Seller Keyword Spamming

Link to auction I e-mailed the seller of the above auction asking him/her to review e-bay's rules on keyword spamming, then revise their auction to be in line with the rules. Here is the reply I received.
<< <i>Hi Brian ... With almost 900 transactions behind me, I KNOW how to list (and word) an auction! What's the matter ... did you get upset because I put "PCGS" in the title of my auction? I'm just guessing, because the (6) items you are currently bidding on all have "PCGS" in the title. Maybe YOU need to know what you're talking about before you go sending "unsolicited email" to someone ... which, I believe, is called "spamming," and ... misusing the "question to seller link!" There's absolutely nothing wrong with my auction, title, or the way it's worded! You don't want to bid ... then don't bid! How I word my title is MY business! HAVE A NICE DAY! >>
<< <i>PS: I've already blocked you from sending anymore email to me, OR bidding on my auctions, so don't waste your time! Maybe I'll just forward your "Question to seller" email right on to Ebay and let THEM decide who's "spamming" >; o ) and after looking at your email address, maybe it IS "just you" >>
It would be funny if the seller received a lot of e-mail.
<< <i>Hi Brian ... With almost 900 transactions behind me, I KNOW how to list (and word) an auction! What's the matter ... did you get upset because I put "PCGS" in the title of my auction? I'm just guessing, because the (6) items you are currently bidding on all have "PCGS" in the title. Maybe YOU need to know what you're talking about before you go sending "unsolicited email" to someone ... which, I believe, is called "spamming," and ... misusing the "question to seller link!" There's absolutely nothing wrong with my auction, title, or the way it's worded! You don't want to bid ... then don't bid! How I word my title is MY business! HAVE A NICE DAY! >>
<< <i>PS: I've already blocked you from sending anymore email to me, OR bidding on my auctions, so don't waste your time! Maybe I'll just forward your "Question to seller" email right on to Ebay and let THEM decide who's "spamming" >; o ) and after looking at your email address, maybe it IS "just you" >>
It would be funny if the seller received a lot of e-mail.
Give Blood (Red Bags) & Platelets (Yellow Bags)!
Without any extraneous interpretation from me, here's the eBay policy on keyword spamming:
Keyword Spamming
What is Keyword Spamming?
Keyword spamming is the practice of including brand names or other inappropriate "keywords" for the purpose of gaining attention or diverting users to a listing. Keyword spamming is unfair to members who may be searching for a specific item and receive search engine results of listings that are not selling the item. It is also a manipulation of eBay's search engine. Users often are confused and frustrated by such tactics. Certain uses of brand names may also constitute trademark infringement and could expose sellers to legal liability.
eBay Policy on Keyword Spamming
Excessive use of keywords, including (but not limited to) brand names, which are referenced for the purpose of attracting or diverting buyers to a listing is considered keyword spamming and is not permitted.
Examples of Keyword Spamming
Here are some examples of keyword spamming that are not permitted:
Lists of words. (1.) The inclusion of words that are simply listed to attract viewers via our search engines and are not part of a context based item description. For example, it would not be permissible to state the following in your item description: "oil reproductions, art recreations, gallery, art gallery, impressionist, impressionism, oil paintings, reproduction, painting, recreation, copy, quality, reproductions, recreations, realistic, copies, paintings, old masters, replica, posters, prints, video..." (2.) The inclusion of words that are simply listed to divert viewers to your other eBay items. For example, it would not be permissible to state "Please view my other eBay listings for Beanie Babies, vintage Barbies, Rolex watches, and Chanel scarves." It would be acceptable to state "Please view my other eBay listings."
Hidden text. HTML included in the listing, such as hidden text (for example "white on white") or source tags (meta or header tags) are not permitted.
Drop down boxes. Inclusion of a drop down box in order to provide buyers with a list of items offered in other listings. Because the search engine will pick up words listed within the box, this interferes with the search results, and is thus not permitted. As an alternative, sellers may include drop down boxes on their About Me pages, as this would not interfere with the search engine.
