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How is the Santa Clara coin show?

People are already posting pics of their new coins, but no posts on the show itself. Good, Bad, other? Any good stories?

Cameron Kiefer


  • flaminioflaminio Posts: 5,664 ✭✭✭
    It was OK. Lots of stuff I couldn't afford; nothing I wanted to buy (but my collection is fairly specialized and esoteric).

    The coolest thing I saw was an 1880 proof gold set, including *both* stellae. Neat-o.
  • not that is charming!!!! thanks baseball

    "the world is full of kings and queens, they blind your eyes and steal your dreams, it's Heaven and Hell"
  • I saw a few nice coins. I saw a few nice people. That got me excited!

    A few of us had a little show and tell. It turned out we all had some nicely toned Mercury dimes and some other things to show.

    I only saw half the show and will be back tomorrow.

    There was proof gold, toned Morgans and lots of other stuff. I didn't see any matte proof Lincolns yet.
  • I'm going there tomorrow for a bit. Will report back.


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