If I was a collector with significant money, I'd collect Barber coins. If I was Bill Gates, I'd put together a set of Gem BU and Gem proof Seated dollars.
Actually, if I was Bill Gates, I'd try to out-Eliasberg, Eliasberg.
I didn't know he had designed that. . .beautiful coin. To bad it didn't become a circulated piece. Of course, I love most of the pattern designs from that time period.
- Texas annexation. - Mexican American War. - Gold discovered at Sutter's Mill - Civil War - Reconstruction. - Age of the cattle drives. - Transcontinental railway is linked. - Western silver from the Comstock.
These were the coins that circulated in the hands of the working man. These were the coins that took evaporated from circulation for a quick trip to South America only to wind up back in the hands of many a cowboy.
Hold a seated coin in your hand (except for the dollars really) and you hold the history of all those that came before.
Andy...In the past, I have put together Gem sets of Washington quarters, proof three cent nickels, gold commems, and $2&1/2 Indians for personal enjoyment. I was thinking about collecting again, actually because I was doing weighting for the Set Registry. I would have to say that if I had the money, I think I would do a set of circulation strike $10 Liberties. Those coins are so rare. I also have always loved patterns, they are so beautiful. I also have always been horny for Gem Seated dollars. Now that you've got me going, I'm wishing I had some fraction of Bill Gates type money. I'd definitely give TDN a go for it in Seated dollars...David
I used to think that Barber's were the very definition of butt ugly. But, after seeing some of the VF and EF examples posted by Arco since I've been here, I've decided that I really like the coin. To me, it has character and strength.
OTOH, a Seated in nice cameo proof is sure damned beautiful!
They are both magnificent coin designs. The seated series has many collecting choices in many series, coupled with fantastic varieties and history.
Barbers are the best bargain for the buck IMHO and except for the super key dates in the seated series are vastly more difficult to find in the midgrades than their predecessors. In MS grades both series give even the most dedicated collectors a good karate chop to the groin.
Both designs when found original with nice eye appeal bring a smile to the face!
My vote goes for Barber. As a relatively new collector, I knew I had to pick a direction to get started. I'm not sure what what caused the draw to the Barber series, but it's become powerful! It was probably the magnificent toning of ARCO's icon (which I have respectfully adopted as well) which I think is stunning. Take a look at a larger image of this coin and it knocks your socks off.
The Barber bashers must be sleeping already. In the past, I have heard some board members say how ugly Barber coins are. I could never understand that, because I love them. They do seem to be gaining more publicity and admiration lately, so maybe things will turn around for the Barber series in the near future.
To experience the "joy" of collecting....... Seated.........
A few years back, I put together a complete set of Barber Halves in VG+ in 3 shows for less than $1000.......
30 years ago, I started collecting Seated Halves by date/die variety....... I now have over 130 differents date/variety Seated Halves, have spent probably 20K, and have barely scratched the surface......
Without going back to see who posted it, I agree that the Seated series is by far one of the most unappreciated and undervalued (talking half dollars here)..........
Still a cherrypickers field of dreams !!!!!!!!!
Cam-Slam 2-6-04 3 "DAMMIT BOYS" 4 "YOU SUCKS" Numerous POTD (But NONE officially recognized) Seated Halves are my specialty ! Seated Half set by date/mm COMPLETE ! Seated Half set by WB# - 289 down / 31 to go !!!!! (1) "Smoebody smack him" from CornCobWipe ! IN MEMORY OF THE CUOF
The Mint made Frankies so Barber lovers would have something to laugh at !!!!!!!!!
Cam-Slam 2-6-04 3 "DAMMIT BOYS" 4 "YOU SUCKS" Numerous POTD (But NONE officially recognized) Seated Halves are my specialty ! Seated Half set by date/mm COMPLETE ! Seated Half set by WB# - 289 down / 31 to go !!!!! (1) "Smoebody smack him" from CornCobWipe ! IN MEMORY OF THE CUOF
That's a toughie. Barbers vs Ike Dollars would have been an easier call.
While I love Seated material, I prefer the Barber quarter and half. I like the reverse design of the Barbers MUCH more.
As far as degree of difficultly goes, I can only speak to the Barber quarters. It's virtually impossible to put together a complete (original) VF/XF set. Give it a try, and check back with me in about 2023. I think the Seated halves may be just as tough. BRUTAL SERIES.
