If you were to guess at how accurate the pop reports were...

Which series would you say is the most accurate, least accurate and what percentage of accuracy would you give the population reports and why?
tossed out. We are talking 15+ years. That is my best guess for PCGS. Probably less for other services.
· Cracks outs and resubmissions of same coins, sometimes time and time again.
· Improperly graded coins
· Coins in major collections that have never been slabbed. This is a very big factor when one looks at early copper.
· Misattributed varieties.
· Body bagged coins that don’t count or coins that had problems that prevented them ever being submitted. A rare coin that has been body bagged is still a rare and perhaps an important coin.
· Coins that have “gone to the dogs” after they were slabbed. This applies to coins that had chemical residues on them when they were holdered that have now died and gone to coin heaven.
· Coins in “Brand X” slabs – not all of them are dogs, and some of them might be rare and important.
In general the fact that one must pay a fee to have a coin graded and considered at all for the pop reports invalidates the pop reports. I’d be far more likely to trust the condition census and estimated population information that collectors and authors have assembled over the years. While that information is limited by what the compilers have seen or had reported to them, it has not been limited by the fact that the owners had to pay a fee to get the coins on the list.
I’ve never bought a pop report, and I never will. I’d sooner spend my money on a good die variety book or join a specialist collector club. The information compiled by the interest group has a much better chance of being better.
I have a question.......when you submit a coin for cross-over, does pcgs let ngc (or vice versa) know? Or does that coin now count for 1 in the pcgs pop report and also 1 in the ngc report?
Question #1 NO
Question # 2 Yes, if it is graded
If you check out the line in the PCGS for the 1854-D $3 gold coin, you might come to the conclusion that it was almost common in AU condition. That's not the case. The same coins have been submitted multiple times in hopes of the getting the rare and much wanted MS grade. The pop figures for that coin are inflated.
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If you want to compare how an UNC seated dollar compares in rarity to a proof Morgan.....the pops are excellent at nailing this down.
Comparing how $5 Indians in 64 or higher compare to other gold type coins....excellent. The pops have their usefullness. You get out of them what you put into them. If you expend nothing in your own research, I'm not surprised that they are worthless to you.
there are many coins and series like that
in fact i was looking at a combined pop for a proof gold coin the other day total at pcgs and ngc 31
yet the mintage for this coin and it is accurate is 25..............lol
i guess it deopenss on the coin and series
also, some like to play gmes and resubmit the same coin and get the pop run up then try to buy the others certified then submit the tags and pop goes down and they gots all the coins
some really finest known coins that were submitted for grading again where the pops are low under 5 to beguin with and the coins got upgraded they forgot to reduce the pop and added the higher pop one coin
i have personally seen this more than once and this person i know has proved this beyond a shadow of a doubt and has called the slabbing company and to this day still has not made the pops right or corrected the mechnical error
such is the coin slabbing game
i guess you have to know waht you are buying and specialize ib what you are collecting and buyiong and know the true rarity of such and let the pop reports be damned now i do like the reports it is a good reasearxh and decsison making tool but in lots of instances it is really super misleading
in other instances it is really good
i guess it all depends on what you are looking for and waht you yourself are collecting and for many promoting........lol
which is okie as long as you go into the game with your eyes wide open and no expectations and with a critical eye of a specialist in the series you are specializing in
sincerely michael