with all due respect, CLANKEYE is my favorite contributor to this forum

w/ his skill at convering a wide range of topics, & the ability to approach from a different perspective each time, i don't think we other forum members can thank carl enough
his latest, an extraordinary introspective, easy to dismiss if you don't appreciate the subtlety:
give it up for clankeye!
PS: title changed to be more appropriate
his latest, an extraordinary introspective, easy to dismiss if you don't appreciate the subtlety:
give it up for clankeye!
PS: title changed to be more appropriate
"Senorita HepKitty"
"I want a real cool Kitty from Hepcat City, to stay in step with me" - Bill Carter
With all of the different ways in which forum members contribute here, I think it is all but impossible to fairly refer to one individual as "the best contributor". However, the name you mentioned (I'm sure it's merely a coincidence that he has the same first name as you, though it's spelled Carl, not Karl
i'm expressing my opinion only, but if i had to be limited to reading only theads that had been contributed to by only 1 individual, i'd pick clankeye
i generally don't like claims of "finest known", "the best", etc, in this case i don't mind saying that clankeye is #1 in my book
Long Live CLANKEYE, and may his pen never run out of ink!
The more we learn, the less we know.
and it sets us apart from practitioners and consultants. Gregor
Whether one agrees with you or not on everything or anything, it has always been apparent to me that your heart is that of a pure collector and lover of coins. You flabbergast me with this thread, and I thank you sincerely.
People of this forum have been very good to me. They have made me feel welcome and given me a sense of community. I hear it said every now and again that "it's just an internet forum--no big deal." But to me, it is a big deal. It has increased my enjoyment of this hobby ten fold to be able to come here and talk, laugh, gripe and moan with you all. In many ways it has been reconstructive for me, because I pretty much had stopped using the written word when I stumbled upon this place.
I have always thought one thing as I have watched this forum go through it's growing pains and turbulence. Whatever we get out of it as individuals is in direct relation to what energy we are willing to put into it. If that sounds too corny, I will now get off my soap box. But the truth is, I don't really feel like I have a "soap box."
I just like coins. And I like the people who collect them.
I have to say, I've enjoyed reading many peoples' posts, including Carl's and Karl's -- even if I don't always agree.
Despite the current geopolitical sentiments against France, their depictions of Liberty are among the most beautiful.
I also agree about Clanks contribution to this forum. He was actually the first forum member to make me feel welcome and the first one I ever traded
with here on the boards. He has a true passion for this hobby.
Russ, NCNE
Russ, NCNE
certainly on that list- - and no one comes up with better short stories.
Clank is one excellent person and collector, and I enjoy his and many others' cointributions to the forums. I too have learned tremendous amounts here, and I very much appreciate that. More importantly, I really love the wonderful, friendly human interaction that takes place here. Let it cointinue!
Happy Collecting!
"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you." -Luke 11:9
"Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD: And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might." -Deut. 6:4-5
"For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; He will save us." -Isaiah 33:22
And now I have said enough positive stuff and would like to spend some quality time being nasty and ill-tempered. I think I'll flame Coinguy1 for awhile....
<< <i>And now I have said enough positive stuff and would like to spend some quality time being nasty and ill-tempered. I think I'll flame Coinguy1 for awhile....
Carl >>
You know what really ticks me off? As hard as I try, I can't think of one negative thing to say about Mark, Alias Coinguy1
the whole is much greater than the sum of the parts
as it is w/ this forum.
for me, being a collector of un-slabbed coins only, i thought i was taking a big risk & maybe violating the whole concept behind this forum by lurking for a while, then starting to post. but i've gotten much much more out of this forum than i'd have ever expected.
As far as your icon, I have to say, I have grown accustomed to your face.
Russ, NCNE
Clankeye is the BEST - period!
I just had to scroll back to the top of the page to make sure I was on the U.S. Coin Forum!
"Clankeye" does indeed mean "quality"
You guys are killing me with kindness. But, I like it.
<< <i>Why does Russ get to say cokney and I don't? >>
I don't know why you can't say cockney. A speech impediment perhaps?
Russ, NCNE
<< <i>I enjoy all of CLANKEYE's posts. Stories, replies, etc. Always stop to see what he has to add.
Long Live CLANKEYE, and may his pen never run out of ink! >>
Hear! Hear! ... or his keyboard run out of electrons!
Come on over ... to The Dark Side!