Always looking for original, better date VF20-VF35 Barber quarters and halves, and a quality beer.
Barber Reverse better looking? To quote someone I never thought I'd quote..... Buwahhahahahaha...... The scalded chicked vs. "Pete" the eagle???? Gimme a break........ BTW....... at the mint in Philly, you can see "Pete" the eagle, supposedly the actual model for the Seated Half reverse...... He's stuffed and on disply....... an interesting story there....... supposedly he was just a "stray" that used to hang out at the Philly mint...... until one day....... as the story goes....... Old Pete ended up in some machinery.......
Probably 19th century urban legend, but a neat story none the less
Cam-Slam 2-6-04 3 "DAMMIT BOYS" 4 "YOU SUCKS" Numerous POTD (But NONE officially recognized) Seated Halves are my specialty ! Seated Half set by date/mm COMPLETE ! Seated Half set by WB# - 289 down / 31 to go !!!!! (1) "Smoebody smack him" from CornCobWipe ! IN MEMORY OF THE CUOF
I love Barber proofs, especially the DCAMS! These are some beautiful coins. I have always loved the design and ignored all who have criticized it for whatever reason. Collecting these coins has been really rewarding for me. They are quite rare and still reasonably priced considering how difficult they are to obtain.
well both are great and oldcameo proofsguy really REALLY git home on the barbers
along with homerun hall the barbers are basicially really rare coins with monster low pops and even lower prices they havre actually gone down in value re barber halves in gem unc and gem proof wuarters that last three years
these are the coins to buy buy buy
sincerely michael even seated can be had reasonable with reemendous potential
I like them both. Quarters are my favorite, seated and Barber.
Michael hit the nail on the head, proof Barber's are CHEAP. Way too cheap for their populations, and have absolutely no where to go but up. Stock up while you can
Call me an idiot...I just did....but is the Barber bust seriously supposed to be female? It never occurred to me that it was anything other than a man. Not that I think it is ugly... it's much better than the coins we have today. I just always assumed it was a man.
Please don't tell me it's Mrs. Franklin on the half as well.
LS coins are so much fun to collect. They came from a period when there were many varieties. They have been extensively studied (see Gobrecht Journals) but new discoveries are made every year. They are great coins for the serious student of the field. For these reasons they are one of my favorites. I do not especially collect Barber coins but appreciate their beauty and have lots of attraction (see Hall and Michael comments). Maybe next year.
Barracuda - Actually if you've seen a picture of Susan B. Anthony, not the one on the coin, you might disagree. She was so ugly, she would scare the warts off a toad
lets see, hmmm, trying to be impartial about this. Well, i guess i can't keep it a secret any longer {LOL}
I love seated coins, but an original barber half is more affordable [by type] and to me much more desirable. Also i think the Barber series has much more potential to hold it's value at realistic values than many "hot" coins due [like "rare" proof buffalo nickels] or 32 d washington quarters in the grade of 64 selling for 4-5 k.
If anybody thinks Ms. Barber is homely [or worse] take a look at the 1902 S barber quarter in 64 i sold to Larry Whittlow's last week, i do occasionaly buy blast white when the coin is nice, that piece is a much better value [and rare] compared to a pop. of over 200 graded 64 for the 32 d washinton at more than 3 x as much mula!!!
I hope i didn't leave anyone with the impression that i play favorites. [lol] Les
The President claims he didn't lie about taxes for those earning less then $250,000 a year with public mandated health insurance yet his own justice department has said they will use the right of the government to tax when the states appeals go to court.
As to the design, I like the seated better. But the Barber series has a cool "aura" about it. By that I mean that this series came into being around the time that the US was becoming in sorts a type of 'Young Rome'. We were about to emerge as a world power, and as such the Barber coinage to me reflected that image, a bit 'Romanesque'.
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on; I don't do these things to other people, I require the same from them."
I think the design of the Seated series coins is more intricate & to me, interesting than that of the Barber coinage. For some reason, more high grade and attractive examples of Seated coinage seem to be available than their Barber counterparts.
I found it easier to obtain attractive mint state Seated coins (with & without motto) for my collection than Barber coinage. I got so frustrated looking for nice Unc. Barbers that I got proof coins instead.
