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Clank, how about: As Ms Coinboard Turns?

nwcsnwcs Posts: 13,386 ✭✭✭
I propose that Clank make the next Coinboard story into a soap opera format. For we've seen it all. Characters returning from the dead, insults being thrown around, a thin plot line developing. And I'm sure someone slept with a coin next to the bed.

And who says that coin collectors lead dull and uninteresting lives!



  • Good idea....................Ken
  • nwcsnwcs Posts: 13,386 ✭✭✭
    So Carl, how 'bout it?
  • airplanenutairplanenut Posts: 22,245 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Idea rating: Cool image

    Just remember these few steps and you have a soap opera:

    1- Someone is dying in the hospital
    2- That someone's spouse is cheating
    3- The cheater is cheating on their spouse
    4- The spouse of the sick person must get into an argument with the spouse of the person with whom they're cheating
    5- In the end, they must break down into tears

    I know so much image

    Jeremy image
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  • ClankeyeClankeye Posts: 3,928
    I think it's a great idea, Neil. You should run with it!

    As far as tomorrow's "Class" thingy, it's the final part 3 of a Coinalot story started last week.

    Thank God I wrote it before the weekend.

    Brevity is the soul of wit. --William Shakespeare
  • nwcsnwcs Posts: 13,386 ✭✭✭
    It would be fun to write one, but I'm not sure I'd have the same flair. image

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