Improper Use of Brand Names
Related to the keyword spamming issue is the use of brand names in your title or description. Please bear in mind that the following will also not be permitted:
Extra brand names in title. Any use of a trademarked (brand) name in the title of a listing where products of that brand name are not being offered.
Not this, not that. A title or description for a listing that reads, for example: "Gucci Purse (not Louis Vuitton, Armani, Prada)"; or "I also sell Gap, Nike, Gucci, Rolex, etc."; or "Please see my other listings for Beanie Babies, Pokemon and Star Wars items."
Improper Trademark Usage
Generally speaking, reference to more than one brand name in a description is considered keyword spamming. Under some circumstances it may be permissible to refer to other brands for comparison purposes or if you are selling a group of items in a single listing.
However, some uses of other brand names may be considered by the owners of the relevant trademarks to be infringements of their rights. For example, use of phrases such as "Chanel-like," "Movado-style," "Gucci?," "Prada" (in quotes) or "This "X" brand bag has leather just like a Coach bag" will likely lead to increased scrutiny of your listing by rights owners and the implication that the goods you are offering are not authentic.
In such cases, the trademark owner may submit a sworn statement to us concerning the alleged infringement through our Verified Rights Owner (VeRO) Program and request that your listing be ended early by eBay. We realize that many of you prefer to use a brand name for comparative purposes to best illustrate your item's particular style. However, we encourage you to first contact the trademark owner in question for their guidance as to what they consider to be permissible, before making any questionable use of a brand name.
To report key word spamming, click on Site Map at the top of any eBay page. Then click Rules & Safety near the bottom of the left column. Then type "Keyword" in the search box at the top of the mini box that just opened. Then click 4. Help : eBay Policies : Keyword Spamming. At the bottom of the next page you will see a link to report keyword spamming.
Russ, NCNE
But he is "not a toad"
That makes it even better! Here, let me try something:
What a doophus!
Russ, NCNE
<< <i>Its gone, some fool just bought it...............Ken >>
<< <i>Some coins [may] show a few (if any) VERY MINOR "surface" or "bag" marks, and/or some light "roll rub," (which IS normal). >>
Not the first seller on Ebay that has said some people on this Forum have a problem with whining.
He was keyword spamming, and he did change the auction. Whine whine whine.
Welcome aboard and enjoy your stay
with us for awhile.
Welcome aboard. Your first post speaks volumes about your good character. Look forward to seeing you around.
If you're actually the seller, and not some forum member screwing around, welcome aboard!
Russ, NCNE
Thanks to all of you for your understanding, forgiveness, and most of all your acceptance! I appreciate the very knowledgible contributions that each and everyone of you provide in this forum. I have been reading (and learning) a great deal this past week from each of you, and I can't be more remorseful for the way I acted! I respect your knowledge and hope to continue learning from it from now on. I hope Brian can be as understanding and as forgiving as you all have been, as I was pretty harsh on him (to say the least)! I realize now, that he was only trying to help. Thanks again ... to everyone! I HAVE seen the light, and I look forward to learning more about this wonderful hobby, and the wonderful, very knowledgible people involved with it. You guys (and girls) take care! I WILL be back, and I WILL walk softly ... I PROMISE! Dave
Happy to see you have joined the Forum and look forward to your continued participation. Enjoy your time here!
So, I bid 2¢ and that is my MAX, when you add in postage.
Now let me guess. You're either trying to be funny ( in a dumb kind of way ) or you've really not read this whole post.........Ken
Welcome to the boards. Thanks for the apology; I noted that you changed your auction, so I figured you went and found out about keyword spamming. As a measure of good faith, I will edit the title of this thread to take the word rude out.
Oh...... and Here's a big fat welcome to ya Dave!
But now I have, and I feel real stupid.
Dave, it takes a man of great character to say what you did. I offer my apology to you.
jeez, if you just can't stand it, get the he11 off of ebay! do something useful w/ your time!