"Vou invadir o Nordeste, "Seu cabra da peste, "Sou Mangueira......."
elcon hit the nail on the head to find gem 65 coins with amazing eyenappeal PQ in the holder ansd either thick skinned original white coins in the case of barber halves with monster lustre and also barber quarters and dines with also monster lustre and exceptional toning is downright rare
all you see is either dark or ugly or dipped blast white mintstare barber coins yuk yuk yuk
sincerely michael
i guess a no brainer buy coin for the collector they will have their place in the sun so to speak but it will takes time maybe next year? who kmnows??
another cloin even more underval;ued is the half dimes of liberry seated series legend obverse halfdimes in mintstate 66 and 67 if you can get it forget about the 68 coins!
I voted for "I like both equally." Can't make up my mind!
I like the Seated design a lot, especially the half dollar and the very early ones of other denominations (the ones that had Gobrecht's original design, not the heavily remodeled design by Robert Ball Hughes).
I also like the Barber design a lot; I like the ones in MS/Proof where Liberty really looks like a lady! These new-looking coins actually show a quite pretty Liberty. After a bit of wear Liberty seems to take on a more masculine, less attractive appearance, in my opinion. A big problam with Barbers is that most seem to be worn to VG or lower grade; in Fine or better circulated grade, Seated coins seem to be more common than Barbers.
"No Good Deed Goes Unpunished!"
"If it don't make $"
"It don't make cents""
Seated AND Barber!
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at
Actually, if I was Bill Gates, I'd try to out-Eliasberg, Eliasberg.
David Hall
David -
I hate lobbing such an easy straight line to a home run hitter like you, but what DO you collect?
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at
There is a great deal of art and grace to seated pieces. I do, however, really like the reverse design of the barber half and quarter.
Did this woman really exist? Was she the inspiration for the Barber .10/.25/.50 ?
How could Chuck design a coin as beautiful as the liberty nickle and then screw up the design of dime, quarter and half?
. . . .ahh. . .I can feel rage of the Barber lovers already
She existed, but she modeled for the Morgan dollar.
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at
They sell better.
Got quoins?
<< <i>Barber's Seated Liberty! >>
I didn't know he had designed that. . .beautiful coin. To bad it didn't become a circulated piece. Of course, I love most of the pattern designs from that time period.
Thanks for the info, MrEureka
NOTE: No trees were killed in the sending of this message. However, a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.
Type collector since 1981
Current focus 1855 date type set
Were the shield earring pattern and the school girl pattern Barber designs?
Those are my 2 biggest "WISH THEY WERE LONG TIME RUNNING COINS" but overall I enjoy the seated series more.
OK OK I looked it up Morgan designs.. so getting back on topic
--------T O M---------
- Texas annexation.
- Mexican American War.
- Gold discovered at Sutter's Mill
- Civil War
- Reconstruction.
- Age of the cattle drives.
- Transcontinental railway is linked.
- Western silver from the Comstock.
These were the coins that circulated in the hands of the working man. These were the coins that took evaporated from circulation for a quick trip to South America only to wind up back in the hands of many a cowboy.
Hold a seated coin in your hand (except for the dollars really) and you hold the history of all those that came before.
OTOH, a Seated in nice cameo proof is sure damned beautiful!
So, I guess I like them both.
Russ, NCNE
Barbers are the best bargain for the buck IMHO and except for the super key dates in the seated series are vastly more difficult to find in the midgrades than their predecessors. In MS grades both series give even the most dedicated collectors a good karate chop to the groin.
Both designs when found original with nice eye appeal bring a smile to the face!
Thanks for the kind words Russ.
P.S. All three coins were had on Ebay.
"Senorita HepKitty"
"I want a real cool Kitty from Hepcat City, to stay in step with me" - Bill Carter
We'll use our hands and hearts and if we must we'll use our heads.
To experience the "joy" of collecting....... Seated.........
A few years back, I put together a complete set of Barber Halves in VG+ in 3 shows for less than $1000.......
30 years ago, I started collecting Seated Halves by date/die variety....... I now have over 130 differents date/variety Seated Halves, have spent probably 20K, and have barely scratched the surface......
Without going back to see who posted it, I agree that the Seated series is by far one of the most unappreciated and undervalued (talking half dollars here)..........
Still a cherrypickers field of dreams !!!!!!!!!
Numerous POTD (But NONE officially recognized)
Seated Halves are my specialty !
Seated Half set by date/mm COMPLETE !
Seated Half set by WB# - 289 down / 31 to go !!!!!
(1) "Smoebody smack him" from CornCobWipe !
The Mint made Frankies so Barber lovers would have something to laugh at !!!!!!!!!
Numerous POTD (But NONE officially recognized)
Seated Halves are my specialty !
Seated Half set by date/mm COMPLETE !
Seated Half set by WB# - 289 down / 31 to go !!!!!
(1) "Smoebody smack him" from CornCobWipe !
While I love Seated material, I prefer the Barber quarter and half. I like the reverse design of the Barbers MUCH more.
As far as degree of difficultly goes, I can only speak to the Barber quarters. It's virtually impossible to put together a complete (original) VF/XF set. Give it a try, and check back with me in about 2023. I think the Seated halves may be just as tough. BRUTAL SERIES.
The scalded chicked vs. "Pete" the eagle???? Gimme a break........ BTW....... at the mint in Philly, you can see "Pete" the eagle, supposedly the actual model for the Seated Half reverse...... He's stuffed and on disply....... an interesting story there....... supposedly he was just a "stray" that used to hang out at the Philly mint...... until one day....... as the story goes....... Old Pete ended up in some machinery.......
Probably 19th century urban legend, but a neat story none the less
Numerous POTD (But NONE officially recognized)
Seated Halves are my specialty !
Seated Half set by date/mm COMPLETE !
Seated Half set by WB# - 289 down / 31 to go !!!!!
(1) "Smoebody smack him" from CornCobWipe !
<< <i> I'd have to go with seated coins, though I purchased many Barber coins when I was really young. >>
Hey, be bop your Lula......
Wish I could have purchased Barbers directly from the Mint!!!!! hahahahaha!!!
Yup. Obviously....
along with homerun hall the barbers are basicially really rare coins with monster low pops and even lower prices they havre actually gone down in value re barber halves in gem unc and gem proof wuarters that last three years
these are the coins to buy buy buy
sincerely michael even seated can be had reasonable with reemendous potential
sincerely michael
Michael hit the nail on the head, proof Barber's are CHEAP. Way too cheap for their populations, and have absolutely no where to go but up. Stock up while you can
Ebay Stuff
you mean the bust on the Barber is supposed to be a GIRL?
2 Cam-Slams!
1 Russ POTD!
Please don't tell me it's Mrs. Franklin on the half as well.
I do not especially collect Barber coins but appreciate their beauty and have lots of attraction (see Hall and Michael comments).
Maybe next year.
Oh, I like both.
no woman is that ugly.
2 Cam-Slams!
1 Russ POTD!
2 Cam-Slams!
1 Russ POTD!
I love seated coins, but an original barber half is more affordable [by type] and to me much more desirable. Also i think the Barber series has much more potential to hold it's value at realistic values than many "hot" coins due [like "rare" proof buffalo nickels] or 32 d washington quarters in the grade of 64 selling for 4-5 k.
If anybody thinks Ms. Barber is homely [or worse]
take a look at the 1902 S barber quarter in 64 i sold to Larry Whittlow's last week, i do occasionaly buy blast white when the coin is nice, that piece is a much better value [and rare] compared to a pop. of over 200 graded 64 for the 32 d washinton at more than 3 x as much mula!!!
I hope i didn't leave anyone with the impression that i play favorites. [lol] Les
I found it easier to obtain attractive mint state Seated coins (with & without motto) for my collection than Barber coinage. I got so frustrated looking for nice Unc. Barbers that I got proof coins instead.
"Seu cabra da peste,
"Sou Mangueira......."
all you see is either dark or ugly or dipped blast white mintstare barber coins yuk yuk yuk
sincerely michael
i guess a no brainer buy coin for the collector they will have their place in the sun so to speak but it will takes time maybe next year? who kmnows??
another cloin even more underval;ued is the half dimes of liberry seated series legend obverse halfdimes in mintstate 66 and 67 if you can get it forget about the 68 coins!
sincerely michael
I like the Seated design a lot, especially the half dollar and the very early ones of other denominations (the ones that had Gobrecht's original design, not the heavily remodeled design by Robert Ball Hughes).
I also like the Barber design a lot; I like the ones in MS/Proof where Liberty really looks like a lady! These new-looking coins actually show a quite pretty Liberty. After a bit of wear Liberty seems to take on a more masculine, less attractive appearance, in my opinion. A big problam with Barbers is that most seem to be worn to VG or lower grade; in Fine or better circulated grade, Seated coins seem to be more common than Barbers.